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Frontend Mentor - Order summary component

This is a solution to the Order summary component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

To build the Order summary component according to the given designs as close as possible.
The users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout depending on the users device's screen size
  • See hover states for interactive elements ('change', 'Proceed to Payment', and 'Cancel Order' button)


My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS (BEM naming convention used, see for more information)
  • Flexbox
  • Grid
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • Node.js - Open source and multiplatform JavaScript runtime environment
  • NPM - Package Manager for Node JavaScript platform
  • Browsersync - Synchronous browser testing (in collaboration with Gulp)
  • Gulp - Build tool used as workflow automation tool
  • Sass - CSS Preprocessor (in collaboration with Gulp)
  • GitHub - Technological platform based on Git
  • Git - Free and open source distributed version control system

What I learned

  1. Always use semantic compliants-standard HTML
  2. To keep testing the application for Web Accessibility
  3. To spend time looking at the details of the given designs, to create the application as close as possible to it
  4. How to implement the BEM (Block Element Modifier) naming convention in a project, and how to write the SCSS with it
  5. How CSS Grid works
  6. How to organize my SCSS with Sass partials and modules, and keep my SCSS organized
  7. Why structured data is important, and how to implement it for this specific project

Continued development

The way I want to continue to develop myself is by focusing on laying out a proper foundation of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This so I can build quality websites for clients by just using the core languages of the Web. At the present, I am working on the above things by going through (interactive) articles on the MDN Web Docs (see chapter Useful resources).

Another way I want to improve my knowledge of these subjects is to do more challenges that Frontend Mentor is offering, starting at the lowest level and building that up to the more advanced ones.

Besides the above, I want to continue to develop myself by using several tools more often to improve my workflow. and spend less time doing things that can be automated.

A few tools that I will start using more often are:

  1. Gulp
  2. Git
  3. GitHub

I will learn the above-mentioned points in-between but do not want to focus myself too much on those at the moment.

As soon as I am capable of creating quality websites with the core languages of the Web, I will start to learn JavaScript libraries and frameworks. Both of these change over time, so I do not want to spend my time on those before I have a solid understanding of prior mentioned languages.

Useful resources
