In a browser navigate to http://concourse.run.cloud.zwickey.net/ and select the icon associated with your platform:
Add the downloaded binary to your system path
After adding to your system path you should be able to execute the fly command from a terminal window:
$ fly -version 1 ↵ 2.6.0
Execute the fly target command to connect to the Concourse environment. When prompted to a username and password enter the credentials provided to you by your instructor.
$ fly --target gcp login --concourse-url http://concourse.cloud.zwickey.net:8080 --team-name Main
Execute the fly login command, entering the credentials again when prompted.
$ fly -t gcp login 1 ↵ username: admin password: target saved
Fork this git repository: https://github.com/azwickey-pivotal/concourse-workshop
Clone this repository to your local desktop
$ git clone <YOUR-GIT-URL>
In your terminal window change directories to the root of your cloned git repo. We’ll use this location as a base for most our commands in the workshop