Example algorithm and docker for the TIGER challenge
Ubuntu software
- Ubuntu20.04
- ASAP 2.0
Python packages
- numpy==1.20.2
- tqdm==4.62.3
The packages consist of the following python files.
This is an empty file used for the initialization of the package directory.
Contains code for calling the package as a module. Runs the process function from the processing file.
Contains code that deals with grand challenge input and output. It includes predefined input and output paths.
Contains code for reading and writing. Includes function for reading a multi resolution image. Furthermore, it includes classes for writing required files for the challenge, namely: segmentation mask file, detection JSON file, and TILS score file.
Main processing file. Includes code for processing a slide and applies process functions to generate a segmentation mask, detections, and a TILS score. Note that the processing functions for each task are only made for illustration purposes and should not be taken as valid processing steps.
A simple and minimal setup file is included to install the package via pip. Note that the package is not in the PyPI repository.
Dockerfile to be build and uploaded to grand-challenge. It installs
- Ubuntu20.04,
- python3.8-venv,
- ASAP2.0,
- tigeralgorithmexample + requirements
As an entry point, the __main__ file will be run; hence process function from the processing file will be called.
If you use this repository as a starting point. Please change the following three functions and implement your own models/pipeline
- segmentation: https://github.com/DIAGNijmegen/pathology-tiger-algorithm-example/blob/f1e098cfd3300e7e1988c563afc98f904b4b08e8/tigeralgorithmexample/processing.py#L26
- detection: https://github.com/DIAGNijmegen/pathology-tiger-algorithm-example/blob/f1e098cfd3300e7e1988c563afc98f904b4b08e8/tigeralgorithmexample/processing.py#L48
- tils-score: https://github.com/DIAGNijmegen/pathology-tiger-algorithm-example/blob/f1e098cfd3300e7e1988c563afc98f904b4b08e8/tigeralgorithmexample/processing.py#L74
To test if your algorithm works and (still) produces the correct outputs you add an image to ./testinput/ and a corresponding tissue mask in ./testinput/images/
After the image and the tissue background are present in the test and test/images folder, you can run the following command to build and test the docker:
This will build the docker, run the docker and check if the required output is present. Furthermore, it will check if the detected_lymphocytes.json is in valid json format. When there are no complaints in the output you can export the algorithm to an .tar.xz file with the following command:
The resulting .tar.xz file can be uploaded to the grand-challenge platform