PredictionIO is an open source machine learning server for software developers to create predictive features, such as personalization, recommendation and content discovery.
Add this to your Gemfile
gem 'prediction_io'
Install with Bundler
bundle install
Install with gem install
gem install prediction_io
Configurations have to be pre-defined in config/prediction_io.yml Such as:
username: batman
password: secret
appkey: my_supersecret_key
host: http://localhost:3000
timeout: 5
proxy: null
pool: 5
PredictionIO::Worker is responsible for 'getting the job done' whenenver you make a request. ( e.g aget(1), acreate(1) ) It is also smart enough to call a fallback when an exception is encoutered, therefore, Whenever a exception is raised it will call a fallback which will return an instance of OpenStruct object with two methods defined:
- notice -> What the exception raised has returned.
- worker -> The worker assigned to that particular job.
The catch here is, if you call a method that an instance of OpenStruct does not respond to it will return nil, this prevents other exceptions from being raised. For example:
PredictionIO::User.adelete(4){ |response|
# => nil
PredictionIO::User.adelete(4) { |r|
puts r.notice.response.code
# => 404
###Creating an user
Prediction::User.acreate(1, { pio_latlgn: [ 23.0, 20.1 ] })
# Or if you need to do something with the response:
Prediction::User.acreate(1, { pio_latlgn: [ 23.0, 20.1 ] }) { |u|
# this will be called whenever this job is done.
# => 1
###Getting an user
# OR
Prediction::User.aget(1, { extra_params }) { |u| print }
###Deleting an user
# OR
PredictionIO::User.adelete(1) { |u| ... }