The Serious Game App is a web-based application designed to facilitate interactive learning experiences in a classroom setting. It allows teachers to manage students, create classrooms, and initiate serious games where students can participate and learn through engaging activities on the XRP Ledger. It was made using Nuxt.js, Vue.js and MongoDB for the Database management
git clone
# npm
npm install
# pnpm
pnpm install
# yarn
yarn install
Here is how you can generate a secret key which will be later required , using a python compiler.
import os
In the root of your project, create a file named .env. This file will contain the environment variables necessary for the application to function correctly.
In the .env file, add the following lines, replacing <your_mongo_uri> and <your_secret_key_base> with your respective values:
'MONGO_URI': The connection URI to your MongoDB database. For example: mongodb+srv://
SECRET_KEY_BASE: A base secret key used for generating and verifying JWT tokens. This key should be a complex and secure string to ensure the security of your tokens. You can generate a secure key using the following
Now that you are setup you can start the development server : o
- Open your browser on
- Type in a terminal at the root of the project the following command :
# npm
npm run dev
npm run luc
# pnpm
pnpm run dev
# yarn
yarn dev
Build the application for production:
# npm
npm run build
# pnpm
pnpm run build
# yarn
yarn build
GET /api/classrooms - Fetch all classrooms
POST /api/classrooms - Create a new classroom
DELETE /api/classrooms - Delete all classrooms
GET /api/classrooms/:name - Fetch a specific classroom
POST /api/classrooms/:name - Add a student in a specific classroom
DELETE /api/classrooms/:name - Delete a student in a specific classroom
POST /api/jeu - Create a game instance
PUT /api/jeu - Update a game instance
PUT /api/jeu/oldest-transaction - Update the oldest transaction
POST /api/jeu/reset-game-stages - Reset game stages
POST /api/jeu/send-memo - Send a memo
PUT /api/jeu/update-multiple-stages - Update multiple game stages
GET /api/jeu/transactions/:soluce_account - Fetch transactions for a specific account
GET /api/test - Fetch test data
POST /api/test - Post test data
GET /api/test/transactions/:soluce_account - Fetch test transactions for a specific account
GET /api/users - Fetch all users
POST /api/users - Create a new user
DELETE /api/users - Delete an users
POST /api/users/login - User login
POST /api/users/logout - User logout
GET /api/users/verify - Verify user token
Generated using :
tree -I 'file1|file2|file3' > structure.txt
This command will ignore file1,file2,file3 and output the structure to structure.txt.
. // Root directory of the project
├── app.vue // Main application component
├── components // Directory containing reusable Vue components
│ ├── Admin // Components related to the admin functionality
│ │ ├── AddUser.vue // Component for adding a new user
│ │ └── Navbar.vue // Navigation bar component for the admin section
│ ├── ColorMode.vue // Component for managing color mode (dark/light theme)
│ ├── Student // Components related to the student functionality
│ │ └── Navbar.vue // Navigation bar component for the student section
│ └── Teacher // Components related to the teacher functionality
│ ├── AddClassroom.vue // Component for adding a new classroom
│ ├── AddStudent.vue // Component for adding a new student
│ └── Navbar.vue // Navigation bar component for the teacher section
├── layouts // Directory for layout components that define the structure of various pages
│ ├── admin.vue // Layout component for the admin section
│ ├── default.vue // Default layout component for general pages
│ ├── student.vue // Layout component for the student section
│ └── teacher.vue // Layout component for the teacher section
├── nuxt.config.ts // Configuration file for Nuxt.js
├── package.json // Metadata file for the project, including dependencies and scripts
├── package-lock.json // Lockfile for package management, ensuring consistent installs
├── pages // Directory containing page components that map to routes
│ ├── 1test.vue // Test page component
│ ├── 2test.vue // Another test page component
│ ├── admin // Directory for admin-related pages
│ │ └── index.vue // Index page for the admin section
│ ├── index.vue // Main index page of the application
│ ├── login.vue // Login page component
│ ├── routes.vue // Component for handling routes (possibly a routes overview page)
│ ├── student // Directory for student-related pages
│ │ └── index.vue // Index page for the student section
│ └── teacher // Directory for teacher-related pages
│ ├── index.vue // Index page for the teacher section
│ └── [name] // Dynamic route directory for teacher-related pages
│ ├── config.vue // Configuration page for a specific classroom
│ └── index.vue // Index page for a specific classroom
├── // Readme file with information about the project
├── server // Server-side code directory
│ ├── api // API endpoints directory
│ │ ├── classrooms // Endpoints related to classroom management
│ │ │ ├── index.delete.ts // Endpoint for deleting classrooms
│ │ │ ├── index.get.ts // Endpoint for fetching classrooms
│ │ │ ├── // Endpoint for creating classrooms
│ │ │ ├── [name].delete.ts // Endpoint for deleting a specific classroom
│ │ │ ├── [name].get.ts // Endpoint for fetching a specific classroom
│ │ │ └── [name].post.ts // Endpoint for updating a specific classroom
│ │ ├── jeu // Endpoints related to the game functionality
│ │ │ ├── // Endpoint for sending a big memo
│ │ │ ├── // Endpoint for creating a game instance
│ │ │ ├── index.put.ts // Endpoint for updating a game instance
│ │ │ ├── oldest-transaction.put.ts // Endpoint for updating the oldest transaction
│ │ │ ├── // Endpoint for resetting game stages
│ │ │ ├── // Endpoint for sending a memo
│ │ │ ├── transactions // Endpoints related to game transactions
│ │ │ │ └── [soluce_account].get.ts // Endpoint for fetching transactions for a specific account
│ │ │ └── update-multiple-stages.put.ts // Endpoint for updating multiple game stages
│ │ ├── test // Test endpoints directory
│ │ │ ├── index.get.ts // Endpoint for getting test data
│ │ │ ├── // Endpoint for posting test data
│ │ │ └── transactions // Endpoints related to test transactions
│ │ │ └── [soluce_account].ts // Endpoint for test transactions of a specific account
│ │ ├── [...].ts // Catch-all endpoint (wildcard route)
│ │ └── users // Endpoints related to user management
│ │ ├── index.delete.ts // Endpoint for deleting users
│ │ ├── index.get.ts // Endpoint for fetching users
│ │ ├── // Endpoint for creating users
│ │ ├── // Endpoint for user login
│ │ ├── // Endpoint for user logout
│ │ └── verify.get.ts // Endpoint for verifying user token
│ ├── client.ts // Client-side initialization script
│ ├── connectors // Directory for database connectors
│ │ └── mongo.ts // MongoDB connector
│ ├── middleware // Middleware functions for the server
│ │ ├── log.ts // Middleware for logging requests
│ │ └── secret.ts // Middleware for handling secrets
│ ├── plugins // Server-side plugins
│ │ └── startup.ts // Plugin for startup tasks
│ ├── tsconfig.json // TypeScript configuration file for the server
│ └── utils.ts // Utility functions for the server
├── tailwind.config.ts // Configuration file for Tailwind CSS
├── // Markdown file listing tasks to be done
├── tsconfig.json // TypeScript configuration file for the project
Check out the [deployment documentation]( for more information.
# additional package dependencies
```sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev libjpeg-dev libgif-dev librsvg2-dev
Look at the Nuxt 3 documentation to learn more.
Nuxt UI :