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aaronp edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 7 revisions

‘GA’ is an implementation of a Genetic Algorithm written in Java, built with maven.

This project, though it contains a specific example problem, was written with the intent of being generic. First however, a brief overview1.

You can build the project using maven. There may be other projects to put a UI on the countdown example included in the project, but for now you can run it (after building the project) by:

mvn assembly:assembly

then just invoking java:

java -cp target/ga-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar [args]

where the [args] are a series of space-separated numbers. The first being the ‘goal’ number, the reset being the constituent numbers:

java -cp target/ga-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar 4 5 6 7 8
Looking for 4 in 5,6,7,8:
took 125ms
Generation 5:
7 – 6 + 8 – 5


1 brief being very subjective! ;-)

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