A realtime-ish path tracer.
NOTE: only developed and tested on macos with moltenVK.
- Vulkan SDK
- glslc
- cmake
- clang (other compilers may work but are untested)
git clone https://github.com/adenine-dev/mortimer.git --recurse-submodules
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ..
cmake --build ./build && ./build/mortimer
contains various config options for performance and stylization (requires a recompile)
- SDL: cross platform window/input.
- ccvector: basic vector maths types.
- tinyobjloader-c: obj file loading.
- cimgui: imgui bindings for C.
- stb libraries: image read/write.
- Fira Code: better font for gui.
- Blue noise texture: blue noise textures.
- See
directory for various assets.