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Sergio Cambra edited this page Jul 23, 2024 · 3 revisions

Action 'show'

These methods are called in the following order:

  1. show_authorized_filter called as before_action
    1. show_authorized? (or the method defined in if it's changed) is called to check the permission. If this method returns false, show_authorized_filter will raise ActiveScaffold::ActionNotAllowed.
  2. show
    1. do_show
      1. get_row which uses find_if_allowed to load the record to be edited into @record instance variable, checking :read permission.
    2. respond_to_action, which will call the corresponding response method for show action and the requested format

do_show can be overrided, for example to change how record is loaded depending on the params of the request, or any other code to customize the action which should be executed before rendering the views.

Then it will render these views:

  • show.html.erb (only for HTML request)
    • _show_actions.html.erb if inline_links is enabled in, with locals record and position set to :header
    • _show.html.erb
      • _show_columns.html.erb
    • _show_actions.html.erb if inline_links is enabled in, with locals record and position set to :footer

The _show_actions partial will display the action links with type :member, but will check if action link should be displayed with the helper display_link_in_show?, which receives link and position arguments, and default to display links at :header position only. It can be overrided to change which links are displayed and where, e.g. display only some links, or display them when position is :footer or any position, or display some links in header and some other links in footer. If action link is for show action in the same controller, without parameters (the default show link), or link is not authorized, it won't be displayed.

The _show_columns partial will display the defined columns in show action, it will be called recursively for the subgroup of columns. If the show_ui of an association column is set to :horizontal or :vertical, then will render _show_association partial, which will render _show_association_horizontal to display the association as a table, or _show_association_vertical to display them as subgroup rendering _show_columns. Both partials will get the columns to render from the helper show_columns_for, which defaults to the show.columns defined in the controller for the associated model.

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