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Zer0CoolX edited this page Feb 12, 2019 · 6 revisions


The Apache Guacamole install script is intended to be used under certain circumstances. Its important to understand what these circumstances are, what the script does/does not do and what to expect before attempting to use it.

The biggest warning: By using this instillation script you are doing so at your own risk. There is no warranty or guarantee implied or expressly given. You are responsible for ensuring that if you do chose to use this script, you test it in a safe environment and ensure it works for your needs. No one is responsible if you chose to use this script and lose data, work, time, etc.

  • The script is intended to be run on RHEL and CentOS 7.x and up ONLY.
    • I only test the script and revisions on the latest stable RHEL and/or CentOS release. This means older 7.x revisions may stop being compatible without warning.
  • It is meant to be installed on a clean/fresh install of RHEL or CentOS. Trying the script on a server running other software, especially with any overlap of the software setup by the script will likely have negative results.
  • It is critical that should you chose to use this script, you do so in a safe testing environment and take all precautions prior to attempting to use it in production.
  • Be sure you have read the documentation and understand the script, prompts and goals prior to running the script.

Other Things to Know

  • The script runs yum update.
  • The script does NOT disable not set SELinux to permissive mode. It aims to correctly set the booleans and context of the required elements used by Guacamole and its dependent packages.
  • The script opens the firewalld ports required for HTTP and HTTPS services as well as ports 808/tcp and 8443/tcp on the server.
  • All the required services are enabled and started at the completion of the script. They should start automatically any time the server is restarted.