- Fix #34,#35
- Added Default Timezone for get data from the Nmon Files in the config file ( when no way to get from remote files with variable TZ or /etc/timezone file) , if eny error in this settings the default zone "Europe/Paris" will be used, if no configuration for both local timezone will be used
- Added new NmonFilters (USER FILTERS) option into the device section as an comma separated REGEX array, allowing users skip some data from the nmon files. ( implemements #33) , the default will be allways "^TOP" tha ussually sends to muchs data to our databases
- Fix #31
- Updated All Dependencies to last version.
- Migrated Dependencies tool godep to dep
- Added support for set remote TimeZone no remote nmon file load.
- Updated SFTP base library
- Updated all Crypto base library
- upgrade go compiler to 1.11
- #25,#27,#28
- Added HMC Device connection and Measurement Gathering data.
- Added metric/measurment spent time to gather data statistics