Transactions passed to the Ledger device will be in the following format. The Ledger device MUST accept any transaction (valid as below) in this format.
"account_number": {number},
"chain_id": {string},
"fee": {
"amount": [{"amount": {number}, "denom": {string}}, ...],
"gas": {number}
"memo": {string},
"msgs": [{arbitrary}],
"sequence": {number}
is a list of messages, which are arbitrary JSON structures.
The Ledger device SHOULD pick a suitable display representation for the transaction.
The key type (secp256k1 / ed25519), chain_id
, account_number
, sequence
, fee
, and memo
should be displayed in that order, each on their own page, autoscrolling if necessary.
should be iterated through and each displayed according to the following recursive logic:
display (json, level)
if level == 2
show value as json-encoded string
switch typeof(json) {
case object:
for (key, value) in object:
show key
display(value, level + 1)
case array:
for element in array:
display(element, level + 1)
show value as json-encoded string
starting at level 0, e.g. display(msgs[0], 0)
The Ledger device MUST validate that supplied JSON is valid. Our JSON specification is a subset of RFC 7159 - invalid RFC 7159 JSON is invalid Ledger JSON, but not all valid RFC 7159 JSON is valid Ledger JSON.
We add the following two rules:
- No spaces or newlines can be included, other than escaped in strings
- All dictionaries must be serialized in lexicographical key order
This serves to prevent signature compatibility issues among different client libraries.
This is equivalent to the following Python snippet:
import json
def ledger_validate(json_str):
obj = json.loads(json_str)
canonical = json.dumps(obj, sort_keys = True, separators = (',', ':'))
return canonical == json_str
assert ledger_validate('{"a":2,"b":3}')
assert ledger_validate('{"a ":2,"b":3}')
assert not ledger_validate('{"a":2,\n"b":3}')
assert not ledger_validate('{"b":2,"a":3}')
assert not ledger_validate('{"a" : 2 }')