sudo apt install wondershaper ifupdown isc-dhcp-client
sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /root/backup.interfaces
Now if anything goes wrong, you can restore your config with sudo cp /root/backup.interfaces /etc/network/interfaces
Note: You can list your network devices with
ip addr
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
Paste the following lines:
auto end1
iface end1 inet dhcp
up /sbin/wondershaper end1 1024 512
down /sbin/wondershaper remove end1
Save changes and exit nano.
sudo ifdown end1 && sudo ifup end1
Note: May give the message "ifdown: interface end1 not configured". This does not mean something went wrong.
pipx install speedtest-cli
Note: If you get "ERROR: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden", try running
speedtest --secure
Results should be around 1024 Kb up and 512 Kb down.