- [Dec 25 2020] PixelSSL v0.1.4 is Released!
v0.1.4 supports the CutMix semi-supervised learning algorithm for pixel-wise classification.
- [Nov 06 2020] PixelSSL v0.1.3 is Released!
v0.1.3 supports the CCT semi-supervised learning algorithm for pixel-wise classification.
- [Oct 28 2020] PixelSSL v0.1.2 is Released!
v0.1.2 supports PSPNet and its SSL results for semantic segmentation task.
[Sep 16 2020] PixelSSL v0.1.1 is Released!
v0.1.1 supports the S4L semi-supervised learning algorihm and fixes some bugs in the demo code of semantic segmentation task.Bug fix:
- Fixed the bug of the ASPP module in the DeepLabV2 model.
- Fixed the bug of sharing
when calculating the semantic segmentation metric in multi-model SSL algorithm, e.g., MT, GCT.