ML.NET has turned 1. After 12 preview releases over the last year and implementing many enhancements and API improvements, this release brings you the version 1.0.0
of ML.NET. Thank you wholeheartedly for being an awesome community. Please continue to use and provide feedback on what should be improved. We will ensure that going forward no breaking API changes are introduced.
ML.NET supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux. See supported OS versions of .NET Core 2.0 for more details.
You can install ML.NET NuGet from the CLI using:
dotnet add package Microsoft.ML
From package manager:
Install-Package Microsoft.ML
Shoutout to all these amazing contributors who have helped us along the way,
amiteshenoy, beneyal, bojanmisic, Caraul, dan-drews, DAXaholic, dhilmathy, dzban2137, elbruno, endintiers, f1x3d, feiyun0112, forki, harshsaver, helloguo, hvitved, Jongkeun, JorgeAndd, JoshuaLight, jwood803, kant2002, kilick, Ky7m, llRandom, malik97160, MarcinJuraszek, mareklinka, Matei13, mfaticaearnin, mnboos, nandaleite, Nepomuceno nihitb06, Niladri24dutta, PaulTFreedman, Pielgrin, pkulikov, Potapy4, Racing5372, rantri, rantri, rauhs, robosek, ross-p-smith, SolyarA, Sorrien, suhailsinghbains, terop, ThePiranha, Thomas-S-B, timitoc, tincann, v-tsymbalistyi, van-tienhoang, veikkoeeva, yamachu, and the ML.NET team for making this happen!