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OpenShift Beta 1 Setup Information

Use a Terminal Window Manager

We strongly recommend that you use some kind of terminal window manager (Screen, Tmux).


In most cases you will see references to "" and other FQDNs related to it. If you choose not to use "" in your configuration, that is fine, but remember that you will have to adjust files and actions accordingly.

Setting Up the Environment


You will need to have a wildcard for a DNS zone resolve, ultimately, to the IP address of the OpenShift router. The way we start the various services, the router will always end up on the OpenShift server that is running the master. Go ahead and create a wildcard DNS entry for "cloudapps" (or something similar), with a low TTL, that points to the public IP address of your master.

For example:

* 300 IN  A

In almost all cases, when referencing VMs you must use hostnames and the hostnames that you use must match the output of hostname -f on each of your nodes. By extension, you must at least have all hostname/ip mappings in /etc/hosts files or forward DNS should work.

It is possible to use dnsmasq inside of your beta environment to handle these duties. See the appendix on dnsmasq if you can't easily manipulate your existing DNS environment.


You will either need internet access or read and write access to an internal http-based git server where you will duplicate the public code repositories used in the labs.

Each VM

Each of the virtual machines should have 4+ GB of memory, 10+ GB of disk space, and the following configuration:

  • RHEL 7.1 Beta (Note: beta kernel is required for openvswitch)

  • "Minimal" installation option

  • firewalld and NetworkManager disabled

  • Attach the OpenShift Enterprise High Touch Beta subscription with subscription-manager

  • Then configure yum as follows:

      subscription-manager repos --disable="*"
      subscription-manager repos \
      --enable="rhel-7-server-beta-rpms" \
      --enable="rhel-7-server-extras-rpms" \

Once you have prepared your VMs, you can do the following on each VM:

  1. Install deltarpm to make package updates a little faster:

     yum -y install deltarpm
  2. Remove NetworkManager:

     yum -y remove NetworkManager*
  3. Install missing packages:

     yum install wget vim-enhanced net-tools bind-utils tmux git \
     docker openvswitch iptables-services bridge-utils '*openshift*'
  4. Update:

     yum -y update
  5. Enable openvswitch:

     systemctl enable openvswitch
  6. Edit the OPTIONS= line of your /etc/sysconfig/docker file:


    The --insecure-registry option tells Docker to trust any registry on the specified subnet, without requiring a certificate. You would want to exchange the subnet above with whatever subnet your OpenShift environment is running on. Ultimately, we will be running a Docker registry on OpenShift, which explains this setting.

  7. Enable Docker

     systemctl enable docker
  8. Add iptables port rules for OpenShift by editing /etc/sysconfig/iptables. The port range is wide open for now, but will be significantly closed in future releases. In between the following rules:

     -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
     -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT

    Add these rules:

      -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 10250 -j ACCEPT
      -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 8443:8444 -j ACCEPT
      -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 7001 -j ACCEPT
      -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 4001 -j ACCEPT
      -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
      -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
  9. Enable iptables:

     systemctl enable iptables
  10. Add the following OpenShift client config variable to the .bash_profile for root:

     export KUBECONFIG=/var/lib/openshift/openshift.local.certificates/admin/.kubeconfig
  11. And then source your profile:

     source ~/.bash_profile
  12. Restart the services with their new configurations:

     systemctl restart openvswitch docker iptables

Grab Docker Images

On all of your systems, grab the following docker images:

docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull

It may be advisable to pull the following Docker images as well, since they are used during the various labs:

docker pull openshift/ruby-20-centos
docker pull mysql
docker pull openshift/hello-openshift

Clone the Training Repository

On your master, it makes sense to clone the training git repository:

git clone
cd ~/training/beta1


Almost all of the files for this training are in the training folder you just cloned.

Starting the OpenShift Services

Running a Master

The Master Service

First, we must edit the /etc/sysconfig/openshift-master file. Edit the OPTIONS to read:

OPTIONS="--loglevel=4 --public-master=fqdn.of.master"

Then, start the openshift-master service:

systemctl start openshift-master

You may also want to systemctl enable openshift-master to ensure the service automatically starts on the next boot.

The OpenShift Node

We are running a "node" service on our master. In other words, the OpenShift Master will both orchestrate containers and run containers, too.

Edit the /etc/sysconfig/openshift-node file and edit the OPTIONS:


Do not start the openshift-node service yet. We must configure and start the openshift-sdn-node first in order to set up the proper bridges, and the openshift-sdn-node service will automatically start the openshift-node service for us.

Setting Up the SDN

Once your master is started, we need to start the SDN (which uses Open vSwitch) to begin creating our network overlay. The SDN master coordinates all of the SDN activities. The SDN node actually manipulates the local docker and network configuration. Since our OpenShift master is also a node, we will also run an SDN master and node.

First, edit the /etc/sysconfig/openshift-sdn-master file and edit the OPTIONS to read:


You can ignore the DOCKER_OPTIONS.

Then you can start the SDN master:

systemctl start openshift-sdn-master

You may also want to enable the service.

Then, edit the /etc/sysconfig/openshift-sdn-node file:




DOCKER_OPTIONS='--insecure-registry= -b=lbr0 --mtu=1450 --selinux-enabled'

Then you can start the SDN node:

systemctl start openshift-sdn-node

You may also want to enable the service.

Starting the sdn-node service will automatically start the openshift-node service.

We will start our testing and operations with only one OpenShift "node" -- the master. Later, we will add the other two nodes.

Watching Logs

RHEL 7 uses systemd and journal. As such, looking at logs is not a matter of /var/log/messages any longer. You will need to use journalctl.

Since we are running all of the components in higher loglevels, it is suggested that you use your terminal emulator to set up windows for each process. If you are familiar with the Ruby Gem, tmuxinator, there is a config file in the training repository. Otherwise, you should run each of the following in its own window:

journalctl -f -u openshift-master
journalctl -f -u openshift-node
journalctl -f -u openshift-sdn-master
journalctl -f -u openshift-sdn-node

Note: You will want to do this on the other nodes as they are added, but you will not need the master-related services. These instructions will not appear again.

Running the Router

Networking in OpenShift v3 is quite complex. Suffice it to say that, while it is easy to get a complete "multi-tier" "application" deployed, reaching it from anywhere outside of the OpenShift environment is not possible without something extra. This extra thing is the routing layer. The router is the ingress point for all traffic destined for OpenShift v3 services. It currently supports only HTTP(S) traffic.

As with most things in OpenShift v3, resources are defined via JSON. The following JSON file describes the router:

    "kind": "Pod",
    "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
    "id": "ROUTER_ID",
    "desiredState": {
        "manifest": {
            "version": "v1beta2",
            "containers": [
                    "name": "origin-haproxy-router-ROUTER_ID",
                    "image": "",
                    "ports": [
                            "containerPort": 80,
                            "hostPort": 80
                            "containerPort": 443,
                            "hostPort": 443
                    "env": [
                            "name": "OPENSHIFT_MASTER",
                            "value": "${OPENSHIFT_MASTER}"
                            "name": "OPENSHIFT_CA_DATA",
                            "value": "${OPENSHIFT_CA_DATA}"
                            "name": "OPENSHIFT_INSECURE",
                            "value": "${OPENSHIFT_INSECURE}"
                    "command": ["--loglevel=4"],
                    "imagePullPolicy": "PullIfNotPresent"
            "restartPolicy": {
                "always": {}

Go into the training folder:

cd ~/training/beta1

There is an installation script that will set up the router for us, provided we feed it the correct arguments. Let's run this script now, and be sure to substitute the correct domain name for your master:

chmod 755
OPENSHIFT_CA_DATA=$(</var/lib/openshift/openshift.local.certificates/master/root.crt) ./ mainrouter

If this works, in the output of osc get pods you should see the pod status change to "running" after a few moments (it may take up to a few minutes):

osc get pods
POD        IP       CONTAINER(S)                     IMAGE(S)                           HOST                                   LABELS STATUS
mainrouter ose-haproxy-router-mainrouter    openshift3_beta/ose-haproxy-router  <none> Running

Projects and the Web Console

A Project for Everything

V3 has a concept of "projects" to contain a number of different services and their pods, builds and etc. We'll explore what this means in more details throughout the rest of the labs, but, first, let's create a project for our first application. From the training/beta1 folder:

osc create -f betaproject.json

Since we have a project, future use of command line statements will have to reference this project in order for things to land in the right place.

Now that you have a project created, it's time to look at the web console, which has been completely redesigned for V3.

Web Console

Open your browser and visit the following URL:


You will first need to accept the self-signed SSL certificate. You will then be asked for a username and a password - anything will work. Just enter foo as the user and bar as the password, for now.

Once you are in, click the Demo project. There really isn't anything of interest at the moment, because we haven't put anything into our project. While we created the router, it's not part of our project (it is core infrastructure), so we do not see it here.

Your First Application

At this point you have a sufficiently-functional V3 OpenShift environment. It is now time to create the classic "Hello World" application using some sample code.

Set the namespace (project) you are using

The concept of a project in OpenShift v3 provides a scope for creating related things. The corresponding concept in underlying Kubernetes is a namespace. Thus far we have created only a router, which went into the default namespace.

In order to start creating things with the namespace of our project, we will need to declare our new namespace to use with everything:

 openshift ex config set-context user --cluster=master --user=admin --namespace=betaproject
 openshift ex config use-context user

This is a bit cryptic, and client configuration is experimental at this point, but here is a brief explanation:

  1. openshift ex provides some experimental subcommands that could go away at any time (probably with the next beta). One of these subcommands is config which manipulates your $KUBECONFIG file (we set the env var above; otherwise it would be ~/.kubeconfig).
  2. The "context" referred to by set-context is a section in the $KUBECONFIG that encapsulates the OpenShift server, the account to access it with, and the current namespace (if any). A single user might very well have multiple namespaces, accounts, and servers to interact with, so it can be helpful to define a context for each combination. Here we are defining a new context user (to be distinguished from the initial context under which we created the router, master-admin with namespace default). In the new context, the current namespace is betaproject (the project we just created).
  3. Having created the new user context, we set that context to be used by default. (It could be overridden with the --context flag.)

Any osc create or osc get or osc delete (etc.) will now operate only with entities in the betaproject namespace.

Note: Creating nodes or projects currently ignores the current context.

The Definition JSON

In the training/beta1 folder, you can see the contents of our pod definition by using cat:

cat hello-pod.json 
  "id": "hello-openshift",
  "kind": "Pod",
  "labels": {
    "name": "hello-openshift"
  "desiredState": {
    "manifest": {
      "version": "v1beta1",
      "id": "hello-openshift",
      "containers": [{
        "name": "hello-openshift",
        "image": "openshift/hello-openshift",
        "ports": [{
          "hostPort": 6061,
          "containerPort": 8080

In the simplest sense, a pod is an application or an instance of something. If you are familiar with OpenShift V2 terminology, it is similar to a gear. Reality is more complex, and we will learn more about the terms as we explore OpenShift further.

Run the Pod

To create the pod from our JSON file, execute the following:

osc create -f hello-pod.json

Remember, we already set our context earlier using ex config, so this pod will land in our betaproject namespace. The command should display the ID of the pod:


Issue a get pods to see that it was, in fact, defined, and to check its status:

osc get pods
POD             IP       CONTAINER(S)                     IMAGE(S)                           HOST                                  LABELS                 STATUS
hello-openshift hello-openshift                  openshift/hello-openshift name=hello-openshift   Pending

You should note that we no longer see the router pod in the output. This is because the router is part of the default namespace, used for core infrastructure components.

Look at the list of Docker containers with docker ps to see the bound ports. We should see an openshift3_beta/ose-pod container bound to 6061 on the host and bound to 8080 on the container.

The openshift3_beta/ose-pod container exists because of the way network namespacing works in Kubernetes. For the sake of simplicity, think of the container as nothing more than a way for the host OS to get an interface created for the corresponding pod to be able to receive traffic. Deeper understanding of networking in OpenShift is outside the scope of this material.

To verify that the app is working, you can issue a curl to the app's port:

curl http://localhost:6061
Hello OpenShift!


Looking at the Pod in the Web Console

In the web console, if you click "Browse" and then "Pods", you'll see the pod we just created and some information about it.

Delete the Pod

Go ahead and delete this pod so that you don't get confused in later examples:

osc delete pod hello-openshift

Take a moment to think about what this pod definition really did -- it referenced an arbitrary Docker image, made sure to fetch it (if it wasn't present), and then ran it. This could have just as easily been an application from an ISV available in a registry or something already written and built in-house.

This is really powerful. We will explore using "arbitrary" docker images later.

Adding Nodes

It is extremely easy to add nodes to an existing OpenShift environment.

Configuring a Node

Perform the following steps, in order, on both nodes.

Grab the SSL certificates

You should grab the SSL certificates and other information from your master. You can do the following on your node:

rsync -av [email protected]:/var/lib/openshift/openshift.local.certificates \

The OpenShift Node

Edit the /etc/sysconfig/openshift-node file and edit the OPTIONS to read:

OPTIONS="--loglevel=4 --master=fqdn.of.master"

Do not start the openshift-node service. We will let openshift-sdn-node handle that for us (like before).

The Node SDN

Edit the /etc/sysconfig/openshift-sdn-node file:




DOCKER_OPTIONS='--insecure-registry= -b=lbr0 --mtu=1450 --selinux-enabled'

And start the SDN node:

systemctl start openshift-sdn-node

You may also want to enable the service.

Note: Since we are starting the sdn-node before we have actually created the entry for our node with the OpenShift master, if you check status on openshift-sdn-node (journalctl -u openshift-sdn-node) you will see that the service blocks with an error (and does not start openshift-node) until the node has been defined in the next section. See the troubleshooting section for more details.

Adding the Node Via OpenShift's API

The following JSON describes a node:

cat node.json
      "id": "",
      "kind": "Node",
      "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
      "resources": {
        "capacity": {
          "cpu": 1,
          "memory": 80% of freemem (bytes)
      "id": "",
      "kind": "Node",
      "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
      "resources": {
        "capacity": {
          "cpu": 1,
          "memory": 80% of freemem (bytes)

You will need to edit the node.json file and replace the memory line with the correct value for your system. For example, given the output of free:

free -b
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:     1041629184   284721152   321036288     7761920   435871744   577949696
Swap:    1073737728           0  1073737728

You might set your node.json to have:

"memory": 256000000

Once edited, add the nodes via the API:

osc create -f node.json

You should now have two running nodes in addition to your original "master" node (it may take a minute for all to reach "Ready" status):

osc get nodes
NAME                      LABELS              STATUS   <none>              Ready    <none>              Ready    <none>              Ready

Note that nodes are not scoped by namespace.

Now that we have a larger OpenShift environment, let's examine more complicated application paradigms.


From the Kubernetes documentation:

A Kubernetes service is an abstraction which defines a logical set of pods and a
policy by which to access them - sometimes called a micro-service. The goal of
services is to provide a bridge for non-Kubernetes-native applications to access
backends without the need to write code that is specific to Kubernetes. A
service offers clients an IP and port pair which, when accessed, redirects to
the appropriate backends. The set of pods targetted is determined by a label

If you think back to the simple pod we created earlier, there was a "label":

  "labels": {
    "name": "hello-openshift"

Now, let's look at a service definition:

  "id": "hello-openshift",
  "kind": "Service",
  "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
  "port": 27017,
  "selector": {
    "name": "hello-openshift"

The service has a selector element. In this case, it is a key:value pair of name:hello-openshift. If you look at the output of osc get pods on your master, you see that the hello-openshift pod has a label:


The definition of the service tells Kubernetes that any pods with the label "name=hello-openshift" are associated, and should have traffic distributed amongst them. In other words, the service itself is the "connection to the network", so to speak, or the input point to reach all of the pods. Generally speaking, pod containers should not bind directly to ports on the host. We'll see more about this later.

But, to really be useful, we want to make our application accessible via a FQDN, and that is where the router comes in.


Routes allow FQDN-destined traffic to ultimately reach the Kubernetes service, and then the pods/containers.

In a simplification of the process, the openshift3_beta/ose-haproxy-router container is a pre-configured instance of HAProxy as well as some of the OpenShift framework. The OpenShift instance running in this container watches a routes resource on the OpenShift master. This is why we specified the master's address when we installed the router.

Here is an example route JSON definition:

  "id": "hello-route",
  "kind": "Route",
  "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
  "host": "",
  "serviceName": "hello-openshift"

When the osc command is used to create this route, a new instance of a route resource is created inside OpenShift. The HAProxy/Router is watching for changes in route resources. When a new route is detected, an HAProxy pool is created.

This HAProxy pool contains all pods that are in a service. Which service? The service that corresponds to the serviceName directive.

Let's take a look at an entire Pod-Service-Route definition template and put all the pieces together.

The Complete Pod-Service-Route

Creating the Definition

The following is a complete definition for a pod with a corresponding service with a corresponding route:

      "id": "hello-openshift-pod",
      "kind": "Pod",
      "labels": {
        "name": "hello-openshift-label"
      "desiredState": {
        "manifest": {
          "version": "v1beta1",
          "id": "hello-openshift-manifest-id",
          "containers": [{
            "name": "hello-openshift-container",
            "image": "openshift/hello-openshift",
            "ports": [{
              "containerPort": 8080
      "id": "hello-openshift-service",
      "kind": "Service",
      "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
      "port": 27017,
      "selector": {
        "name": "hello-openshift-label"
      "id": "hello-openshift-route",
      "kind": "Route",
      "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
      "host": "",
      "serviceName": "hello-openshift-service"

In the JSON above:

  • There is a pod whose containers have the label name=hello-openshift-label
  • There is a service:
    • with the id hello-openshift-service
    • with the selector name=hello-openshift-label
  • There is a route:
    • with the FQDN
    • with the serviceName directive hello-openshift-service

If we work from the route down to the pod:

  • The route for has an HAProxy pool
  • The pool is for any pods in the service whose ID is hello-openshift-service, via the serviceName directive of the route.
  • The service hello-openshift-service includes every pod who has a label name=hello-openshift-label
  • There is a single pod with a single container that has the label name=hello-openshift-label

Edit test-complete.json and change the host stanza for the route to have the correct domain, matching the DNS configuration for your environment. Once this is done, go ahead and use osc to apply it. You should see something like the following:

    osc create -f test-complete.json

You can verify this with other osc commands:

osc get pods
hello-openshift-pod/10.X.X.X ...

osc get services
hello-openshift-service ...

osc get routes
cd0dba9a-a1a5-11e4-bf82-525400b33d1d ...

Verifying the Service

Services are not externally accessible without a route being defined, because they always listen on "local" IP addresses (eg: 172.x.x.x). However, if you have access to the OpenShift environment, you can still test a service.

osc get services
NAME                      LABELS              SELECTOR                     IP                  PORT
hello-openshift-service   <none>              name=hello-openshift-label       27017

We can see that the service has been defined based on the JSON we used earlier. If the output of osc get pods shows that our pod is running, we can try to access the service:

Hello OpenShift!

This is a good sign! It means that, if the router is working, we should be able to access the service via the route.

Verifying the Routing

Verifying the routing is a little complicated, but not terribly so. Since we created the router when we only had the master running, we know that's where its Docker container is.

We ultimately want the PID of the container running the router so that we can go "inside" it. On the master system, issue the following to get the PID of the router:

docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}}   \
  `docker ps | grep haproxy-router | awk '{print $1}'`

The output will be a PID -- in this case, the PID is 2239. We can use nsenter to jump inside that container:

nsenter -m -u -n -i -p -t 2239
[root@mainrouter /]#

You are now in a bash session inside the container running the router.

Since we are using HAProxy as the router, we can cat the routes.json file:

cat /var/lib/containers/router/routes.json

If you see some content that looks like:

"hello-openshift-service": {
  "Name": "hello-openshift-service",
  "EndpointTable": {
    "": {
      "ID": "",
      "IP": "",
      "Port": "8080"
  "ServiceAliasConfigs": {
    "": {
      "Host": "",
      "Path": "",
      "TLSTermination": "",
      "Certificates": null

You know that "it" worked -- the router watcher detected the creation of the route in OpenShift and added the corresponding configuration to HAProxy.

Go ahead and exit from the container, and then curl your fancy, publicly-accessible OpenShift application!

[root@mainrouter /]# exit
# curl
Hello OpenShift!


The Web Console

Take a moment to look in the web console to see if you can find everything that was just created.

And, while you're at it, you can verify that visiting your app with HTTPS will also work (albeit with a self-signed certificate):

Preparing for STI and Other Things

We mentioned a few times that OpenShift would host its own Docker registry in order to pull images "locally". Let's take a moment to set that up.

First we will want to switch back to our original context to use the default namespace for infrastructure components. The master-admin context is predefined and comes with OpenShift.

openshift ex config use-context master-admin

The Docker registry requires some information about our environment (SSL info, namely), so we will use an install script to process a template.

Make the script executable and run it the following way (subsituting the correct domain for your environment):

chmod 755
CERT_DIR=/var/lib/openshift/openshift.local.certificates/master \

You'll get output like:

[INFO] Submitting docker-registry template file for processing

You can use osc get pods, osc get services, and osc get deploymentconfig to see what happened.

Ultimately, you will have a Docker registry that is being hosted by OpenShift and that is running on one of your nodes.

To quickly test your Docker registry, you can do the following:

curl `osc get services docker-registry -o template --template="{{ .portalIP}}:{{ .port }}"`

And you should see:

"docker-registry server (dev) (v0.9.0)"

STI - What Is It?

STI stands for source-to-image and is the process where OpenShift will take your application source code and build a Docker image for it. In the real world, you would need to have a code repository (where OpenShift can introspect an appropriate Docker image to build and use to support the code) or a code repository + a Dockerfile (so that OpenShift can pull or build the Docker image for you).

Create a New Project

We will create a new project to put our first STI example into. Grab the project definition and create it:

osc create -f ~/training/beta1/sinatraproject.json

At this point, if you click the OpenShift image on the web console you should be returned to the project overview page where you will see the new project show up. Go ahead and click the Sinatra project - you'll see why soon.

Switch contexts

Let's update and use the user context for interacting with the new project you just created:

openshift ex config set-context user --namespace=sinatraproject
openshift ex config use-context user

Note: If you ever get confused about what context you're using, or what contexts are defined, you can look at $KUBECONFIG:

apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    certificate-authority: root.crt
  name: master
- context:
    cluster: master
    user: admin
  name: master-admin
- context:
    cluster: master
    namespace: sinatraproject
    user: admin
  name: user
current-context: user
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: admin
    client-certificate: cert.crt
    client-key: key.key

Or, to quickly get your current context:

grep current $KUBECONFIG
current-context: user

A Simple STI Build

We'll be using a pre-build/configured code repository. This repository is an extremely simple "Hello World" type application that looks very much like our previous example, except that it uses a Ruby/Sinatra application instead of a Go application.

For this example, we will be using the following application's source code:

Let's clone the repository and then generate a config for OpenShift to create:

git clone
cd simple-openshift-sinatra-sti
openshift ex generate | python -m json.tool > ~/simple-sinatra.json

ex generate is a tool that will examine the current directory tree and attempt to generate an appropriate JSON configuration so that, when processed, OpenShift can build the resulting image to run.

Go ahead and take a look at the JSON that was generated. You will see some familiar items at this point, and some new ones, like BuildConfig, ImageRepository and others.

cat ~/simple-sinatra.json

Essentially, the STI process is as follows:

  1. OpenShift sets up various components such that it can build source code into a Docker image.

  2. OpenShift will then (on command) build the Docker image with the source code.

  3. OpenShift will then deploy the Docker image as a Pod with an associated Service.

Create the Build Process

Let's go ahead and get everything fired up:

osc create -f ~/simple-sinatra.json

As soon as you execute this command, go back to the web console and see if you can figure out what is different.

To learn a little more about what happened, run the following:

for i in imagerepository buildconfig deploymentconfig service; do \
echo $i; osc get $i; echo -e "\n\n"; done

Based on the JSON from ex generate, we have created:

  • An ImageRepository entry
  • A BuildConfig
  • A DeploymentConfig
  • A Service

If you run:

osc get pods

You will see that there are currently no pods. That is because we have not actually gone through a build yet. While OpenShift has the capability of automatically triggering builds based on source control pushes (eg: Git(hub) webhooks, etc), we will be triggering builds manually.

To start our build, execute the following:

osc start-build simple-openshift-sinatra-sti

You'll see some output to indicate the build:


That's the UUID of our build. We can check on its status (it will switch to "Running" in a few moments):

osc get builds
NAME                                   TYPE                STATUS  POD
a1aa7e35-ad82-11e4-8f5f-525400b33d1d   STI                 Pending build-a1aa7e35-ad82-11e4-8f5f-525400b33d1d

Let's go ahead and start "tailing" the build log (substitute the proper UUID for your environment):

osc build-logs a1aa7e35-ad82-11e4-8f5f-525400b33d1d

Note: If the build isn't "Running" yet, build-logs will give you an error

The Web Console Revisited

If you peeked at the web console while the build was running, you probably noticed a lot of new information in the web console - the build status, the deployment status, new pods, and more.

If you didn't, go to the web console now. The overview page should show that the application is running and show the information about the service at the top:

simple-openshift-sinatra - routing TCP traffic on to port 9292

Examining the Build

If you go back to your console session where you examined the build-logs, you'll see a number of things happened.

What were they?

Testing the Application

Using the information you found in the web console, try to see if your service is working:

Hello, Sinatra!

So, from a simple code repository with a few lines of Ruby, we have successfully built a Docker image and OpenShift has deployed it for us.

The last step will be to add a route to make it publicly accessible.

Adding a Route to Our Application

When we used ex generate, the only thing that was not created was a route for our application.

Remember that routes are associated with services, so, determine the id of your services from the service output you looked at above. For example, it might be simple-openshift-sinatra.

Hint: You will need to use osc get services to find it.

Edit sinatra-route.json it to incorporate the service name you determined. Hint: you need to edit the serviceName field.

When you are done, create your route:

osc create -f sinatra-route.json

Check to make sure it was created:

osc get route
NAME                                 HOST/PORT                              PATH SERVICE                  LABELS
a8b8c72b-b07c-11e4-b390-525400b33d1d         simple-openshift-sinatra 

And now, you should be able to verify everything is working right:

Hello, Sinatra!

If you want to be fancy, try it in your browser!

A Fully-Integrated Application

The next example will involve a build of another application, but also a service that has two pods -- a "front-end" web tier and a "back-end" database tier. This application also makes use of auto-generated parameters and other neat features of OpenShift.

First we'll create a new project:

osc create -f ~/training/beta1/integrated-project.json

We'll set our context to use the corresponding namespace:

openshift ex config set-context user --namespace=integratedproject

A Quick Aside on Templates

From the OpenShift documentation:

A template describes a set of resources intended to be used together that
can be customized and processed to produce a configuration. Each template
can define a list of parameters that can be modified for consumption by

Creating the Integrated Application

Examine integrated-build.json to see how parameters and other things are handled. Then go ahead and process it and create it:

osc process -f ~/training/beta1/integrated-build.json | osc create -f -

The build configuration, in this case, is called ruby-sample-build. So, let's go ahead and start the build and watch the logs:

osc start-build ruby-sample-build

osc build-logs 277f6eac-b07d-11e4-b390-525400b33d1d

Don't forget that the web console will show information about the build status, although in much less detail. And, don't forget that if you are too quick on the build-logs you will catch it before the build actually starts.

Routing Our Integrated Application

Remember our experiments with routing from earlier? Well, our STI example doesn't include a route definition in its template. So, we can create one:

  "id": "frontend-route",
  "kind": "Route",
  "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
  "host": "",
  "serviceName": "hello-openshift"

Go ahead and edit integrated-route.json to have the appropriate domain, and then create it:

osc create -f ~/training/beta1/integrated-route.json

Now, in your browser, you should be able to visit the website and actually use the application!

**Note: HTTPS will not work for this example because the form submission was written with HTTP links. Be sure to use HTTP. **


This concludes the Beta 1 training. Look for more example applications to come!

APPENDIX - Extra STI code examples


A Wildfly-based JEE application example is here:

If you have successfully built and deployed the "integrated" example above, you can simply create a new project, change your context, and then:

osc process \
-f \
| osc create -f -

Once created, you can go through the same build process as before.

Note: You should wait for the database/mysql pod to come up before starting your build.

Note: You will want to create a route for this app so that you can access it with your browser.

Note: If you needed to pre-pull the Docker images, you will want to fetch openshift/wildfly-8-centos ahead of time. Also, if you were using sneakernet, you should also include that image in the list in the appendix below.

APPENDIX - DNSMasq setup

In this training repository is a sample dnsmasq.conf file and a sample hosts file. If you do not have the ability to manipulate DNS in your environment, or just want a quick and dirty way to set up DNS, you can install dnsmasq on your master:

yum -y install dnsmasq

Replace /etc/dnsmasq.conf with the one from this repository, and replace /etc/hosts with the hosts file from this repository.

Enable and start the dnsmasq service:

systemctl enable dnsmasq; systemctl start dnsmasq

You will need to ensure the following, or fix the following:

  • Your IP addresses match the entries in /etc/hosts
  • Your hostnames for your machines match the entries in /etc/hosts
  • Your cloudapps domain points to the correct ip in dnsmasq.conf
  • Each of your systems has the same /etc/hosts file
  • Your master and nodes /etc/resolv.conf points to the master IP address as the first nameserver
  • The second nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf on master points to your corporate or upstream DNS resolver (eg: Google DNS @
  • That you also open port 53 (UDP) to allow DNS queries to hit the master

Following this setup for dnsmasq will ensure that your wildcard domain works, that your hosts in the domain resolve, that any other DNS requests resolve via your configured local/remote nameservers, and that DNS resolution works inside of all of your containers. Don't forget to start and enable the dnsmasq service.

Verifying DNSMasq

You can query the local DNS on the master using dig (provided by the bind-utils package) to make sure it returns the correct records:



The returned IP should be the public interface's IP on the master. Repeat for your nodes. To verify the wildcard entry, simply dig an arbitrary domain in the wildcard space:



APPENDIX - Import/Export of Docker Images (Disconnected Use)

Docker supports import/save of Images via tarball. You can do something like the following on your connected machine:

docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull openshift/ruby-20-centos
docker pull mysql
docker pull openshift/hello-openshift

This will fetch all of the images. You can then save them to a tarball:

docker save -o beta1-images.tar \ \ \ \ \ \ \
openshift/ruby-20-centos \
mysql \

Note: On an SSD-equipped system this took ~2 min and uses 1.8GB of disk space

Sneakernet that tarball to your disconnected machines, and then simply load the tarball:

docker load -i beta1-images.tar

Note: On an SSD-equipped system this took ~4 min

APPENDIX - Cleaning Up

Figuring out everything that you have deployed is a little bit of a bear right now. The following command will show you just about everything you might need to delete. Be sure to change your context across all the namespaces and the master-admin to find everything:

for resource in build buildconfig images imagerepository deploymentconfig \
route replicationcontroller service pod; do echo -e "Resource: $resource"; \
osc get $resource; echo -e "\n\n"; done

APPENDIX - Pretty Output

If the output of osc get pods is a little too busy, you can use the following to limit some of what it returns:

osc get pods | awk '{print $1"\t"$3"\t"$5"\t"$7"\n"}' | column -t

APPENDIX - Troubleshooting

  • When using an "osc" command like "osc get pods" I see a "certificate signed by unknown authority error":

      F0212 16:15:52.195372   13995 create.go:79] Post
      x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

    Check the value of $KUBECONFIG:

      echo $kubeconfig

    If you don't see anything, you may have changed your .bash_profile but have not yet sourced it. Make sure that you followed the step of adding $KUBECONFIG's export to your .bash_profile and then source it:

      source ~/.bash_profile
  • When issuing a curl to my service, I see curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer

    It can take as long as 90 seconds for the service URL to start working. There is some internal house cleaning that occurs inside Kubernetes regarding the endpoint maps.

    If you look at the log for the node, you might see some messages about looking at endpoint maps and not finding an endpoint for the service.

    To find out if the endpoints have been updated you can run:

    osc describe service $name_of_service and check the value of Endpoints:

  • When starting openshift-sdn-node I see an error like:

      Could not find an allocated subnet for this minion
      ( All the given peers are not reachable
      (Tried to connect to each peer twice and failed) [0]). Waiting..

    The labs have us perform things in this order:

    • Configure node
    • Start node services
    • Add node to master

    Until the point that the node is actually added to the master, openshift-sdn-master has not allocated a subnet. Hence, this error will persist until the node is added.