It is very common within an application’s git repository to place all concourse artifacts in a ci folder. Within that folder individual tasks are modularized in their own yml files and refer to shell scripts for actual task execution. E.G.
App Git Repo Root: ├── App source code.... │ ├── Some code artifacts... ├── ci │ ├── pipeline.yml │ ├── credentials.yml │ ├── tasks │ │ ├── modular-task.yml │ │ ├── modular-task.sh
We will mimic that structure as we build out our pipeline
Create the ci and ci/tasks directory structure:
$ mkdir -p ci/tasks
Move the pipeline.yml file into your new ci directory
$ mv pipeline.yml ci/pipeline.yml
We will now create modularized tasks for the steps to build our application. First create the yml task file mvn-test.yml. Create the file in the ci/tasks directory:
--- platform: linux image_resource: type: docker-image source: repository: jamesdbloom/docker-java8-maven tag: "latest" inputs: - name: git-assets run: path: git-assets/ci/tasks/test.sh
You’ll note that this task references to script test.sh for the actual execution logic. Create that file:
#!/bin/bash set -xe cd git-assets mvn test
Create similar artifacts for the packaging stage of your application build:
--- platform: linux image_resource: type: docker-image source: repository: jamesdbloom/docker-java8-maven tag: "latest" inputs: - name: git-assets outputs: - name: app-output run: path: git-assets/ci/tasks/package.sh
#!/bin/bash set -xe cd git-assets mvn package cp target/concourse-demo-*.jar ../app-output/concourse-demo.jar
We need to make sure our bash scripts are executable. Execute the following command:
$ chmod +x ci/tasks/*.sh
Modify your main pipleine.yml, which now resides in the the ci directory, to include the 2 new tasks. These tasks will represent completely new jobs in your pipeline. These will test and package the java code included in your repository. You will be replacing your "howdy" job. Your final pipeline.yml file should look like this:
resources: - name: git-assets type: git source: branch: master uri: https://github.com/azwickey-pivotal/concourse-workshop jobs: - name: unit-test public: true plan: - get: git-assets trigger: true - task: mvn-test file: git-assets/ci/tasks/mvn-test.yml - name: deploy public: true plan: - get: git-assets trigger: true passed: - unit-test - task: mvn-package file: git-assets/ci/tasks/mvn-package.yml
Update your concourse pipeline with the set-pipeline command. Remember, your pipeline.yml file is now in a different location:
$ fly -t gcp set-pipeline -p pipeline-<LASTNAME> -c ci/pipeline.yml
You’ll note your pipeline now steps (or jobs). 1) Unit test your code and 2) Package/Deploy your code. Step #2 will only kickoff if Step #1 is successful
Our last step is to check all our new pipeline code into git. This should be everything in the ci folder. Once we commit our build is automatically triggered:
$ git add ci/pipeline.yml ci/tasks $ git commit -m "added concourse task assets" [master 623fdb6] added concourse task assets 3 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 ci/pipeline.yml $ git push ...... Counting objects: 7, done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done. Writing objects: 100% (7/7), 2.04 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done. Total 7 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (1/1), completed with 1 local objects. To [email protected]:azwickey-pivotal/concourse-workshop.git b952fc5..623fdb6 master -> master