ARTS is a webserver and analysis pipeline for screening for known and putative antibiotic resistance markers in order to identify and prioritize their corresponding biosynthetic gene clusters. ARTS can be installed locally or you can use the free public webserver located at
See for a guide on installing the main analaysis pipeline independantly.
See for a guide on installing the webserver independantly.
Firstly, if you don't have Docker, you should install the Docker engine on your computer. Please check out the latest version of Docker on the official website.
To run ARTS Image, you should download the "" file from the command line or from the repository using a web browser.
mkdir ARTSdocker && cd ARTSdocker
Note: Python 3.x is needed to run "".
- ARTS Image include only actinobacteria reference set. If you need other reference sets, please download and unzip all of them.
mkdir ARTSdocker && cd ARTSdocker
- Enter the required arguments and run the script
python [-h] [input] [resultdir] [-optional_arguments]
usage: [-h] [-refdir REFDIR] [-hmms HMMDBLIST] [-cchmms CUSTCOREHMMS] [-chmms CUSTOMHMMS]
[-rhmm RNAHMMDB] [-t THRESH] [-cpu MULTICPU] [-opt OPTIONS] [-org ORGNAME]
[-pbt PREBUILTTREES] [-ras] [-rbsc]
input resultdir
Start from genbank file and compare with pre-computed reference for Duplication and Transfers
positional arguments:
input gbk file to start query. For multi-genome input, put commas without any space between the
resultdir Directory to store results
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-refdir REFDIR Directory of precomputed reference files (default="~/actinobacteria/")
-hmms HMMDBLIST, --hmmdblist HMMDBLIST
hmm file, directory, or list of hmm models for core gene id
-cchmms CUSTCOREHMMS, --custcorehmms CUSTCOREHMMS
User supplied core models. hmm file
-chmms CUSTOMHMMS, --customhmms CUSTOMHMMS
User supplied resistance models. hmm file
-rhmm RNAHMMDB, --rnahmmdb RNAHMMDB
RNA hmm models to run (default: None)
-t THRESH, --thresh THRESH
Hmm reporting threshold. Use global bitscore value or Model specific options: gathering= GA,
trusted= TC, noise= NC(default: none)
-cpu MULTICPU, --multicpu MULTICPU
Turn on Multi processing set # Cpus (default: Off, 1)
-opt OPTIONS, --options OPTIONS
Analysis to run. phyl=phylogeny, kres=known resistance, duf=Domain of unknown function,
expert=Exploration mode, (default: phyl,kres,duf)
-org ORGNAME, --orgname ORGNAME
Explicitly specify organism name
Directory of prebuilt trees
-ras, --runantismash Run input file through antismash first
-rbsc, --runbigscape Run antismash results through bigscape
- For basic run with positional arguments;
python /PATH/input_genome.gbk /PATH/result_folder
- To use antiSMASH, please use:
python /PATH/input_genome.gbk /PATH/result_folder -ras
- To use other reference sets (default: actinobacteria);
python /PATH/input_genome.gbk /PATH/result_folder -refdir /PATH/reference_set_file
- For multi-genome input, it is enough to put commas without any space between the paths of genome files;
python /PATH/input_genome1.gbk,/PATH/input_genome2.gbk,/PATH/input_genome3.gbk /PATH/result_folder
- It is possible to run ARTS if there is a .json files of antiSMASH 6 results;
python /PATH/antismash_result.json /PATH/result_folder
- To run ARTS analysis options, please use
parameter (default: phyl,kres,duf);
python /PATH/input_genome.gbk /PATH/result_folder -ras -opt kres,duf,expert
- To run the BiG-SCAPE algorithms, please use
python /PATH/input_genome1.gbk,/PATH/input_genome2.gbk /PATH/result_folder -ras -rbsc
If you have any issues please feel free to contact us at [email protected]
This software is licenced under the GPLv3. See LICENCE.txt for details.
If you found ARTS to be helpful, please cite us:
Mungan,M.D., Alanjary,M., Blin,K., Weber,T., Medema,M.H. and Ziemert,N. (2020) ARTS 2.0: feature updates and expansion of the Antibiotic Resistant Target Seeker for comparative genome mining. Nucleic Acids Res.,10.1093/nar/gkaa374
Alanjary,M., Kronmiller,B., Adamek,M., Blin,K., Weber,T., Huson,D., Philmus,B. and Ziemert,N. (2017) The Antibiotic Resistant Target Seeker (ARTS), an exploration engine for antibiotic cluster prioritization and novel drug target discovery. Nucleic Acids Res.,10.1093/nar/gkx360