This provider connects dapps into the Abridged web wallet sdk, by using a parent iFrame and a child dapp web3 polyfill.
npm install @abridged/web-wallet-frame-sdk
The parent iFrame should be constructed like:
import { FrameProvider } from "@abridged/web-wallet-frame-sdk";
// SDK - Abridged SDK reference
// window - browser window reference object
// WALLET_PUB_KEY - user's web wallet public key
let wallet = new FrameProvider(sdk, window, WALLET_PUB_KEY);
// Set custom UI transaction prompt
wallet.setPrompt( function(msg, approve, reject) {
var retVal = confirm("Do you want to continue? Transaction: " + msg);
// Approve transaction
if(retVal) approve();
// Reject transaction
else reject();
// Allows the dapp to request on/off ramp flow to trigger in the web wallet
// Can optionally be provided erc20 address to onramp directly to token if possible
// Handler is async to allow for waiting on on/off ramp completion
wallet.setRamp( aysnc function(action, token) {
if(action==="buy") {
if(token === null) console.log('wants to buy eth");
else console.log('wants to buy", token);
if(action==="sell") {
if(token === null) console.log('wants to sell eth");
else console.log('wants to buy", token);
return true; // if successful
// The setup function will change the iFrame object src to the target location and start listening for web3 calls from child.
// refiFrame - current iFrame reference to iFrame dom object
// frameSrc - url for the IFrame to load once provider is loaded
await wallet.setup(refiFrame, frameSrc);
// Be sure to call this if your React component unloads or redraws
The child iFrame should import the polyfill:
import '@jadbox/iframe-provider-polyfill'
or add via html:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>