Controlling a Hantek PPS 2116A Power Supply using Python 3.
In, we have a Hantek PPS 2116A Power Supply. Some characteristics of this power supply are:
. Low ripple . High resolution: 10mV, 1mA . Features selectable auto-serial or parallel function . Convenient software calibration for use with PC . High-stability . Low drift . Built in over voltage and over current protection . Cooling by internal thermostatically controlled fan . Voltage Output: 0-32VDC . Current Output: 0-5 amps . Source Effect: CV≤0.01%+3mV(mA) . Load Effect: . CV≤0.01%+3mV(I≤3A) . CC≤0.2%+3mA(I≤3A) . CV≤0.02%+5mV(I>3A) . CC≤0.2%+5mA(I>3A) . Ripple and Noise: . CV≤l.0mVrms(I≤3A) . CC≤3mArms(I≤3A) . CV≤2.0mVrms(I>3A) . CC≤6mArms(I>3A) . Read accuracy: . Read accuracy voltage: <±(read values 0.5% + 2bit) . Read accuracy current: <±(read values 1% + 2bit) . Temperature: 0-- + 40 deg C . Humidity: ≤80% . Power: 110VAC, 60Hz . Dimensions: 350mm x 150mm x 210mm . Weight: 5.44kg, 12 lbs
We're using it in a testbench of some power electronics componentes that are likely to explode (yes, you read it right), so we decided to use all the instruments involved in this testbench remotely.
- Python 3.
- PySerial.
python3 -m pip install pyserial
- A Hantek PPS 2116A Power Supply.
- A USB port available.
- Linux OS. (We use it in Debian Stretc so far).
Explore the Hantek_PPS2116A
class in
. There you can find some usefull methods to turn on and off, set current and voltage, and some other interesting tools.
program is under development.
USB to UART devices ( /dev/ttyUSB0
in our system) are loaded with "rw-rw----" permissions by default. In order to use it properly with this script, you should change this devices permissions to "rwxrwxrwx". You can do that using: # chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
(Use your device number if different from 0).
The steps descrived previously has the disadvantage that the permissions are forgoten when the device is unplugged. We found a different aproach in this website to make a change permanent.