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File metadata and controls

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om Changelog

Nominally kept up-to-date as we work, sometimes pushed post-release.


om went 1.0.0 on May 7, 2019

As of that release, om is semantically versioned. When consuming om in your CI system, it is now safe to pin to a particular minor version line (major.minor.patch) without fear of breaking changes.

API Declaration for Semver

Any changes to the om commands are considered a part of the om API. Any changes to om commands will be released according to the semver versioning scheme defined above. The exceptions to this rule are any commands marked as "EXPERIMENTAL"

  • "EXPERIMENTAL" commands work, and pull information from the API same as any other. The format in which the information is returned, however, is subject to change without announcing a breaking change by creating a major or minor bump of the semver version. When the om team is comfortable enough with the command output, the "EXPERIMENTAL" mark will be removed.

Any changes to the om filename as presented in the Github Release page.

Changes internal to om will NOT be included as a part of the om API. The om team reserves the right to change any internal structs or structures as long as the outputs and behavior of the commands remain the same.

NOTE: Additional documentation for om commands leveraged by Pivotal Platform Automation can be found in Pivotal Documentation.

om is versioned independently from platform-automation.


  • Use environment variables to set what Ops Manager om is targeting. For example:
    $  export OM_PASSWORD=example-password om -e env.yml deployed-products
    Note the additional space before the export command. This ensures that commands are not kept in bash history. The environment variable OM_PASSWORD will overwrite the password value in env.yml.



  • configure-opsman command has been added. This allows configuration of several Ops Manager settings. Most were previously not available to configure through an om command, though ssl-certificate was also configurable with update-ssl-certificate. For config examples, see the docs for the command. Supported top-level-keys:
    • ssl-certificate
    • pivotal-network-settings
    • rbac-settings
    • banner-settings
    • syslog-settings
  • EXPERIMENTAL config-template now supports ops manager syslog in tiles. In the tile metadata, this property is turned on with the opsmanager_syslog: true field. Tiles with this property enabled will now add the section to product.yml and create defaults in default-vars.yml.
  • Added shorthand flag consistency to multiple commands. --vars-file shorthand is -l and --var shorthand is -v
  • EXPERIMENTAL config-template can specify the number of collection ops files using --size-of-collections. Some use cases required that collections generate more ops-file for usage. The default value is still 10.
  • config-template has been updated to include placeholders for network_name, singleton_availability_zone, and service_network_name in required-vars.yml when appropriate.

Bug Fixes

  • Cleaned up all the interpolation to be more consistent with the behaviour of the bosh CLI.

    For example,

    # with a variable
    $ om interpolate -c <(echo "person: ((person))") -v person="{foo: bar}"
      foo: bar
    # with an env var
    $ PREFIX_person="{foo: bar}" om interpolate -c <(echo "person: ((person))") --vars-env PREFIX
      foo: bar

    We did maintain, when using environment variables or var (-v), a multiline string needs to be maintained. The bosh does not support this.

Breaking Changes for Experimental Features

  • config-template Bug Fix: Required collections now parametrize correctly in product.yml. In the om issue for p-dataflow, the following was incorrectly returned:

      - key: spring
        password: ((password))
        username: username

    config-template now returns the following correct subsection in product.yml:

      - key: spring
          secret: ((password))
        username: username

    if you have used the workaround described in the issue (storing the value as a JSON object) you will need to update the credential in Credhub to not be a JSON object.

  • config-template generated resource-vars.yml that had the potential to conflict with property names (spring cloud dataflow had a configurable property called max_in_flight which is also a resource config property). config-template now prepends all resource-vars with resource-var-. This prevents this entire class of conflicts. If using config-template to update vars/ops-files/etc, check your resource var names in any files vars may be drawn from. This resolves om issue #484.

Deprecation Notices

  • update-ssl-certificate has been deprecated in favor of configure-opsman. This was done to allow extensibility for other endpoints on the Settings page. Please note that configure-opsman requires a config file, and does not accept certificate-pem or private-key-pem as command line arguments. For config example, see the docs for the command.



  • configure-authentication now supports the OM_DECRYPTION_PASSPHRASE environment variable.

Bug Fixes

  • configure-director now correctly handles when you don't name your iaas_configuration default on vSphere. Previously, naming a configuration anything other than default would result in an extra, empty default configuration. This closes issue #469.
  • Downloading a stemcell associated with a product will try to download the light or heavy stemcell. If anyone has experienced the recent issue with download-product and the AWS heavy stemcell, this will resolve your issue. Please remove any custom globbing that might've been added to circumvent this issue. For example, stemcall-iaas: light*aws should just be stemcell-iaas: aws now.
  • Heavy stemcells could not be downloaded. Support has now been added. Force download of the heavy stemcell (if available) with the --stemcell-heavy flag.



  • interpolate now supports the dot notation to reference array values. For example,

    $ echo "person: ((people.1))" | om interpolate -c - -l <(echo "people: [Bob, Susie, Diane]")
    person: Susie



  • To mitigate confusion, the pivnet-file-glob param for download-product now has an alias of file-glob.
  • update-ssl-certificate now supports passing certificate-pem and private-key-pem as --config arguments. The command also supports the --vars-file flag for interpolation. This closes issue #463.



  • The experimental command product-diff had been renamed bosh-diff and now includes the director diff. This includes property, runtime config, cloud config, and CPI config differences. When the command is used, it will display the director and all products by default. The --director flag can be used to show only the director diff. The --product-name flag can be used to show one or more specific products.

    For example, om bosh-diff --director --product-name cf --product-name p-healthwatch will show the director, Pivotal Application Service, and Pivotal Healthwatch differences.



  • The experimental command product-diff has been added. It gets the manifest diff for a specified set of products. This might be useful as a sanity review before apply-changes; see the detailed documentation for details/provisos.
  • EXPERIMENTAL config-template now includes the option to use a local product file with --product-path. This resolves issue #413.
  • apply-changes can for recreate the VMs that will apply with --recreate-vms. This is useful for the three-Rs of security, to ensure the repaving.

Bug Fixes

  • The environment variable OM_VARS_ENV was not enabled on all commands that allows --vars-env.



  • We'd like to welcome back the revert-staged-changes command. It requires an API endpoint released in Ops Manager versions 2.5.21+, 2.6.13+, or 2.7.2+. This now reverts changes like the the equivalant "Revert" button in the UI. Appropriate messages and warnings will appear from the command of what action has been taken.

    In v3.0.0, we removed revert-staged-changes because it had stopped working. (The necessary Ops Manager API wasn't present, so it was trying to automate through the UI - unsuccessfully).

Bug fixes

  • Maybe not technically a bug, but: some commands you love (pre-deploy-check, staged-config, and staged-director-config) no longer have the EXPERIMENTAL tag. Nothing has changed with them, we literally just forgot to remove these ages ago.


Bug fixes

  • interpolate command now has order precedence when a file or stdin is provided.
    • --config with a file always takes precedence
    • --config - will read directly from STDIN
    • STDIN provided with no --config will use STDIN
  • when using --ignore-verifier-warnings with configure-director the HTTP Status 207 will be ignored when interacting with IAAS endpoints.



  • EXPERIMENTAL config-template now includes max-in-flight for all resources. (PR: @jghiloni)
  • When using configure-product and configure-director, the additional_vm_extensions for a resource will have the following behaviour:
    • If not set in config file, the value from Ops Manager will be persisted.
    • If defined in the config file and an emtpy array ([]), the values on Ops Manager will be removed.
    • If defined in the file with a value (["web_lb"]), these values will be set on Ops Manager.
  • configure-authentication, configure-ldap-authentication, and configure-saml-authentication now support the --var, --vars-file, and --vars-env flags.
  • EXPERIMENTAL config-template now supports the --config, --var, --vars-file, and --vars-env flags. (PR: @jghiloni)



  • download-product supports GCS (Google Cloud Storage) for Pivnet download artifacts.

    An example config,

    pivnet-file-glob: "*.tgz"
    pivnet-product-slug: pivotal-telemetry-collector
    product-version: "1.0.1"
    output-directory: /tmp
    source: gcs
    gcs-bucket: some-bucket
    gcs-service-account-json: |
    gcs-project-id: project-id

    This will download the [pivotal-telemetry-collector,1.0.1]telemetry-collector-1.0.1.tgz from the some-bucket bucket from the GCS account.

  • download-product supports Azure Storage. for Pivnet download artifacts.

    pivnet-file-glob: "*.tgz"
    pivnet-product-slug: pivotal-telemetry-collector
    product-version: "1.0.1"
    output-directory: /tmp
    source: azure
    azure-container: pivnet-blobs
    azure-storage-account: some-storage-account
    azure-key: "storage-account-key"

    This will download the [[pivotal-telemetry-collector,1.0.1]telemetry-collector-1.0.1.tgz from the pivnet-blobs container from the some-storage-account storage account from Azure Storage.

  • The commands disable-director-verifiers and disable-product-verifiers have been added. They allow verifiers that are preventing Apply Changes from succeeding to be disabled. This feature should be used with caution, as the verifiers can provide useful feedback on mis-configuration.

  • When using staged-director-config and configure-director, the iaas_configuration_name will be used to assign an IAAS to an availability zone. This provides support for multiple iaas configurations on vSphere and Openstack. Prior to this, the iass_configuration_guid had to be discovered prior to assigning an availability zone; now the name can be used in one step.

  • We've also made miscellanious improvements to warning and error messages, and to documentation.


Bug Fixes

  • The ca-cert option works in the env.yml. A filename or string value can be used.


Breaking Changes

  • apply-changes will no longer reattach when it finds an already running installation. to re-enable this feature, provide the --reattach flag. This makes the behavior of apply-changes easier to anticipate and specify whether applying all changes or applying changes to a particular product.


  • EXPERIMENTAL config-template now accepts --pivnet-file-glob instead of --product-file-glob. This is to create consistency with the download-product command's naming conventions. (PR: @poligraph)


Bug Fixes

  • staged-config will now work again for Ops Manager versions <= 2.3. This solves issue #419


Bug Fixes

  • configure-director now will configure VM Extensions before setting Resource Config. This fixes issue #411



  • expiring-certificates command was added. This command returns a list of certificates from an Ops Manager expiring within a specified (--expires-within/-e) time frame. Default: "3m" (3 months) Root CAs cannot be included in this list until Ops Manager 2.7.

  • configure-product and staged-config now have support for the /syslog_configurations endpoint. This affects tiles, such as the Metrics tile, that do not return these properties nested in the product-properties section. This provides a solution for issue 331. An example of this inside of your product config:

      custom_rsyslog_configuration: null
      enabled: true
      forward_debug_logs: false
      permitted_peer: null
      port: "4444"
      queue_size: null
      ssl_ca_certificate: null
      tls_enabled: false
      transport_protocol: tcp
  • generate-certificate can now accept multiple --domains | -d flags. Comma separated values can be passed with a single --domains | -d flag, or using a --domains | -d flag for each value. (PR: @jghiloni) Example:

      om -e env.yml generate-certificate -d "" --domains "" \
         -d ",*" --domains ",*"
  • product-metadata has been added to replace tile-metadata. This was done to increase naming consistency. Both commands currently exist and do exactly the same thing. (PR: @jghiloni)

  • EXPERIMENTAL config-template now supports the --exclude-version flag. If provided, the command will exclude the version directory in the --output-directory tree. The contents will with or without the flag will remain the same. Please note including the --exclude-version flag will make it more difficult to track changes between versions unless using a version control system (such as git). (PR: @jghiloni)

  • EXPERIMENTAL config-template supports --pivnet-disable-ssl to skip SSL validation.

  • When interacting with an OpsManager, that OpsManager may have a custom CA cert. In the global options --ca-cert has been added to allow the usage of that custom CA cert. The value of --ca-cert can be a file or command line string.

Bug Fix

  • When using config-template (EXPERIMENTAL) or download-product, the --pivnet-skip-ssl is honored when capturing the token.

Deprecation Notices

  • tile-metadata has been deprecated in favor of product-metadata. This was done to increase naming consistency. Both commands currently exist and do exactly the same thing. The tile-metadata command will be removed in a future release.



  • TLS v1.2 is the minimum version supported when connecting to an Ops Manager

  • EXPERIMENTAL config-template now will provide required-vars in addition to default-vars.

  • EXPERIMENTAL config-template will define vars with an _ instead of a /. This is an aesthetically motivated change. Ops files are denoted with /, so changing the vars separators to _ makes this easier to differentiate.

  • EXPERIMENTAL config-template output product-default-vars.yml has been changed to default-vars.yml

  • staged-config includes the property max_in_flight will be included in the resource-config section of a job.

  • configure-product can set the property max_in_flight in the resource-config section of a job.

    The legal values are:

    • an integer for the number of VMs (ie 2)
    • a percentage of 1-100 (ie 20%)
    • the default value specified in tile (default) For example,
        instances: 10
        max_in_flight: 10



  • pivnet-api-token is now optional in download-product if a source is defined. (PR: @vchrisb)
  • configure-authentication, configure-ldap-authentication, and configure-saml-authentication can create a UAA client on the Ops Manager vm. The client_secret will be the value provided to this option precreated-client-secret.
  • add support for NSX and NSXT in Ops Manager 2.7+

Breaking Changes

  • remove --skip-unchanged-products from apply-changes This option has had issues with consistent successful behaviour. For example, if the apply changes fails for any reason, the subsequent apply changes cannot pick where it left off. This usually happens in the case of errands that are used for services.

    We are working on scoping a selective deploy feature that makes sense for users. We would love to have feedback from users about this.

  • remove revert-staged-changes unstage-product will revert the changes if the tile has not been installed. There is currently no replacement for this command, however, it was not working for newer versions of Ops Manager, and did nothing. This resolves issue #399

Bug Fix

  • apply-changes will error with product not found if that product has not been staged.
  • upload-stemcell now accepts --floating false in addition to floating=false. This was done to offer consistency between all of the flags on the command.
  • configure-director had a bug in which iaas_configurations could not be set on AWS/GCP/Azure because "POST" was unsupported for these IAASes (Multiple IAAS Configurations only work for vSphere and Openstack). configure-director will now check if the endpoint is supported. If it is not supported, it will construct a payload, and selectively configure iaas_configuration as if it were nested under properties-configuration. The behavior of this command remains the same. IAAS Configuration may still be set via iaas_configurations OR properties.iaas_configuration


Was a release to make sure that brew upgrade works.



  • configure-ldap-authentication and configure-saml-authentication can create a UAA client on the Ops Manager vm. The client_secret will be the value provided to this option precreated-client-secret. This is supported in OpsManager 2.5+.
  • A homebrew formula has been added! It should support both linux and mac brew. Since, we don't have our own tap, we've used a simpler method:
    brew tap pivotal-cf/om
    brew install om

Bug Fixes

  • The order of vm types and resources was being applied in the correct order. Now vm types will be applied then resources, so that resource can use the vm type.
  • When using bosh-env, a check is done to ensure the SSH private key exists. If does not the command will exit 1.
  • EXPERIMENTAL config-template will enforce the default value for a property to always be configurable: false. This is inline with the OpsManager behaviour.

Breaking Change

  • The artifacts on the Github Release include .tar.gz (for mac and linux) and .zip (windows) for compression. It also allows support for using goreleaser (in CI) to create other package manager artifacts -- brew. This will break globs that were permissive. For example *linux*, will download the binary and the .tar.gz, use *linux*[^.gz] to just download the binary. Our semver API declaration has been updated to reflect this.



  • Both om configure-ldap-authentication and om configure-saml-authentication will now automatically create a BOSH UAA admin client as documented here. This is only supported in OpsManager 2.4 and greater. You may specify the flag skip-create-bosh-admin-client to skip creating this client. If the command is run for an OpsManager less than 2.4, the client will not be created and a warning will be printed. However, it is recommended that you create this client. For example, your SAML or LDAP may become unavailable, you may need to sideload patches to the BOSH director, etc. Further, in order to perform automated operations on the BOSH director, you will need this BOSH UAA client. After the client has been created, you can find the client ID and secret by following steps three and four found here.
  • om interpolate now allows for the -v flag to allow variables to be passed via command line. Command line args > file args > env vars. If a user passes a var multiple times via command line, the right-most version of that var will be the one that takes priority, and will be interpolated.
  • om configure-director now supports custom VM types. (PR: @jghiloni) Refer to the VM Types Bosh documentation for IaaS specific use cases. For further info: configure-director readme. Please note this is an advanced feature, and should be used at your own discretion.
  • download-product will now return a download-file.json if stemcell-iaas is defined but the product has no stemcell. Previously, this would exit gracefully, but not return a file.



  • (EXPERIMENTAL) pre-deploy-check has been added as a new command. This command can be run at any time. It will scan the director and any staged tiles in an Ops Manager environment for invalid or missing properties. It displays these errors in a list format for the user to manually (or automatedly) update the configuration. This command will also return an exit status 1; this command can be a gatekeeper in CI before running an apply-changes
  • download-product will now include the product-version in download-file.json (PR: @vchrisb)

Bug Fixes

  • Extra values passed in the env file will now fail if they are not recognized properties. This closes issue #258

  • Non-string environment variables can now be read and passed as strings to Ops Manager. For example, if your environment variable (OM_NAME) is set to "123" (with quotes escaped), it will be evaluated in your config file with the quotes.

    Given config.yml

    value: ((NAME))

    om interpolate -c config.yml --vars-env OM

    Will evaluate to:

      value: "123"

    This closes issue #352

  • the file outputted by download-product will now use the product-name as defined in the downloaded-product, not from the Pivnet slug. This fixes a mismatch between the two as documented in issue #351

  • bosh-env will now set BOSH_ALL_PROXY without a trailing slash if one is provided. This closes issue #350


Breaking Changes

  • om will now follow conventional Semantic Versioning, with breaking changes in major bumps, non-breaking changes for minor bumps, and bug fixes for patches.
  • delete-installation now has a force flag. The flag is required to run this command quietly, as it was working before. The reason behind this is it was easy to delete your installation without any confirmation.
  • staged-director-config no longer supports --include-credentials this functionality has been replaced by --no-redact. This can be paired with --include-placeholders to return a interpolate-able config with all the available secrets from a running OpsMan. This closes issue #356. The OpsMan API changed so that IAAS Configurations were redacted at the API level.


  • new command diagnostic-report returns the full OpsMan diagnostic report which holds general information about the targeted OpsMan's state. Documentation on the report's payload can be found here.

  • om interpolate now can take input from stdin. This can be used in conjunction with the new diagnostic-report command to extract a specific section or value from the report, simply by using the pipe operator. For example,

    om -e env.yml diagnostic-report | om interpolate --path /versions

    This will return the versions block of the json payload:

    installation_schema_version: "2.6"
    javascript_migrations_version: v1
    metadata_version: "2.6"
    release_version: 2.6.0-build.77
  • staged-director-config now checks ints and bools when filtering secrets

  • configure-director and staged-director now support iaas-configurations. This allows OpsManager 2.2+ to have multiple IAASes configured. Please see the API documentation for your version of OpsMan for what IAASes are supported.

    If you are using iaas_configuration in your properties-configuration and use iaas-configurations you'll receive an error message that only one method of configuration can be used.



  • new command assign-multi-stemcell supports the OpsMan 2.6+. This allows multiple stemcells to be assgined to a single product. For example, for product foo, you could assign Ubuntu Trusty 3586.96 and Windows 2019 2019.2, using the command, om assign-multi-stemcell --product foo --stemcell ubuntu-trusty:3586.96 --stemcell windows2019:2019.2.
  • upload-stemcell will not upload the same stemcell (unless using --force) for OpsMan 2.6+. The API has changed that list the stemcells associated with a product. This command is still backwards compatible with OpsMan 2.1+, just has logic specific for 2.6+.



Breaking Changes

  • the upload-product flag --sha256 has been changed to --shasum. upload-stemcell used the --shasum flag, and this change adds parity between the two. Using --shasum instead of --sha256 also future-proofs the flag when sha256 is no longer the de facto way of defining shasums.


  • download-product now supports skipping ssl validation when specifying --pivnet-disable-ssl
  • download-product ensures sha sum checking when downloading the file from Pivotal Network
  • upload-stemcell now supports a --config(-c) flag to define all command line arguments in a config file. This gives upload-stemcell feature parity with upload-product
  • Improved info messaging for download-product to explicitly state whether downloading from pivnet or S3



  • configure-director now has the option to ignore-verifier-warnings. (PR: @Logiraptor) This is an advanced feature that should only be used if the user knows how to disable verifiers in OpsManager. This flag will only disable verifiers for configure-director, and will not disable the warnings for apply-changes.
  • There's now a shell-completion script; see the readme for details.
  • We have totally replaced the code and behavior of the EXPERIMENTAL config-template command. It now contains the bones of the tile-config-generator. We expect to further refine (and make breaking changes to) this command in future releases.


Breaking Changes

  • download-product's prefix format and behavior has changed.
    • the prefix format is now [example-product,1.2.3]original-filename.pivotal.
    • the prefix is added to all product files if s3-bucket is set in the config when downloading from Pivnet.


  • download-product now supports downloading stemcells from S3, too.
  • download-product allows use of an instance iam account when s3-auth-method: iam is set.
  • apply-changes now has the ability to define errands via a config file when running (as a one-off errand run). The apply-changes readme details how this config file should look.
  • pending-changes now supports a --check flag, that will return an exit code 0(pass) or 1(fail) when running the command, to allow you to fail in CI if there are pending changes in the deployment.
  • download-product will now create a config file (assign-stemcell.yml) that can be fed into assign-stemcell. It will have the appropriate format with the information it received from download-product

Bug Fixes

  • when trying to delete a product on Ops Manager during a selective deploy (apply-changes --product-name tile), OpsManager would fail to apply-changes due to a change to the version string for 2.5 (would include the build number). A change was made to the info service to accept the new semver formatting as well as the old versioning.
  • upload-product (among other things) is no longer sensitive to subdirectories in tile metadata directories
  • to support 2.5, new semver versioning for OpsManager was added in addition to supporting the current versioning format. (PR: @jplebre & @edwardecook)


To anyone who is having go install fail, it will fail until WasabiAiR/stow#199 is merged.

Here is the error you are probably seeing.

$ go install
commands/s3_client.go:62:3: undefined: s3.ConfigV2Signing

to work around, you can include om in your project without using go get or go install. you will need to add the following to your go.mod:

replace => v0.0.0-20190209005554-0bff39424d5b


Bug Fixes

  • download-product would panic if the product was already downloaded and you asked for a stemcell. This has been fixed to behave appropriately


The behavior of download-product in this release is not final. Please hold off on using this feature until a release without this warning.


Breaking changes

  • download-product will now enforce a prefix of {product-slug}-{semver-version} when downloading from pivnet. The original filename is preserved after the prefix. If the original filename already matches the intended format, there will be no change. Any regexes that strictly enforce the original filename at the beginning of the regex will be broken. Please update accordingly. This change was done in order to encourage tile teams to change their file names to be more consistent. Ops Manager itself has already agreed to implement this change in newer versions.


  • add support for the selected_option field when calling staged-config to have better support for selectors.
    • this support also extends to configure-product, which will accept both selected_option and option_value as the machine readable value.
  • download-product now has support for downloading from an external s3 compatible blobstore using the --blobstore s3 flag.
  • staged-director-config now supports a no-redact flag that will return all of the credentials from an Ops Manager director, if the user has proper permissions to do so. It is recommended to use the admin user.


The behavior of download-product in this release is not final. Please hold off on using this feature until a release without this warning.



  • import-installation provides validation on the installation file to ensure
    • it exists
    • it is a valid zip file
    • it contains the installation.yml artifact indicative of an exported installation

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed typo in configure-director vmextensions


Breaking changes

configure-director and staged-director-config now include a properties-configuration.

The following keys have recently been removed from the top level configuration: director-configuration, iaas-configuration, security-configuration, syslog-configuration.

To fix this error, move the above keys under 'properties-configuration' and change their dashes to underscores.

The old configuration file would contain the keys at the top level.

director-configuration: {}
iaas-configuration: {}
network-assignment: {}
networks-configuration: {}
resource-configuration: {}
security-configuration: {}
syslog-configuration: {}
vmextensions-configuration: []

They'll need to be moved to the new 'properties-configuration', with their dashes turn to underscore. For example, 'director-configuration' becomes 'director_configuration'. The new configration file will look like.

az-configuration: {}
network-assignment: {}
networks-configuration: {}
  director_configuration: {}
  security_configuration: {}
  syslog_configuration: {}
  iaas_configuration: {}
  dns_configuration: {}
resource-configuration: {}
vmextensions-configuration: []


  • The package manager has been migrated from dep to go mod. It now requires golang 1.11.4+. For information on go modules usage, see the golang wiki.

Bug Fixes

  • import-installation will now retry 3 times (it uses the polling interval configuration) if it suspects that nginx has not come up yet. This fixes an issue with opsman if you tried to import an installation with a custom SSL Cert for opsman.
  • When using configure-product on opsman 2.1, it would fail because the completeness check does not work. To disable add the field validate-config-complete: false to your config file.
  • fix the nil pointer dereference issue in staged-products when om cannot reach OpsManager



  • download-product supports grabbing for a version via a regular expression. Using --product-version-regex sorts the versions returned by semver and returns the highest matching version to the regex. The sort ignores non-semver version numbers -- similar to the pivnet resource behaviour.
  • download-product no longer requires download-stemcell to be set when specifying stemcell-iaas. It is there for backwards compatibility, but it is a no-op.
  • added more copy for the help message of bosh-env
  • fix documentation for vm-extensions usage



  • Increased the default connect-timeout from 5 seconds to 10. This should alleviate reliability issues some have seen in CI.

  • Adds several commands (delete-ssl-certificate, ssl-certificate, update-ssl-certificate) around managing the Ops Manager VM's TLS cert. These new commands are courtesy of a PR, and we're still tinkering a bit (especially in terms of how they communicate in the case of a default cert, given that the Ops Manager API doesn't even bother returning a cert in that case). There should be a fast-to-follow release with these commands more polished; if we'd planned better we might have marked these as experimental until we were done tinkering with them, but we don't see any reason to delay releasing this time.


Breaking changes

  • stage-product & configure-product & configure-director: Now errors if apply-changes is running. [a3ebd5241d2aba3b93ec642255e0b9c11686d996]


  • configure-ldap-authentication: add the command to configure ldap auth during initial setup

Bug Fixes

  • assign-stemcell: fix a message format


Breaking changes

  • download-product now outputs product_path, product_slug, stemcell_path, and stemcell_version instead of just product and stemcell. This will help compatability with assign-stemcell.


Breaking changes

  • removed individual configuration flags for configure-director [commit]
  • removed individual configuration flags for configure-product [commit]


  • add more intelligent timeouts for commands
  • fail fast if a key is not defined in configuration files for configure-product and configure-director
  • add assign-stemcell command to associate a specified stemcell to the product

Bug Fixes

  • fix stemcell version check logic in download-product command -- stemcells can now be downloaded even if they don't have a minor version (e.g. version 97)


Bug fixes

  • The decryption passphrase check was returning dial timeout errors more frequently. Three HTTP retries were added if dial timeout occurs. [Fixes #283]


Breaking changes

  • removed command configure-bosh, use command configure-director for configuring the bosh directory on OpsMan
  • removed command set-errand-state, use the errand-config with your config with the command configure-product


  • add command download-product, it can download product and associated stemcell from Pivnet
  • add --path to command interpolate so individual values can be extracted out

Bug Fixes

  • automatic decryption passphrase unlock will only attempt doing so once on the first HTTP call #283
  • when using command configure-product, collections won't fail when guid cannot be associated #274


Breaking changes:

  • config-template (EXPERIMENTAL) & staged-config & staged-director-config: pluralize --include-placeholders flag
  • import-installation: removed decryption-passphrase from the arguments. Global decryption-passphrase flag is required when using this command

Bug Fixes

  • update command documentation to reflect various command flags change.
  • configure-product: handles collection types correctly by decorate collection with guid
  • staged-director-config: fix failed api request against azure
  • curl: close http response body to avoid potential resource leaks


  • configure-product: allow product-name be read from config file
  • interpolation: added --vars-env support to interpolation
  • configure-authentication & configure-saml-authentication & import-installation: allow the commandline flag been passed through config file
  • configure-director: able to add/modify/remove vm extensions
  • staged-config: able to get errand state for the product
  • apply-changes: added skip-unchanged-products
  • staged-config: add product-name top-level-key in the returned payload to work better with configure-product
  • upload-product: able to validate sha256 and product-version before uploading
  • global: added a decryption-passphrase to unlock the opsman vm if it is rebooted (if provided)


Bug Fixes

Fix tile-metadata command for some tiles that were failing due to it attempting to parse the metadata directory itself as a file - via @chendrix and @aegershman



  • om interpolate no longer takes --output-file flag.
  • om interpolate takes ops-files with -o instead of --ops.
  • om --format=json COMMAND is no longer supported. This flag should not have been global as it is only supported on some commands. The flag is now supported on certain commands and needs to be called: om COMMAND --format=json. The commands that output in table format will continue to do so by default.


  • om configure-product accepts ops-files.