Implements a simple Reg-ex replace for LDAP
This code is based upon px-ldap-group-cleanup
Install dependencies
pipenv install
Execute the script directly
pipenv run ./px-ldap-replace
or activate the venv-first
pipenv shell
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements-devel.txt
Dynamically linking to the repo
python develop
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Statically install the script
python install
All parameters set via command-line can also be set in the config. Every config-parameter is optional.
# the ldap-servers domain-name or IP
# where to start searches
search_base: dc=example,dc=org
# object-filter defaults to '(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)'
search_filter: '(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)'
# user-dn for bind
bind_dn: cn=my-script-user,ou=admins,dc=example,dc=org
# user password
bind_pw: <better-use-stdin>
# LDAP-attributes to modify (defaults to all)
attributes: '*'
# regex search pattern
pattern: Foo
# regex replacement string
repl: Bar
# the attribute name to check against the limit-file
limit_key: mail
# file-path to a value whitelist (newline separated)
limit_file: mails.txt
If no password is is defined it will be requested via getpass
px-ldap-replace \
--host='' \
--search-base='dc=example,dc=org' \
--bind-dn='cn=my-script-user,ou=admins,dc=example,dc=org' \
--pattern='bad' \
--repl='good' \
--limit-key='mail' \
With mails.txt looking like: