- After search query is entered and an email is selected, if the email contains a PDF,
- Show an option which says "Enable automatic PDF unlocking?"
- On click, show an input to accept PDF password
- Do a test dry run for this specific messageId + attachmentId combination where we attempt to temporarily download and unlock PDF on server then send this user mail with same subject prefixed with [UNLOCKED] and attach unlocked PDF then delete the file on server
- If unlocked pdf mail from m.emailapi.io arrives, show options to
- unlock all previous emails and receive "unlocked" emails for all of them
- or, unlock all emails going forward
mailFetch will always be the parent job mailFetch queue will spawn n jobs in child queue
- Remove
based callbacks from queue and move to Promise.resolve()s - Enable job success/failure notification system
- Include all queues from filesystem instead of
ing them individually
User knows this PDF template always contains X number of tables
- User can reject tables as is
- User can select tables as is
2.1. or/and add whitelist rules
2.1.1. grab a row only if it contains a cell where cell's value
some value 2.2. or/and add blacklist rules 2.2.1. reject rows if it contains a cell where cell's value==
some value
- UI: Added feature to allow posting to different Google Sheets for each
extraction rule
- Backend: stopped accepting gSheetId as a global prop and made it part of each rule object
- Next steps:
- Data extraction seems funky as one sheet contains results from both
- Google Sheets API is rate limiting 429 - culprit being /preview endpoint which creates a new spreadsheet instance per API call
- Options to solve #2 - Create a Sheets Factory with references stored on a per sheet id level (in redis to make it serverless?) and reuse them
- Data extraction seems funky as one sheet contains results from both