This version of Wondershaper is outdated and will not work properly.
sudo apt remove wondershaper
git clone
cd wondershaper
sudo make install
sudo which wondershaper
This should return /usr/bin/wondershaper
if it installed correctly.
Note: You can list your network devices with
ip addr
sudo nano /etc/systemd/wondershaper.conf
- change adaptor from
- set download and upload speeds
sudo systemctl enable --now wondershaper.service
Note: If you run into this error:
Job for wondershaper.service failed because the control > process exited with error code. See "systemctl status wondershaper.service" and "journalctl > -xeu wondershaper.service" for details.
Then you need to change the service executable file location.
sudo nano /usr/local/lib/systemd/system/wondershaper.service
in ExecStart and ExecStopSave the file and try to enable the service again.
Wondershaper should now be activated upon reboot.
pipx install speedtest-cli
Note: If you get "ERROR: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden", try running
speedtest --secure