- Imp: Change config init to Magento's reinit function (by Thomas Wiringa)
- Fix: Cache clean won't work if database user is wrong (reprted by Izzulmakin, #1046)
- Fix: Wildcards in db:dump strip option (by Dan Wallis,#1042)
- Fix: invalid composer package name (by Christian Münch, #1043)
- Fix: Instances of PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError (by Luke Rodgers, #1044)
- Compatibility for PHP 7.3 (by Achim Rosenhagen)
- Adding OpenMage Magento LTS 1.9.4.x (by Sven Reichel)
- New: Add connection option for db:dump command (by Igor Mursa)
- New: Removed support for PHP < 5.4
- Imp: Hide password in interactive mode (reported by Simon Sprankel)
- Imp: Phpstorm meta files compatibility for latest PhpStorm (by Sven Reichel)
- Fix: Updated twig (security)
- Fix: db:dump returns exit code 0 on fail (by Christian Münch)
- Fix: Documentation about script command (by Hardy Johnson)
- Fix: Readme formatting (by Danila Vershini)
- New: Magento (by Bono de Visser, #997)
- New: Magento (by Joel Lupfer, #999)
- New: dry-run flag for self-update command (port of M2 project)
- Add openmage-lts to installable versions (by Daniel Fahlke, #1005)
- Fix: Avoid stripping newsletter templates when stripping subscribers (by Scott Buchanan, #993)
- Fix: Remove obsolete global DB env variabe (by Daniel Ruf, #988)
- Imp: Add database setting to travis test matrix (by Daniel Ruf, #986)
- New: Magento support for installer (by Brad Berger, #979)
- Fix: Execution of sys:cron:run (by Ricardo Velhote, #977)
- Fix: Typo in config:get command (by Ari Molzer, #958)
- New: Meta generator for phpstorm > 2016.1 (by Guillaume Gill, #965)
- Imp: Option to schedule cron in magento crontab instead of running with current user (by Guillaume Gill, #966)
- New: Add current Magento version (by Brad Berger, #967)
- Imp: Support for multi module decleration in module:enable command (by Peter O'Callaghan, #969)
- Imp: Ability to import db from STDIN (by Peter O'Callaghan, #970)
- Imp: Add Magento-Root to sys:info command (by Christian Münch)
- New: db:dump - allow arbitrary mysqldump options (by Brice Burgess, #945)
- strip admin tables (by Max Chadwick, #946)
- New: Add cms:block:list command (by Luke Rodgers, #948)
- New: Add current Magento version (by Simon Sprankel, #951)
- New: config for pre-commit framework (by Christian Münch)
- Fix: Codecov settings (by Christian Münch)
- Imp: Add yaml quoting (by Tom Klingenberg)
- Fix: Fatal error w/ Magento Composer Installer (by Luke Rodgers and Tom Klingenberg, #938)
- Remove PHP 5.3 after travis ended support (by Christian Münch, #941)
- Support for Magento developer mode (by Luke Rodgers, #940)
- Fix: Borken image Bitdeli.com badge in readme (by Tom Klingenberg)
- Fix: Check Suhosin phar support (report by Decorate, fix by Tom Klingenberg, #926)
- Fix: File hash is optional in package.xml (report by Viktor Szépe, fix by Tom Klingenberg, #927)
- Fix: Show full path for phpstorm autocompletion folder (by Carlos Reynosa, #922)
- Fix: Enterprise Edition detection / enabling commands (report by Luke Rodgers, fix by Tom Klingenberg, #902)
- Fix: Nonexistent class reference in config (by Tom Klingenberg)(by Chris Potter, #909)
- Fix: File integrity checking guide (by Max Chadwick, #896)
- Fix: Prevent sys:setup:run from ending script (report by Tjerk Ameel, #895)
- Fix: Update script command to have non-zero exit code (by Chris Potter, #908)
- Fix: Remove duplicate entry in config.yaml (by Alexander Menk, #914)
- Fix: Restore historic packages for install command (by Tom Klingenberg)
- Fix: Compatibility for installed Symfony 3 components (by Christian Münch)
- Fix: Update readme (by Goose)
- New: Add package magento-mirror- (by Peter O'Callaghan, #894)
- New: Add current Magento version (by Jonas Hüning, #920)
- New: Add current Magento version (by Will-B, #930)
- New: Check Suhosin phar support (by Tom Klingenberg, #926)
- New: New commands to clear media and css cache (by Christian Münch, #932)
- New: Streamlining of N98-Magerun1 and N98-Magerun2 (by Tom Klingenberg)
- Fix: Corrected wrong package name in installation source
- Fix: Install command fails (report by Eugen Wesseloh, #906)
- Fix: sys:setup:run exists with code 0 on error (report by Matías Montes, fix by Tom Klingenberg, #854)
- Fix: URL generation in sys:cron:run (report by Ash Smith, fix by Tom Klingenberg, #871)
- Fix: Indexer dies on error (report by Henry Hirsch, fix by Tom Klingenberg, #701)
- Fix: Incompatibilities with PHP 7.1 (report by Don Bosco van Hoi, fix by Tom Klingenberg, #881)
- Fix: Warning db:import sprintf too few arguments (report by Peter Jaap Blaakmeer, fix by Tom Klingenberg, #884)
- Fix: Empty database hostname for mysql cli (report by Seansan, fix by Tom Klingenberg, #880)
- Imp: Build phar reproduceable and from dev requirements (by Tom Klingenberg)
- Imp: Support NULL values in config:set and config:get (by Tom Klingenberg)
- New: Add index:list:mview and index:reindex:mview commands (by Luke Rodgers, #891)
- New: Add --include parameter to db:dump command (by Jarod Hayes, #848)
- Fix: Sourceforge moved to https (by Tom Klingenberg)
- Fix: Broken sample-data tar.gz file (report by AreDubya, #879)
- Fix: Self-check in fake phar (report by Liviu Panainte, thanks!)
- Upd: bash autocomplete-file
- Imp: Hide password when asked by admin:user:change-password (report by Faisal Mirza, #873)
- Fix: Add missing new commands to config.yaml (by Giuseppe Morelli, #877)
- Fix: Array to string conversion notice (report by Christian Münch, fix by Tom Klingenberg)
- Fix: Endless download loop (report by Vinai Kopp, fix by Tom Klingenberg, #876)
- Fix: Add missing sample-data package (by Tom Klingenberg, #872)
- Fix: Set created_at in schedule when running a cron job (by Toon Spin, #874)
- Fix: Print exceptions on cron run (by Luke Rodgers, #862)
- Fix: Prevent PHP fatal errors in dev:module:rewrite:conflicts (report by Simon Sprankel, fix by Tom Klingenberg, #856)
- Fix: Strip email queue tables for development db:dump command (by Robbie Averill, #836)
- Upd: Documentation patch (by Rafael Corrêa Gomes, #869)
- Imp: Create controllers folder in dev:module:create command (by Alexander Turiak, #835)
- Imp: Update example to use config:search command (by Hardy Johnson, #834)
- Imp: Build in clean directory (by Tom Klingenberg)
- New: Add --reinit and --no-reninit options for cache:clean and cache:flush (by arollason, #863)
- New: Add Magento CE to config.yaml (by Tom Klingenberg, #872)
- New: Add Magento CE to config.yaml (by Marty S/sylink, #867)
- New: Coding standard defintion and checks (by Tom Klingenberg)
- New: Add sys:setup:run --no-implicit-cache-flush option (report by Fabrizio Branca, fix by Tom Klingenberg, #850)
- New: Add eav:attribute:create-dummy-values command (by Giuseppe Morelli, #849)
- New: Add category:create:dummy command (by Giuseppe Morelli, #845)
- New: Add config classes streamlining with Magerun 2 (by Tom Klingenberg)
- New: Add model::method to sys:cron:list command (by Steve Robbins, #838)
- New: Integration test for db:dump (by Tom Klingenberg)
- New: Add Homebrew installation (by Matthéo Geoffray, #829)
- Fix: Fix open command detection (by Tom Klingenberg)
- Fix: Add customer data stripping tables, fixes #825 (by Matthew O'Loughlin)
- Fix: Install option --forceUseDb has no value, fixes #822 (report by Adam Johnson, fix by Tom Klingenberg)
- Fix: codePool header regression in 1.97.20 (report by Jeroen Boersma)
- Fix ask store endless loop in non-interactive mode (by Tom Klingenberg)
- Fix unset index usage in dev:module:list (by Pieter Hoste)
- Support magic __call calls for sys:cron:run (by Sam Tay)
- Fallback to .n98-magerun.yaml in homedir on windows (by Tom Klingenberg)
- Update MySQL Engine Check to handle incomplete installations (by Navarr Barnier, Tom Klingenberg)
- Feature: New dev:email-template:usage command (by Mike Parkin)
- Feature: Notify of developer IP on changing template hints; closes #23 (by Robbie Averill)
- Feature: Extract config-loader (by Tom Klingenberg)
- Add config:delete and config:set --force option (by Robert Coleman)
- Add prompt when unlocking all admin users (by Ben Robie and Robbie Averill)
- Add admin:user:lock and lockdown commands (by Robbie Averill)
- Upd: Stabilize composer ^1.0.0 (by Tom Klingenberg)
- Feature: Add dry-run mode for db:dump (by Tom Klingenberg)
- Fix: Fix module loader (report by Matthias Walter, fix by Tom Klingenberg)
- Fix config:delete (by Tom Klingenberg, #805)
- Fix plugin loader to use 'n98-magerun' folder (by Rouven Alexander Rieker, #800)
- Add package magento-mirror- (by Raul E Watson, #798)
- Streamlining of N98-Magerun1 and N98-Magerun2 (by Tom Klingenberg, #797)
- Fix crontab event observers / event area in sys:cron:run (by Tom Klingenberg, #794)
- Add .github pull request template (by Tom Klingenberg, #791)
- Update readme with compare-versions changes (by Luke Rodgers, #789)
- See the full change log: https://github.com/netz98/n98-magerun/wiki/Changelog
- Visit our blog: http://magerun.net