The goal of this assignment is to work with others' code and to practice writing to external storage.
This is an individual assignment.
Create your own fork of another group's project and work with their codebase for this assignment.
Feel free to contact the developers that created the project, but if they don't respond in a timely manner, don't let that block you. Part of being a developer is dealing with code where you can't necessarily talk to the person who wrote it.
Document the code as well as possible.
Refactor some part of the code - that is, change the way the code is structured to make it better, while rewriting as little as possible.
Rewrite some part of the code.
Add something that your team did that this team did not do.
Add a feature to save a meme to external storage.
Be kind and helpful to other developers reaching out to you about your code and design decisions.
Submit this as a pull request to the repository you forked, and submit a link to the pull request below. This assignment is due at 2200 on Friday June 12th.
Jose Garcia - ramonaharrison/meme-ify-me#13
Sarah Kim - Yuliya-Kaleda/meme#1
Abass B. - Yuliya-Kaleda/meme#2
George Syrimis - Yuliya-Kaleda/meme#5
Dison Ruan - Yuliya-Kaleda/meme#6
Marbella Vidals -
Anthony McBride:
Luke Lee -
Janneisy Vidals -
Kadeem Maragh -
Jorge Reina -
Madelyn Tavarez - tashsmit/Meme5#16
Elvis Boves - tashsmit/Meme5#17
Sufei Zhao - tashsmit/Meme5#18
Rosmary Fermin - tashsmit/Meme5#19
Tasha Smith - RosmaryFC/Meme-ify-Me-ARHM#30
Vanice Yee - RosmaryFC/Meme-ify-Me-ARHM#31
Anthony Fermin - RosmaryFC/Meme-ify-Me-ARHM#32
Na Li - RosmaryFC/Meme-ify-Me-ARHM#33
Allison Bojarski - RosmaryFC/Meme-ify-Me-ARHM#34
Reinard Cox -
Jaellys Bales - MadelynTav/MemeProject#21
Alvin Kuang - MadelynTav/MemeProject#22
Yuliya Kaleda -
Joshelyn Vivas- MadelynTav/MemeProject#24
Hoshiko Oki - sufeiiz/Memeify#6
Pooja Pasawala - sufeiiz/Memeify#7
Ray Acevedo - sufeiiz/Memeify#8
Ramona Harrison - jaellys/memeify-me#18
John Gomez - RosmaryFC/Meme-ify-Me-ARHM#41
Hanbi Choi - ramonaharrison/meme-ify-me#18