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32 lines (31 loc) · 1.92 KB

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32 lines (31 loc) · 1.92 KB


This program solves the wordle of the day and then optionally posts the results to discord channel

How it works?

Main program

  • The program has a list of all possible wordle words and picks the first one in the list
  • The program then enters the word to the DOM using selenium webdriver
  • The program then retrieves the information given (using selenium) from wordle and stores the correct letters, present letters, and absent letters
  • Using the correct, present, and absent letters the program can skip over words that aren't possible knowing what words are correct, present, and absent
  • The program will continue to guess words using the correct, present, and absent knowledge until it either runs out of tries or guesses the correct letter

Optional program

  • After the wordle game is finished you have the option to post your results to a discord channel
  • This will require your username, password, and the channel_id your want to post to

How to run the program yourself?

To run this program you will need the following installed on your PC:

  1. Java JDK 17+ with the path to the /bin folder set on your environmental variables
    • To check if you have this, open your command prompt (cmd) and type java --version. If it says that command is not found then you either
      • Don't have Java JDK
      • Don't have your environment path variables set to Java JDK bin

To run this program do the following:

  1. Click on v1.0.0 WordleSolver under Releases img.png
  2. Download
  3. Extract folder
  4. cd to WordleSolver folder
  5. type "java -jar WordleSolver.jar" without quotes img_1.png
  6. A popup will appear asking for username, password, and channel_id information
    • Leave text fields blank or press cancel to have program only solve wordle
    • If you want results to be posted to discord you must fill out information

