+ )
+ }
+ handleListOrders(){
+ this.props.history.push
+ (
+ {
+ pathname: ('/orders/'),
+ state: {diningSession : this.props.diningSession},
+ diningSession : this.props.diningSession
+ }
+ );
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/js/components/subcomponents/Order.js b/src/main/js/components/subcomponents/Order.js
index 9e76310..ad95c75 100644
--- a/src/main/js/components/subcomponents/Order.js
+++ b/src/main/js/components/subcomponents/Order.js
@@ -2,4 +2,256 @@
/** ----- NPM PACKAGE IMPORTS -----**/
import React from "react";
-import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
\ No newline at end of file
+import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
+import Select from "react-select";
+import Modal from "react-bootstrap/Modal";
+import Button from "react-bootstrap/Button";
+/**Custom Class imports */
+import { StaffOrders } from "../Staff";
+/** Styling Imports */
+import {FontAwesomeIcon} from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome";
+import {
+ faTrash, faEdit, faAngleDoubleLeft,
+ faAngleDoubleRight, faAngleLeft, faAngleRight,
+ faPlus
+} from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";
+import "../../../resources/static/css/staff.css"
+//******************* IMPORTANT*****
+//Due to an unknown caveat of React.js, the unmounting of this component does not occur for multiple seconds
+//This will therefore cause the end-user to load stale information if the user does not wait long enough in between
+ //selecting a diningSession's orders to view.
+//It is recommended that the end user, and testers wait 20 seconds after navigating backwards from a diningSessionOrders page before selecting another
+//The DiningSessionOrders class is routed to from a list of all diningSession.
+//This component corresponds to a list of Orders associated with a diningSession
+//The hierarchy of Order expression goes as: StaffDiningSession -routes-> DiningSessionOrders -contains-> StaffOrderList -contains-> StaffOrder
+export class DiningSessionOrders extends React.Component{
+ constructor(props){
+ super(props); //assume the following props are passed in: diningSession
+ this.state = {
+ orders : [],
+ }
+ this.requestOrders = this.requestOrders.bind(this);
+ this.handleBackClick = this.handleBackClick.bind(this);
+ }
+ render(){
+ return (
Order Details for {this.props.location.state.diningSession.table}