Follow these steps to authenticate with an existing Google Kubernetes Engine cluster with a service account. You will not be able to do all tasks in the workshop with this setup.
In order to explore the Kubernetes cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine you need to install the Google Cloud SDK command line tool.
- Follow the guide to setup the
tool, but stop before the stepgcloud init
. You can find the guide here
Email [email protected]
with the topic Kubernetes intro SA
to create a service account.
When you have received an service account, download the file. We will use it to authenticate with Google Cloud.
Open the file and copy the email adress in the field
Use this command to authenticate your computer with the cluster:
gcloud auth activate-service-account INSERT_CLIENT_EMAIL_HERE --key-file=PATH_TO_JSON_FILE --project INSERT_PROJECT_NAME
Verify that you have successfully authenticated by this command:
gcloud container clusters list
The result should be similar to this:
NAME LOCATION MASTER_VERSION MASTER_IP MACHINE_TYPE NODE_VERSION NUM_NODES STATUS cv-cluster europe-north1-a 1.10.2-gke.3 n1-standard-2 1.10.2-gke.3 6 RUNNING