After installation is complete, it starts a terminal window and runs the gcloud init command. It will create a default profile for you.
Your current project has been set to: [qwiklabs-gcp-00-b217b3dac28d].
Your project default Compute Engine zone has been set to [us-central1-a].
You can change it by running [gcloud config set compute/zone NAME].
Your project default Compute Engine region has been set to [us-central1].
You can change it by running [gcloud config set compute/region NAME].
Created a default .boto configuration file at [C:\Users\<username>\.boto]. See this file and
[] for more
information about configuring Google Cloud Storage.
Your Google Cloud SDK is configured and ready to use!
* Commands that require authentication will use [email protected] by default
* Commands will reference project `qwiklabs-gcp-00-b217b3dac28d` by default
* Compute Engine commands will use region `us-central1` by default
* Compute Engine commands will use zone `us-central1-a` by default
# Login
gcloud auth login
# Logout all
gcloud auth revoke --all
# Logout specific account
gcloud auth revoke <your_account>
# List the config settings
gcloud config list
# Set the project in the gcloud config
gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID>
# Command to create a Windows VM
# port 80 and 443 rules have the tags "http-server" and "https-server"
gcloud compute instances create "my-vm-1" \
--machine-type "n1-standard-1" \
--image-project "windows-cloud" \
--image "windows-server-2012-r2-dc-v20191008" \
--subnet "default" \
--tags http-server,https-server --verbosity=debug
# RDP & install IIS using PowerShell
Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools
# View the default IIS web server page
curl http://<external-ip>/
# Command to create a Linux VM
# port 80 and 443 rules have the tags "http-server" and "https-server"
gcloud compute instances create "my-vm-2" \
--machine-type "n1-standard-1" \
--image-project "debian-cloud" \
--image-family "debian-10" \
--subnet "default" \
--tags http-server,https-server
# SSH into linux VM using gcloud cli
gcloud compute ssh <vm-name>
# install the Nginx web server
sudo apt-get install nginx-light -y
# View the default NGINX web server page
curl http://<external-ip>/
# Command to list VMs
gcloud compute instances list --zones=us-central1-a --verbosity=debug
# Command to delete VMs
gcloud compute instances delete my-vm-2 --zone=us-central1-a --verbosity=debug
# Create a Cloud Storage bucket (make bucket)
export DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID=qwiklabs-gcp-01-022203c969ec
# copy a banner image from a publicly accessible Cloud Storage location to local
gsutil cp gs://cloud-training/gcpfci/my-excellent-blog.png my-excellent-blog.png
# Copy the banner image to your newly created Cloud Storage bucket
gsutil cp my-excellent-blog.png gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID/my-excellent-blog.png
# Modify the ACL of the object so that it is readable by everyone
gsutil acl ch -u allUsers:R gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID/my-excellent-blog.png
# Download an Deployment Manager template
gsutil cp gs://cloud-training/gcpfcoreinfra/mydeploy.yaml mydeploy.yaml
# Replace the 'ZONE' placeholder string with your GCP zone
sed -i -e "s/ZONE/$MY_ZONE/" mydeploy.yaml
# Replace the 'PROJECT_ID' placeholder string with your GCP project Id
sed -i -e "s/PROJECT_ID/$PROJECT_ID/" mydeploy.yaml
# Create a deployment
gcloud deployment-manager deployments create my-first-depl --config mydeploy.yaml
# The deployment details can be viewed in the dashboard or using the CLI
gcloud deployment-manager deployments describe my-first-depl
# Update a Deployment Manager deployment
nano mydeploy.yaml
# Update the value of the startup-script key
value: "apt-get update; apt-get install nginx-light -y"
# Update the deployment
gcloud deployment-manager deployments update my-first-depl --config mydeploy.yaml
# Delete a deployment already created
gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete my-first-depl
# Install monitoring agent on VM
curl -sSO
sudo bash
# install logging agent on VM
curl -sSO
sudo bash
# create the privatenet network VPC
gcloud compute networks create privatenet --subnet-mode=custom
# create the privatesubnet-us subnet inside the VPC
gcloud compute networks subnets create privatesubnet-us --network=privatenet --region=us-central1 --range=
# create the privatesubnet-eu subnet inside the VPC
gcloud compute networks subnets create privatesubnet-eu --network=privatenet --region=europe-west1 --range=
# list the available VPC networks
gcloud compute networks list
# create the privatenet-allow-icmp-ssh-rdp firewall rule
gcloud compute firewall-rules create privatenet-allow-icmp-ssh-rdp --direction=INGRESS \
--priority=1000 --network=privatenet --action=ALLOW --rules=icmp,tcp:22,tcp:3389 \
# Create a VM inside the subnet privatesubnet-us
gcloud compute instances create privatenet-us-vm --zone=us-central1-c --machine-type=f1-micro \
--subnet=privatesubnet-us --image-family=debian-10 --image-project=debian-cloud \
--boot-disk-size=10GB --boot-disk-type=pd-standard --boot-disk-device-name=privatenet-us-vm
# List the VMs, sorted by zone
gcloud compute instances list --sort-by=ZONE
# Create a Storage Bucket
gsutil mb -l US gs://abs_lab_bucket
# Copy an image file into the bucket
gsutil cp gs://cloud-training/gcpnet/private/access.svg gs://abs_lab_bucket
# Copy the image from the bucket into local VM. This should work
gsutil cp gs://abs_lab_bucket/*.svg .
# Create a VPC network
gcloud compute networks create privatenet --subnet-mode=custom
# Create subnet within the VPC
gcloud compute networks subnets create privatenet-us --network=privatenet --region=us-central1 --range=
# create the firewall rule
# IAP connections come from a specific set of IP addresses (
gcloud compute firewall-rules create privatenet-allow-ssh --direction=INGRESS \
--priority=1000 --network=privatenet --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:22 \
# Create a VM instance with no public IP address on the subnet
gcloud compute instances create vm-internal --zone=us-central1-c \
--machine-type=n1-standard-1 --subnet=privatenet-us \
--image-family=debian-10 --image-project=debian-cloud \
--boot-disk-size=10GB --boot-disk-type=pd-standard \
--boot-disk-device-name=vm-internal --no-address
# SSH to vm-internal to test the IAP tunnel
gcloud compute ssh vm-internal --zone us-central1-c --tunnel-through-iap
# Test external connectivity from the VM. It won't work as the VM has no external IP address
ping -c 2
# Copy the image to vm-internal. It won't work as the VM has no external IP address
gsutil cp gs://abs_lab_bucket/*.svg .
# Ctrl+C to stop the request. Exit the VM
# Enable Private Google Access to reach external IP addresses of Google APIs and service
gcloud compute networks subnets update privatenet-us --enable-private-ip-google-access
# SSH to vm-internal through the IAP tunnel
gcloud compute ssh vm-internal --zone us-central1-c --tunnel-through-iap
# Test external connectivity from the VM. It won't work as the VM has no external IP address
ping -c 2
# Copy the image to vm-internal. This works as the Private Google Access is enabled
gsutil cp gs://abs_lab_bucket/*.svg .
# Configure a Cloud NAT gateway
# Create a Cloud Router associated with the VPC
gcloud compute routers create nat-router \
--network=privatenet \
# Create a Cloud NAT gateway associated with the Cloud Router
gcloud compute routers nats create nat-config \
--router=nat-router \
--auto-allocate-nat-external-ips \
--nat-all-subnet-ip-ranges \
# Test external connectivity from the VM. It will work now.
ping -c 2
To route requests through a static IP address, you need to configure the VPC egress to route all outbound traffic through a VPC network that has a Cloud NAT gateway configured with the static IP address.
gcloud command line window shows the gcloud commands to create the VPN gateway and VPN tunnels and it illustrates that three forwarding rules are also created.
# Create a vpn-1 gateway
gcloud compute target-vpn-gateways create vpn-1 \
--project=qwiklabs-gcp-04-1de42120fcbe \
--region=us-central1 --network=vpn-network-1
# Create a forwarding rule to direct network traffic with ESP protocol.
# ESP protocol is used by IPsec
# The IP Address is the static IP address of the VPN gateway
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create vpn-1-rule-esp \
--project=qwiklabs-gcp-04-1de42120fcbe \
--region=us-central1 --address= \
--ip-protocol=ESP --target-vpn-gateway=vpn-1
# Create a forwarding rule to direct network traffic with UDP protocol port 500
# The IP Address is the static IP address of the VPN gateway
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create vpn-1-rule-udp500 \
--project=qwiklabs-gcp-04-1de42120fcbe \
--region=us-central1 --address= \
--ip-protocol=UDP --ports=500 --target-vpn-gateway=vpn-1
# Create a forwarding rule to direct network traffic with UDP protocol port 4500
# The IP Address is the static IP address of the VPN gateway
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create vpn-1-rule-udp4500 \
--project=qwiklabs-gcp-04-1de42120fcbe \
--region=us-central1 --address= \
--ip-protocol=UDP --ports=4500 --target-vpn-gateway=vpn-1
# Create tunnel to the remote VPN gateway
# Peer address is the static IP address of the remote VPN gateway
gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create tunnel1to2 \
--project=qwiklabs-gcp-04-1de42120fcbe \
--region=us-central1 --peer-address= \
--shared-secret=gcprocks --ike-version=2 \
--local-traffic-selector= \
--remote-traffic-selector= \
# Create a route to the destination subnet
# Destination range is the CIDR range of the target subnet
gcloud compute routes create tunnel1to2-route-1 \
--project=qwiklabs-gcp-04-1de42120fcbe \
--network=vpn-network-1 --priority=1000 \
--destination-range= \
--next-hop-vpn-tunnel=tunnel1to2 \