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ULX3S Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to install FPGA development tools, synthesize a RISC-V core, compile and install programs and run them on a ULX3S.

Install open-source FPGA development toolchain

Before starting, you will need to install the open-source FPGA development toolchain (Yosys, NextPNR etc...), instructions to do so are given here.

(Optional) Configure femtosoc and femtorv32

Time to edit learn-fpga/FemtoRV/RTL/CONFIGS/ulx3s_config.v. This file lets you define what type of RISC-V processor you will create, and which device drivers in the associated system-on-chip. By default the small OLED screen is configured. It does not harm, but you can comment-out the corresponding line if you do not have it (SSD1331), more on this below.


You can now compile the firmware, synthesize the design and send it to the device. Plug the device in a USB port, then:

$make ULX3S

The first time you run it, it will download RISC-V development tools (takes a while). The default firmware includes a file browser, that can load elf executables stored on an SDCard. If you have the small OLED screen plugged, then you will see a message indicating that the SDCard was not found. You can also plug a monitor to the not-HDMI connector. My (crappy) OS is made possible by @ultraembedded's fat io lib, a wonderful piece of software that lets you read files from a fat-formatted medium. In a near future I'll add a command-line version.

Example programs

The directories FIRMWARE/EXAMPLES and FIRMWARE/ASM_EXAMPLES contain programs in C and assembly that you can run on the device.

To compile a program:

$make program.elf

(to compile all examples, use make everything), then copy all the .elf files to a FAT-formatted micro SDCard, insert it into the ULX3S, reset the ULX3S using the fire button that is above the SDCard.

Now you can browse using the up and down buttons, and run the selected program using the right button. To exit a program, reset the device using the reset button (above the SDCard).

There are several C and assembly programs you can play with (list below). To learn more about RISC-V assembly, see the RISC-V specifications, in particular the instruction set and the programmer's manual.

ASCII-art version of the Mandelbrot set, computed by a program in assembly (ASM_EXAMPLES/mandelbrot_terminal.S)

Program Description
ASM_EXAMPLES/blinker_shift.S the blinker program, using shifts
ASM_EXAMPLES/blinker_wait.S the blinker program, using a delay loop
ASM_EXAMPLES/test_serial.S reads characters from the serial over USB, and sends them back
ASM_EXAMPLES/mandelbrot_terminal.S computes the Mandelbrot set and displays it in ASCII art
EXAMPLES/hello.c displays a welcome message
EXAMPLES/sieve.c computes prime numbers


Let us do some graphics. For this, you have two options:

  • the FGA (Femto Graphic Adapter) is a graphic board, that outputs video to the HDMI connector of the ULX3S,
  • connect a small OLED display to the OLED1 connector of the ULX3S.

These options can be selected in RTL/CONFIGS/ulx3s_config.v. You can activate both if you want. If both are activated, the firmware mirrors what's displayed on the OLED display and sends it through HDMI.

FGA (Femto Graphic Adapter)

The Femto Graphic Adapter supports the following mode:

Mode Description
320x200x16bpp 65536 colors, RGB
320x200x8bpp 256 colors, colormapped, two pages
640x400x4bpp 16 colors, colormapped

It supports hardware-accelerated FILLRECT operation, also used to clear the screen, and to draw scanlines in polygon fill (it is 7 times faster than a software loop).

OLED screen

It is not mandatory, but it is cool to add a small OLED display. You got two options, SSD1331 (top image row below) or SSD1351 (bottom image row), both are supported by the hardware/firmware (activate NRV_IO_SSD1351 or NRV_IO_SSD1331 in'RTL/CONFIGS/ulx3s_config.v').

SSD1331 OLED display, mechanically fits well on the ULX3S SSD1351 OLED display (larger screen), connected to the ULX3S with wires

Which one should I use ? Here is a side-by-side comparizon to help you:

SSD1351 SSD1331
+A large tiny screen ! -A bit too tiny
-Needs wires on the ULX3S +Fits well on a ULX3S
-Cannot flip/rotate +Flexible configuration
-Nearly no accel. primitives +HW accel fillrect,scroll,copy
  • For both: luminous and crisp rendering, much better than LCD !
  • For both: last but not least, supported by FemtoRV32/FemtoSOC !!

Then my recommendation is SSD1331 for ULX3S (and SSD1351 for other boards). The main reason is that mechanically, SSD1331 fits very well with the ULX3S. You will need to solder header pins to the ULX3S (or ask a skilled friend, which is what I did, thank you @ssloy !!!). On the SSD1331, you can solder a female header, as shown on the top row images (my 14 years old son Nathan did the soldering, he is good !). For the SSD1351, connect the wires according to the names on the ULX3S and the names on the display. Note that the pin names may vary a bit, refer to this table:

pin name on the ULX3S pin description other possible names on the display
CS Chip Select
DC Data/Command
VCC +3.3V
GND Ground

If you removed it from the configuration, do not forget to edit RTL/CONFIGS/ulx3s_config.v and uncomment the line with NRV_IO_SSD1331 or NRV_IO_SSD1351, then re-synthethise and send to device using: make ULX3S in the FemtoRV32 directory.

Let us compile a test program:

$ cd FIRMWARE/examples
$ make gfx_test.elf

Copy it to the SDCard, insert it in the ulx3s, restart the device, and start the program.

If everything goes well, you will see an animated colored pattern on the screen. Note that the text-mode demos (hello.c and sieve.c) still work and now display text on the screen. There are other programs that you can play with:

(The black diagonal stripes are due to display refresh, they are not visible normally).

Program Description
ASM_EXAMPLES/test_OLED.S displays an animated pattern.
ASM_EXAMPLES/mandelbrot_OLED.S displays the Mandelbrot set.
EXAMPLES/cube.c displays a rotating 3D cube.
EXAMPLES/mandelbrot.c displays the Mandelbrot set (C version).
EXAMPLES/riscv_logo.c a rotozoom with the RISCV logo (back to the 90's).
EXAMPLES/spirograph.c rotating squares.
EXAMPLES/gfx_test.c displays an animated pattern (C version).
EXAMPLES/gfx_demo.c demo of graphics functions(old chaps, remember EGAVGA.bgi ?).
EXAMPLES/test_font_OLED.c test font rendering.
EXAMPLES/sysconfig.c displays femtosoc and femtorv configurations.
Larger ones (that would not fit on IceStick)
EXAMPLES/imgui_xxxx.c some ports from ImGui challenge.
EXAMPLES/mandelbrot_float_OLED.c displays the Mandelbrot set (floating-point version, using gcc's software FP).
EXAMPLES/tinyraytracer.c a port from TinyRaytracer.

The LIBFEMTORV32 library includes some basic font rendering, 2D polygon clipping and 2D polygon filling routines.

File access on the SDCard

Once again, @ultraembedded's fat io lib is really an awesome piece of software. In a couple of .c files, it provides a self-contained library and implementations of fopen(), fread(), fwrite() and fclose(). Let us see how to use that to port a Y2K demo called ST-NICCC. The demo uses a precomputed stream of 2D polygons stored in a file. To generate the demo, first copy the file FIRMWARE/EXAMPLES/DATA/scene1.dat (from the original ST-NICCC demo) to the SDCard. Then generate the executable:

$ make ST_NICCC.elf

then copy ST_NICCC.elf to the SDCard, insert the SDCard in the ULX3S and restart it, then select ST_NICCC.elf using the up/down buttons and start it using the right button.

Note: there is also a version ST_NICCC_spi_flash.c that reads data from the SPI Flash (the same component that stores the FPGA configuration in which there is sufficient room to store additional data). It is used by the IceStick version. It works also on the ULX3S (see instructions in the source).

More about not-HDMI and FGA (Femto Graphics Adapter)

There are several programs that you can use, in FIRMWARE/EXAMPLES:

Program Description
EXAMPLES/test_FGA.c Displays an animated colored pattern.
EXAMPLES/tinyraytracer.c A port from TinyRaytracer.
EXAMPLES/ST_NICCC.c A port of the ST_NICCC demo

Compile them by cd FIRMWARE/EXAMPLES then make xxx.elf where xxx is the name of the program. Copy the generated .elf executable to the SDCard. Plug the HDMI monitor to the ULX3S. Select the program using the up and down buttons, run it with the right button. The button near the SDCard is the reset button.

If you want to write your own programs, it is very easy, just use FGA_setpixel(X,Y,R,G,B) where X and Y are the coordinates (resolution is 320x200) and R,G,B the color components, each in 0..255.

If you want to do animations, you may need to directly write to the graphic memory. Graphic memory starts at address FGA_BASEMEM. Each pixel is encoded in 16 bits. The macro GL_RGB encodes a pixel from its r,g,b components (each of them between 0 and 255). The FGA_setpixel function is written as follows:

static inline FGA_setpixel(int x, int y, uint8_t R, uint8_t G, uint8_t B) {
  ((uint16_t*)FGA_BASEMEM)[320*y+x] = GL_RGB(R,G,B);

It tells you everyhting you need if you want to implement your own optimized graphic primitives. The GL_RGB macro shifts and combines the components. It uses the same encoding as for the small OLED screen.


MORE TO COME / TO BE CONTINUED (with a cleaner FemtOS, priviledged instructions, system calls, floating-point instructions, PS/2 mouse and keyboard, ImGui port...)