Releases: Yoast/Yoast-SEO-for-Neos
ADDED: Some notes to readme on how to fix policy issues after install
CHANGED: Create page url for snippet preview more reliably
CHANGED: New example pictures in readme
CHANGED: Match key phrase labels in inspector to snippet preview
CHANGED: Longer delay between editing and restarting the analysis
FIXED: Don't lose title and description in inspector when switching nodes on same page
FIXED: Render correct title attributes on analysis results in inspector
FIXED: Don't recompile title template in snippet preview when analysis updates
0.2.0 Almost there
This is the version of this package that contains all the main functionalities planned for the first stable release.
The main focus was on a tighter integration to new Neos React UI and use the yoast-components library which contains React UI components provided by Yoast BV. This allows to reduce the amount of custom code for this package and make it easy to update and stay close to the brand.
This release contains 58 changes which were done since beginning of December 2018.
These breaks down to the following main ones:
ADDED: Analysis is persisted when switching between nodes on the same document
ADDED: First end-to-end tests for backend integration
ADDED: Refresh analysis after changes for inspector view and snippet editor
ADDED (beta): Show text parts found by some analysis results in a modal. This feature is not final in it's current state!
CHANGED: The snippet preview is now fully built with React components provided by Yoast BV and integrates better with the Neos React UI. Therefore support for the old UI is limited to version 0.1.* of this package.
CHANGED: Both the snippet preview and inspector view use the same data and both use the web worker for analysis to not block the backend interaction.
CHANGED: Use methods from Yoast library to correctly measure title widths
CHANGED: Title override will not be limited anymore as the title with measurement takes precedence
FIXED: Correctly handle the uri path segment of the homepage and ignore it in the breadcrumb
FIXED: Fields in snippet editor cannot contain line breaks anymore
FIXED: When switching to content nodes the analysis will still show results for the document node
To make the package work well with Neos CMS this also lead to several fixes and improvements in the Neos core packages Neos.Seo and Neos.UI. So be sure to stay up-to-date there to have the best experience.
0.1.0 Last feature release with support for old Neos UI
As it's getting harder and harder to support the old UI and the new one at the same time,
this will be the last feature release during the beta phase which supports both.
As the Yoast library itself has now mostly moved to React, it just makes sense to integrate smoothly with the Neos based React UI supported from Neos 3.3+.
Old UI: If you want to use the old UI just stay on versions 0.1.x. There will be still bug fixes if necessary.
New UI: If you want all the new features you can soon update on 0.2.0 which will be released soon.
There shouldn't be many reasons anymore to stay on the old UI!
- BUGFIX: Load correct translations for analysis in inspector
- BUGFIX: Load correct German translation files (previously used non-formal file, which is not fully translated)
- TASK: Make certain that Yoast preview mode is listed after in place editing
FEATURE: Enable analysis tab when viewing content elements
FEATURE: Allow changing content selector for analysis, solving #29
Updated YoastSEO library and translations to 1.48.0
Flipped seo and keyword research in inspector
Adapted icons in inspector to Neos UI 3.1.0
Improved installation description
Some code cleanup
- Update YoastSEO library and translations to 1.46.0
- Fix compatibility with Neos 3.3
- Fix refresh when editing focus keyword in SEO view
- Updated translations from YoastSEO
- Update YoastSEO library and translations to 1.43.0
- Add quick switch button to snippet preview in inspector view
- Adjust layout and styling of inspector analysis to follow Yoast brand and Wordpress version
- Switch to web worker to generate analysis in inspector view without blocking the javascript process
- Reduce file size of js
- Update translations (Sadly some languages including German have less translations currently as those are not finished yet for the yoast plugin, but they are working on it)
- Url preview in snippet preview is now less buggy (still buggy on a homepage)
- Update YoastSEO library and translations to 1.40.0
- Improved link visibility of Yoast hints in new Neos UI
- Removed visible SEO and content scores
- Added loading spinner for SEO edit mode