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<div id="intro-description">
<p>The ACM SIGSOFT Empirical Standards are the official evidence standards (models of a community's expectations for conducting and reporting studies) for software engineering research.</p>
<a class="page-link" href="">Review a paper</a>
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Different kinds of research have different norms, so each common research method has a unique standard
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<h3>Checklists for authors and reviewers</h3>
<p>Use standards-based checklists to improve your methods, papers, and peer reviews</p>
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<h3>Desirable and extraordinary attributes</h3>
<p>Standards and checklists clearly differentiate must-haves from exceptional research</p>
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<h3>Specific attributes</h3>
<p>A list of properties the paper should possess, grouped into essential, desirable, and extraordinary</p>
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<p><q cite="">Conceptually evaluates the proposed artifact; discusses its strengths, weaknesses and limitations.</q><br><br><span>Engineering Research</span></p>
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<h3>General quality criteria</h3>
<p>Qualitative and quantitative quality criteria the paper should meet</p>
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<p><q cite="">Conclusion validity, construct validity, internal validity, reliability, objectivity, reproducibility.</q><br><br><span>Experiment</span></p>
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<h3>Acceptable deviations</h3>
<p>Circumstances where the paper is permitted to deviate from a standard</p>
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<p><q cite="">Data not shared because it is impractical (e.g. too large) or unethical (e.g. too sensitive)</q><br><br><span>Data Science</span></p>
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<p>Common problems with this methodology that papers should avoid</p>
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<p><q cite="">Data analysis focusing on counting words, codes, concepts, or categories instead of interpreting.</q><br><br><span>Grounded Theory</span></p>
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<h3>Invalid criticisms</h3>
<p>Unreasonable arguments against a paper that reviewers should not make</p>
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<p><q cite="">The replication merely confirms the findings of the original study; no inconsistencies are reported.</q><br><br><span>Replication</span></p>
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<h3>Suggested readings</h3>
<p>Additional scholarship on the method upon which the standard is based</p>
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<p><q cite="">Barbara Kitchenham and Stuart Charters. 2007. Guidelines for performing Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering.</q><br><br><span>Systematic Review</span></p>
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<p>Good examples of the method that authors should emulate</p>
<div class="feature-list-example">
<p><q cite="">Diomidis Spinellis and Paris C. Avgeriou. Evolution of the Unix System Architecture: An Exploratory Case Study. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. (2019).</q><br><br><span>Case Study</span></p>
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<p>Interactive checklists</p>
<p>Interactive checklists based on the standards make peer review more specific, technical, and reliable.
Customized diagnostics help reviewers make more reasonable and actionable suggestions.</p>
<ul class="benefit-list">
<li>More effective, transparent peer reviews</li>
<li>Faster publication times</li>
<li>Reduced reviewer workload</li>
<li>Higher-quality papers</li>
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<div class="timeline">
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<p class="timeline-date">MAY 2019</p>
<p class="timeline-content">At ICSE town hall, SIGSOFT launches the "Improving Paper and Peer Review Quality Initiative"</p>
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<p class="timeline-date">MAY 2020</p>
<p class="timeline-content">First 8 empirical standards drafted</p>
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<p class="timeline-date">OCT 2020</p>
<p class="timeline-content">
Empirical Standards Report made accessible on arXiv <!-- Link to report -->
<a href="">Read the Empirical Standards Report →</a>
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<p class="timeline-date">JAN 2021</p>
<p class="timeline-content">
First 8 standards made available on GitHub for public comment <!-- Link to git repo -->
<a href="">Visit GitHub repository →</a>
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<p class="timeline-date">MAY 2021</p>
<p class="timeline-content">First review checklists available on the web</p>
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<p class="timeline-date">JUNE 2021</p>
<p class="timeline-content">First recommendation of the standards by a conference (EASE 2021)</p>
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<p class="timeline-date">JUNE 2023</p>
<p class="timeline-content">Field experiment at EASE showing standards improve reliability</p>
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<p class="timeline-content">EASE experiment and standards published in journal</p>
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<p class="timeline-content">Empirical standards listed on EQUATOR Network</p>
Ready to try?