R N Abhigna (14PH20029) summer project experience.
I worked at the x-ray group of the Remeis Observatory in Bamberg, which is affiliated with the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg in Germany. I was supervised by Prof. Dr. Jörn Wilms for 9 weeks from mid-May to mid-July.
I mainly worked from the observatory offices in Bamberg and visited Erlangen for talks and seminars. People mentioned here include: Joern (my supervisor & head of the x-ray group), Mirjam Oertel (PhD candidate working on the eXTRaS project for XMM-Newton), Philipp Weber (Masters student - network admin and software go-to person), Ralf Ballhausen (PhD candidate - multiwavelength spectra), Ingo Kreykenbohm (postdoc - satellite telemetry & eROSITA science) and several others at ECAP & Remeis.
For a better context to my work, please see github.com/abhignarevuru/remeis-2018.
tl;dr - I worked on a near-real time automated classification system to identify astrophysical source classes based on satellite data. My method uses machine learning techniques to achieve an unprecedented 98% accuracy rate. My work was specifically tailored for the eROSITA, the primary instrument on board the Spektr-RG satellite (launched from Baikonur, March 2019). The satellite is an international cooperative mission with Roscosmos (Russia), the European Space Agency, Space Research Institute (Moscow), Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (Germany), and NASA/Marshall Space Flight Centre (USA).
My work contract with Joern required 40 hours of work per week. Place of work and timings are flexible as long I am reachable in person/via telecon and can collaborate with the group effectively.
Joern believes that intercultural spirit is part & parcel of daily life at the observatory, given the group's diversity and Bamberg's historical significance. He wanted cultural experiences to be a mandatory part of my visit, hence they are included, italicised.
- Basic overview on eROSITA from Joern
- Read Melanie Lang's thesis for an intuitive understanding of the eROSITA pipeline
- Practiced my R programming skills with a couple of DataCamp projects
- Reviewed machine learning theory
- Learnt how random forest works and built some classifiers with it
15 May '18
- Landed in Frankfurt, Miri & Philipp welcomed me at Bamberg and helped me settle in
- Miri explained the basics for her work in the eXTRaS project; gave some overview literature
- Set up account & workspace with help from Ingo & Max
16 May '18
- Read up on x-ray astronomy
- Linux & bash shell refresher
- MAC config with Philipp
17 May '18
- Read up on detection of x-rays
- Discussion with Miri: XMM-Newton data, her & Annika's work on eXTRas project
- Read up on performance metrics for ML
18 May '18
- Read up on x-ray sources and production mechanisms
- Read eXTRaS project documentation
- First look at Miri's data sets
21 May '18
- (official holiday)
- Chinese lunar mission Chang'e 4 launch party
22 May '18
- Official welcome to the group
- Group meeting - SIXTE workshop update; Joern: Gaia uncertainty on distance measurements underestimated; Matthias: possible to estimate mass, radius distribution of neutron stars from supernova simulations; Jörn: new code to simulate winds caused by x-ray absorption onto accretion disk; Katya: solved python+ISIS compatibility issues
- Joern's welcome, we formulated an initial plan of action
23 May '18
- Familiarised myself with the XMM-Netwon catalogue
- Finished reading Annika's thesis draft about her classification methods
- Joern explaining Bavarian history, nearby cities and culture with Pablo, Bosco & Javier
24 May '18
- internal server registration; read the Remeis wikis
- Discussion with Miri: clarified doubts on her code
- SMOTE documentation
- Discussion with Ralf: how are spectral models made?
- Kontakt Bamberg 2018 festival with Manasa
25 May '18
- Learnt markdown
- Started writing documentation
- Excursion to Forccheim and Bayreuth hiking trail with Pablo & Bosco led by Joern
28 May '18
- Discussion with Philipp, Ralf: how to harness ISIS scripts
- XMM-Newton data archive & understanding the pipeline
29 May '18
- Group meeting - Matthias: Analysis of Her X-1 XMM-Newton data; Ralf: Modelling Her X-1 data; Joern: Chinese lunar mission discussion on the Nature paper; Joern: new ISIS routine to simplify polygons; Ingo: eROSITA telemetry conversions done; Joern: policy regulations in light of EU's data protection laws, contracts update
- IdM registration
- Simplified the SMOTE function to solve issue with processing time
- Success with reproducing Miri & Annika's balancing algorithm
30 May '18
- Student journal club in Erlangen - talk on dosimetry
- ECAP seminar in Erlangen - Oliver Hupe (PTB/Braunschweig) on radiation dosimetry
- Solved issue with extra factors in the balanced dataset with droplevels()
- SMOTE efficiency testing
31 May '18
- Read up on linear support vector machine
- Rudimentary implementation of Miri's training set
01 June '18
- Making the Linear SVM model
04 June '18
- Debugging SVM model
- SVM model parametric testing
- Cake - Jacky Catalano's birthday celebration
05 June '18
- Group meeting - Joern & Christian: XIFUsim simulation software update,;Philipp: BW-model v2 fit_pars problem solved; Maria: wind accretion model difficulty, faq on nocuta
- Litclub - Katharina reviewed 'From the Transits of Venus to the Birth of Experimental Psychology, Physics in Perspective, 2013, 15, 130-159
- Linear SVM model efficiency testing
06 June '18
- Student journal club in Erlangen - Stephan Dietz on the Local Bubble and Loop I + pizza discussion
- ECAP seminar in Erlangen - Michael Schulreich on reconstructing the origin of the Local Bubble and Loop I via Earth's radioisotopic signatures
- Messier cluster reboot
- Simon Kreuzer's introduction seminar to the 40cm and the H alpha telescope at the observatory
- Screening of Soyuz launch with ISS cosmonauts!
- Barbecue celebration at observatory
07 June '18
- Debugging RF code
- LaTeX refresher
- Discussion with Miri & Philipp: feature selection for training?
08 June '18
- Debugging RF code
- can I manipulate FITS directly instead of having to convert to CSV?
- Cake: Uli's rhubarb birthday celebration
11 June '18
- RF feature selection tests
- Philipp's idea - use FITSio!
- Discussion with Roberto on using TOPCAT instead
- Introduced Pablo to Indian food at Swarg, and he introduced me to flamenco styles of music
12 June '18
- Group meeting - Thomas: Thursday software meetings are back; Christian, Pablo, Max: XIFUsim new implementation overview; Ingo: eSASS problems
- RF feature selection tests
13 June '18
- ECAP seminar in Erlangen - Adrian Zink on MacMini update & new OS overview (read documentation; did not attend)
- Surprising discrepancy - getting good results without spectral data!
- Discussion with Joern - still in shock
14 June '18
- Software meeting - Pablo, Max, Philipp: Autotools and CUDA for GPU programming; Christian: Polymorphism in C++
- Trying to understand how spectra are prepared
- Cake: Thomas Dauser's birthday celebration
15 June '18
- Confusion with errors getting carried over to eROSITA training set - solved!
- Can we use unsupervised methods here?
- how was Farrell training set made?
- Farewell to Pablo
18 June '18
- Major problem with my SVM model - binary model extended to multiclass is less efficient
- Clustering vs classification - which is better?
- Cake: Ingo's birthday cake celebration
19 June '18
- Group meeting - Joern: news from the Madrid XMM meeting, see online for talks; Melanie: simulated brightest ULX with eROSITA; Ralf: fitting XSTAR reflection tables to source with strong iron complex; Christian: XIFUsim deadline review
- Discussion with Philipp: feature list v2, how he gets parameters from eROSITA simulations; spectral data extraction problem with ISIS
- caret package
20 June '18
- Student journal club - Chistopher Schönwälder & Philipp Thalhammer on the Small Magellanic Cloud + pizza discussion
- ECAP seminar in Erlangen: Frank Haberl (MPE Garching) on XMM-Newton surveys of Magellanic Clouds
- Read old WP7 group reports to understand previous results of feature selection
- Barbeque with Ralf, Lia, Victoria, Bosco, Christian, Joern, Javier
21 June '18
- Remeis wiki update
- Discussion with Lia Corrales (visitor from MIT) and Javier (Caltech) - US vs German vs Indian undergrad systems, contract types, opportunities at Kavli
- caret package - reading documentation, can I use it here?
- Discussion
22 June '18
- Implementing caret
- Discussion with Victoria Grindberg (visitor from Tubingen) - popular science outreach, how can we thrive regardless of bad teaching?
- Farewell to Shu Niu
25 June '18
- Explained clustering to Miri
- Discussion with Joern & Miri: approved my RF model, what next?, using FITS directly, coordinate bias, any skew caused due to SMOTE?
- Present findings in next group meeting - Joern
- Fire drill
26 June '18
- Group meeting - Philipp: chi square hacking for v2, Philipp: Bayesian blocks; Bosco: NuSTAR HMB data fit featuring Compton scattering
- Litclub: Ralf reviewed 'Spectroscopic observations of the Moon at the lunar surface' by Y. Wu and B. Hapke, 2018, EPSL
- Figured out how to use the FITS format directly without involving CSV change
27 June '18
- ECAP seminar in Erlangen - Bosco Oruru (Makerere University) UNESCO mandated talk on Astronomy in Uganda
- Markus PhD defence in Erlangen
- Mail thread discussion - emacs folding mode
- Python packages being frozen; convert scripts immediately
28 June '18
- Software meeting
- Figuring out if coordinates are causing a bias
- Barbeque treat from Uli to celebrate Markus' successful defence
29 June '18
- Discussion with Miri - how is balancing affecting the distribution of sources?
- Figuring out how detID differs from srcID - does multiple detections per source affect balancing?
- Should only unique detections per source be trained? - NO! not needed
02 July '18
- Discussion with Miri - figured out how to solve bias issues
- Miri will make a data set with more observations from 3XMM catalogue since not all parameters are needed
03 July '18
- Group meeting: FRANCI prep, XIFUsim update, network upgrades
- Presented my work at group meeting; speculation on why spectral data doesn't contribute to ML
- Discussion with Felix Fuerst (ESAC Integral scientist; visitor) on using a histogram analysis for hardness ratios to test data integrity
- Philipp's successful bachelor thesis defence on AGN Arakelian 120 Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis of accretion disk density
04 July '18
- Student journal club - introduction to IceCube & eROSITA projects
- ECAP seminar in Erlangen - Gisela Anton & Joern Wilms on reports on IceCube-Gen2 and eROSITA
05 July '18
- writing documentation & reports
- Discussion with Miri
- Cooked Indian meal for barbeque with visitors
06 July '18
- Preparing for litclub presentation & writing reports
09 July '18
- Learnt how to use latex Beamer
- Made presentation for talk
10 July '18
- Group meeting- Tobi Beuchert (Amsterdam, visiting): GR-MHD simulations of accretion in feedback, using adaptive grid-sizes on GPU clusters, Thommy: Software meeting again on Thursday, Joern: FRANCI & ECAP summer party logistics; Radio Telescopes: Delivery due November, with installation; Javier: Cyg X-1; Ingo: eROSITA Telemetry new setup, got CCD noise maps recorded for spacecraft detectors
- Talk by Cosimo Bambi, Fudan University on testing GR via reflection spectra
- Gave talk on 'Automated Source Classification with Random Forests'
11 July '18
- ECAP summer festival in Erlangen - poster talk, barbeque, talks, networking
12 July '18
- Wrapped up everything with Joern, discussed further work
- My farewell
- Flight from Frankfurt