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Using Zimlet Data

Luc Grégoire edited this page Nov 13, 2019 · 11 revisions


Zimlets can provide data to be consumed by the host application. A Zimlet can register, mutate and unregister data.

Register Data

Zimlets can provide data to the host application by calling registerData on the 'plugins' reference you get from context.

  • name: String, name identifier for the data.
  • dataArray: Array of data to register.
    plugins.registerData(name, dataArray)

Mutate Data

Zimlets can mutate the data (provided in the registerData) by calling mutateData.

  • name: String, name identifier for the data.
  • mutator: Function, A function that will return a new list of the objects, the mutated objects.
    plugins.mutateData(name, mutator)

Unregister Data

Zimlets can unregister data by calling plugins.unregisterData() and pass the data name identifier.

  • name: String, name identifier for the data.


This example, demonstrates how a Zimlet can provide Contact fields and control its behaviour by changing the 'enabled' property of the field.

  • You first need to register the data by passing the 'contact::attributes' name identifier and an array of object that represent the fields you want to see in your Contacts.

The object defining the field should contain the following fields:

  • fieldName: String, the name that will be displayed in the contact form.
  • show: Boolean, true to display the field, false otherwise.
  • decorator: Function, A function that will return a transformed version of the passed in value.
plugins.registerData('contact::attributes', [
				fieldName: 'skype',
				enabled: false,
				decorator: skypeName => <a href={`skype://${skypeName}?Call`}>{skypeName}</a>

For mutating the contact fields, provide a function that alters and return the list of fields. In this case, we modify the 'enabled' property of the field so it can be displayed in the contacts editor.

plugins.mutateData('contact::attributes', zimletData => {
	const listOfFields = zimletData && !isEmpty( &&;
	return (
		!isEmpty(listOfFields) && => {
				field.enabled = true;
				return field;

For unregistering the fields, call unregisterData and pass the name identifier.

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