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TODO — publishing library

  • Setup/install instructions
  • Demo usage

React API docs

There are two options for introducing translated text to client-side code: a I18N.text() function call or the <I18N> JSX element.


The function signature differs for single and pluralized text translations. Note that for both, the config does not support interpolating React Nodes, because this function returns a string. If you need to support interpolating React Nodes, then you should use the component.

Singular string translations

I18N.text(contents, id?, config?)


  • contents: String that should be translated.
  • id?: Optional string ID to assign translation.
  • config?: Optional config object for string interpolation.
// Examples
const str = I18N.text('This is my text');
const str = I18N.text('Translate this text', 'text-id');
// With interpolation
// The sprintf-derived pattern is '%(variable)s'. The 's' is not printed.
const str = I18N.text('Hello %(name)s', { name: 'Pablo' });
const str = I18N.text('Hello %(name)s', 'my-id', { name: 'Pablo' });

Pluralized string translations

I18N.text(contents, id, config)


  • contents: Object with zero, one, and other keys, with associated values to display based on count.
  • id: Required string ID.
  • config: Config object for determining translation plurality (and optionally, string interpolation). The count key is required and must store a numeric value.
// Examples
const countVar = 1;
const str = I18N.text(
    zero: 'Text for count=0',
    one: 'Text for count=1',
    other: 'Text for -1>=count>1'
  { count: countVar },

// With interpolation
const str = I18N.text(
  { zero: 'No %(item)s', one: 'One %(item)s', other: 'Multiple %(item)s' },
  { count: 0, item: "fish" },

Translations by reference

Existing I18N translations may be used in multiple places, by reference.

const str = I18N.textById('This is my text');
const str = I18N.textById('my-id', { name: 'Pablo' });
const str = I18N.textById('plural-id', { count: 1 });

JSX: <I18N>

Basic usage

<I18N>Hello, this is translatable text.</I18N>
<I18N id="my-id">Here is more translatable text.</I18N>

String interpolation

<I18N name={someVar}>
  Welcome, %(name)s

<I18N id="greeting" name={someVar}>
  Welcome, %(name)s

Translations by reference

<I18N.Ref id="Hello, this is translatable text"/>
<I18N.Ref id="my-id"/>
// With interpolation
<I18N.Ref id="greeting" name="Pablo" />

React component injection

It's common to want to add markup or React components to translations, such as when trying to add styling (e.g. bold) to part of a translation. This is supported by injecting React components using interpolation:

<I18N name={<b>{someVar}</b>}>
Hello %(name)s, how are you?

<I18N someDropdown={<Dropdown>{options}</Dropdown>}>
I want to choose %(someDropdown)s option


Currently, <I18N> does not support pluralized translations. Instead, use the I18N.text() function inside JSX, e.g. <Button>{I18N.text(…)}</Button>.

Note: reserved keywords

% is a reserved character and should be used a double character %% like I18N.text('%% of users') to give "% of users". This is also true for translations in other languages. If the page does not load with the error Uncaught SyntaxError: [sprintf] unexpected placeholder in the console, then this is the issue.

The following keys are reserved and will not work as interpolation variables: "children", "id", "locale", and "fallback".

"count" is a reserved keyword only for singular strings, but for pluralized strings, it may be used for interpolation (i.e. the "count" key is required for pluralization, and you may use "%(count)s" to print its value). Remember that it can only hold a numeric value as required by the pluralization API.


Keeping translations synchronized

The generate_translations script handles the following cases:

  • New I18N text added → translation added in English*
  • I18N text deleted → translation deleted from all languages
  • I18N text ID changed → translation ID updated in all languages
  • I18N text value changed → English translation value updated; all other translations tagged as @outOfSync since the non-English text may be incorrect**

*New I18N text keys/values are initially only added in English. When non-English languages are missing a translation key, the platform will default to the English text.

**To find all @outOfSync tags, run yarn cli-translations list_out_of_sync.

How are non-English translations added/updated?

  1. Export

    Export the translations using yarn cli-translations export --locale <locale to translate> --out <out filepath>.

  • CSV columns are filepath, id, english, translation, status where status is "Up to date," "Missing," or "Out of sync."
  • Export translations of a certain status by adding --missing and/or --out_of_sync flag.
  • Pluralized translation values are exported as three different rows (all with the same key).
  1. Update

    Your translator will add translated values to the "translation" column in the exported CSV.

  2. Import

    Given a CSV file with, at least, the three required columns ("id", "filename", and "translation"), run yarn cli-translations import --locale <locale code> --input <csv filepath>

Adding a new locale

To add a new locale, simply run yarn cli-translations add_locale --locale <code> with the ISO code of your new locale. This will create empty {} objects for the new locale in every existing i18n.js file and additionally add the code to the list of acceptable locales so that the import script will work.

Contribution Suggestions

  • Expand reference capabilities (i.e. <I18N.Ref> and I18N.textById()) to accept identifiers, not just string literals, as translations ids. See NOTEs in scripts/collectReferencesFromFile.js and remember that getPropStringFromI18NJSX will need to return non-string props.
  • Refactor _checkForReferenceMatch in scripts/listDanglingReferences.js to build a set of all ids for faster lookup.
  • Refactor _findFilesThatImportI18N in scripts/generateTranslations.js to use ripgrep rg for performance e.g. rg -l -t js '^import I18N' '<project folder>'
  • Adjust locale codes to comply with ICU standard: