Details here
- Installing mongodb installation guide
- Connecting to a database
- Installing a Mongo DB client like robo3t to view collections
This project will do the following
- Create an express server
- Doing API validations
- Creating users API + Database
- Create a user
- Get a user by id
- Get all users
- Delete a user by id
- Understanding middle-ware
- JWT authentication (decnde/encode)
- Login middle-ware
- Web socket class
- When an event
- When a user wants to maintain it's identity
- When a user joins a chat room
- When a user mutes a chat room
- When an event
- Chat rooms
- Understanding chatroom & chatmessage database model
- Initiate a chat between users
- Create a message in chat room
- See conversation for a chat room by it's id
- Mark an entire conversation as read (seen feature similar to whatsapp)
- Get recent conversation from all chats (similar to facebook messenger page)
- Bonus
- Delete a chat room by id along with all it's associated messages
- Delete a message by id
Youtube links:
Tutorial Article:
- Postman tutorial