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What is this repository for?

Train DRL agents on ROS compatible simulations for autonomous navigation in highly dynamic environments. Flatland-DRL integration is based on Ronja Gueldenring's repo: drl_local_planner_ros_stable_baselines. Following features are included:

  • Ros-melodic compatible version of drl_local_planner_ros stable_baselines (see Franklins notes at the end for specific modification details)
  • Setup to train a local planner with reinforcement learning approaches from stable baselines integrated ROS
  • Training in a simulator fusion of Flatland and pedsim_ros
  • Local planner has been trained on static and dynamic obstacles: video
  • Combination with arena2d levels for highly randomized training and better generalization


Overall workflow of arena-flatland. As a 2d simulator, flatland is utilized. For detailed documentation see: . The agent files including network designs and DRL algorithms are reralized in python.

teaser results

Architecture of arena-flatland


  1. Standard ROS setup (Code has been tested with ROS-melodic on Ubuntu 18.04) with catkin_ws
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y \
libqt4-dev \
libopencv-dev \
liblua5.2-dev \
screen \
ros-melodic-tf2-geometry-msgs \
ros-melodic-navigation \
  1. Clone this repo into your catkin_ws
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws && catkin_make
cd src
git clone
cd arena-flatland
  1. Copy Install file and install forks
mv .rosinstall ../ 
cd ..
rosws update
  1. Install virtual environment and wrapper (as root or admin!) on your local pc (without conda activated) to be able to use python3 with ros
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
sudo pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
which virtualenv   # should output /usr/local/bin/virtualenv  
  1. Create venv folder inside hom directory
cd $HOME
mkdir python_env   # create a venv folder in your home directory 

Add this into your .bashrc/.zshrc :

echo "export WORKON_HOME=/home/linh/python_env   #path to your venv folder
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3   #path to your python3 
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV=/usr/local/bin/virtualenv
source /usr/local/bin/
source ~/.zsh" >> ~/.zshrc

Create a new venv

mkvirtualenv --python=python3.6 arena-flatland-py3
workon arena-flatland-py3

Install packages inside your venv:

pip3 install pyyaml rospkg catkin_pkg exception numpy=="1.18.5" tensorflow=="1.5.0" gym pyquaternion mpi4py matplotlib netifaces scikit-build
  1. Install and build additional packages from drl_forks
cd drl_local_planner_forks/stable_baselines/ 
pip3 install -e .
cd $HOME/catkin_ws
  1. Create folders for training results and eval data (you can follow the same structure as below)
cd $HOME/catkin_ws
mkdir -p data/{evaluation_data,tensorboard_log_ppo_10}/{train,test,evaluation_sets}    

  1. Set system-relevant variables
  • Modify all relevant paths in rl_bringup/config/path_config.ini
echo "path_to_venv=/home/user/python_env/arena-flatland-py3
ros_version=melodic" >> ~/catkin_ws/src/arena-flatland/rl_bringup/config/path_config.ini
  1. Include source to your setup.zsh/bash for ros packages
echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.zsh" >> ~/catkin_ws/setup.zsh
  1. Now you are ready to use arena-flatland. Remeber to Activate your venv to run the training.

Note: if you are using ROS Kinetic

  1. Follow the same steps but install the ros packages for kinteic (instead of ros-melodic-rviz, install ros-kinetc-rviz, etc.)
  2. Export Pythonpath to point to your venv because kinetic will look at its internal site packages for the opencv lib.
export PYTHONPATH="/home/linh/python_env/arena-flatland-gpu/lib/python3.6/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH"

Example Usage

  1. Train agent

    • Open first terminal (roscore):
    • Open second terminal (simulationI:
    roslaunch rl_bringup setup.launch ns:="sim1" rl_params:="rl_params_scan"
    • Open third terminal (DRL-agent):
    source <path_to_venv>/bin/activate 
    python $HOME/catkin_ws/src/arena-flatland/rl_agent/scripts/train_scripts/
    • Open fourth terminal (Visualization):
    roslaunch rl_bringup rviz.launch ns:="sim1"
  2. Execute self-trained ppo-agent

    • Copy your trained agent in your "path_to_models"
    • Open first terminal:
    • Open second terminal:
    roslaunch rl_bringup setup.launch ns:="sim1" rl_params:="rl_params_scan"
    • Open third terminal:
    source <path_to_venv>/venv_p3/bin/activate 
    roslaunch rl_agent run_ppo_agent.launch mode:="train"
    • Open fourth terminal:
    roslaunch rl_bringup rviz.launch ns:="sim1"
    • Set 2D Navigation Goal in rviz

Examples: Run pretrained Agents

Note: To be able to load the pretrained agents, you need to install numpy version 1.17.0.

<path_to_venv>/venv_p3/bin/pip install numpy==1.17

Run agent trained on raw data, discrete action space, stack size 1

  1. Copy the example_agents in your "path_to_models"
  2. Open first terminal:
  3. Open second terminal for visualization:
    roslaunch rl_bringup rviz.launch ns:="sim1"
  4. Open third terminal:
    roslaunch rl_bringup setup.launch ns:="sim1" rl_params:="rl_params_scan"
  5. Open fourth terminal:
    source <path_to_venv>/venv_p3/bin/activate 
    roslaunch rl_agent run_1_raw_disc.launch mode:="train"

Run agent trained on raw data, discrete action space, stack size 3

  1. Step 1 - 4 are the same like in the first example
  2. Open fourth terminal:
    source <path_to_venv>/venv_p3/bin/activate 
    roslaunch rl_agent run_3_raw_disc.launch mode:="train"

Run agent trained on raw data, continuous action space, stack size 1

  1. Step 1 - 4 are the same like in the first example
  2. Open fourth terminal:
    source <path_to_venv>/venv_p3/bin/activate 
    roslaunch rl_agent run_1_raw_cont.launch mode:="train"

Run agent trained on image data, discrete action space, stack size 1

  1. Step 1 - 3 are the same like in the first example
  2. Open third terminal:
    roslaunch rl_bringup setup.launch ns:="sim1" rl_params:="rl_params_img"
  3. Open fourth terminal:
    source <path_to_venv>/venv_p3/bin/activate 
    roslaunch rl_agent run_1_img_disc.launch mode:="train"

Franklin's notes for old repository:

in folder: flatland





in folder: pedsim




boost:: shared_ptr


const function<void (boost:: shared_ptr


const boost:: function<void (boost:: shared_ptr

install baseline

cd <path_to_catkin_ws>/src/drl_local_planner_forks/stable_baselines/ workon arenapy3 pip install -e .

in folder: ws_drl_my/src/drl_local_planner_forks/flatland/flatland_plugins/include/flatland_plugins

"-std=c++11" is not enough , add #include<bits/stdc++.h>