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42 lines (40 loc) · 1.95 KB

Holiday Class holiday = new Holiday(new Date("2020-10-01"), new Date("2021-10-05")) holiday.startDate // Date holiday.endDate // Date // => 0.0 // [] // [] holiday.numberOfDays() // => returns the number of days of the booking holiday.getHotels() //=> returns a list of all associated hotel bookings holiday.getFlights() //=> returns a list of all associated flights holiday.getTotalPrice() // => get total price of all hotels and holiday, and apply discount hotel.returnItinerary() // => returns a nicely formatted itinerary including hotel flights, bookings and cost including discount hotel.showGaps() // => alerts the user to any gaps in their itinerary (days without hotels, hotels in different cities without flights, etc.)

HotelBooking Class hotel = new HotelBooking('hotel name','hotel city') // 'string' // 'string' hotel.address // 'string' hotel.startDate // date hotel.endDate // date hotel.rating // 0 (out of 5) hotel.basePrice // 0.00 hotel.pricePerNight(date) // => returns base price with 1.5 modifier for Summer Months and 1.2 modifier for weekends holiday.numberOfDays() // => returns the number of days of the booking hotel.pricePerBooking() // => uses pricePerNight, numberOfDays() to calculate price for entire booking

Flight Class flight = new Flight('departure date','departure code') flight.departureDate // date flight.departureCode // 'string' flight.departureCity // 'string' flight.destinationCity // 'string' flight.carrier // 'string' flight.departureTime // date flight.arrivalTime // date flight.basePrice // 0.00 flight.ticketClass // either 'business', 'first' or 'economy' flight.getPrice() // => returns the price with a modifier of 1.5 for business class and 2 for first, modifier of 0.7 if it is further than 6 months away from today flight.getDetails() // => use departureDate and DepartureCode to fill in departureCity,destinationCity,departureTime,arrivalTime,carrier and basePrice