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Create Release 1.16.0
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Lakehouse Engine authored and jmcorreia committed Oct 12, 2023
1 parent afd3e20 commit 961727c
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Showing 751 changed files with 46,859 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,4 +156,5 @@ cython_debug/

53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# How to Contribute

📖 Search algorithms, transformations and check implementation details & examples in our [documentation](

💭 In case you have doubts, ideas, want to ask for help or want to discuss different approach and usages, feel free to create a [discussion](

⚠️ Are you facing any issues? Open an issue on [GitHub](

💡 Do you have ideas for new features? Open a feature request on [GitHub](

🚀 Want to find the available releases? Check our release notes on [GitHub]( and [PyPi](https://fill_later).

## Prerequisites

1. Git.
2. Your IDE of choice with a Python 3 environment (e.g., virtualenv created from the requirements_cicd.txt file).
3. Docker.
4. GNU make.

## General steps for contributing
1. Fork the project.
2. Clone the forked project into your working environment.
3. Create your feature branch following the convention [feature|bugfix]/ISSUE_ID_short_name.
4. Apply your changes in the recently created branch. It is **mandatory** to add tests covering the feature of fix contributed.
5. Style, lint, test and test security:
make style
make lint
make test
make test-security
> **Note:** To use the make targets with another docker-compatible cli other than docker you can pass the parameter "container_cli".
Example: `make test container_cli=nerdctl`
> **Note:** Most make target commands are running on docker. If you face any problem, you can also check the code of the respective
make targets and directly execute the code in your python virtual environment.
6. (optional) You can build the wheel locally with `make build` or `make build os_deployment=True` (in case the wheel targets an environment, which does not have the dependencies listed in [extra_os_requirements.txt](cicd/extra_os_requirements.txt) pre-installed).
7. (optional) Install the wheel you have just generated and test it.
8. If you have changed or added new requirements, you should run `make build-lock-files`, to rebuild the lock files.
9. If the transitive dependencies have not been updated for a while, and you want to upgrade them, you can use `make upgrade-lock-files` to update them.
This will update the transitive dependencies even if you have not changed the requirements.
10. When you're ready with your changes, open a Pull Request (PR) to develop.
11. Ping the team through the preferred communication channel.
12. The team will come together to review it and approve it (2 approvals required).
13. Your changes will be tested internally, promoted to master and included in the next release.
> 🚀🚀🚀
> **Pull Requests are welcome from anyone**. However, before opening one, please make sure to open an issue on [GitHub](
> and link it.
> Moreover, if the Pull Request intends to cover big changes or features, it is recommended to first discuss it on a [GitHub issue]( or [Discussion](
> 🚀🚀🚀
271 changes: 271 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
SHELL := /bin/bash -euxo pipefail

container_cli := docker
image_name := lakehouse-engine
deploy_env := dev
project_version := $(shell cat cicd/.bumpversion.cfg | grep current_version | cut -f 3 -d " ")
version := $(project_version)
latest_suffix := latest-feature
# Gets system information in upper case
system_information := $(shell uname -mvp | tr a-z A-Z)
meta_conf_file := cicd/meta.yaml
meta_os_conf_file := cicd/meta_os.yaml
engine_conf_file := lakehouse_engine/configs/engine.yaml
engine_os_conf_file := lakehouse_engine/configs/engine_os.yaml
remove_files_from_os := $(engine_conf_file) $(meta_conf_file) CODEOWNERS assets/img/os_strategy.png
last_commit_msg := "$(shell git log -1 --pretty=%B)"
git_tag := $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
commits_url := $(shell cat $(meta_conf_file) | grep commidddts_url | cut -f 2 -d " ")

ifeq ($(deploy_env), dev)
deploy_bucket := $(shell cat $(meta_conf_file) | grep dev_deploy_bucket | cut -f 2 -d " ")
else ifeq ($(deploy_env), prod)
deploy_bucket := $(shell cat $(meta_conf_file) | grep prod_deploy_bucket | cut -f 2 -d " ")
$(error Invalid deployment environment. It must be one of: dev or prod. Received: $(deploy_env))

# Condition to define the Python image to be built based on the machine CPU architecture.
# The base Python image only changes if the identified CPU architecture is ARM.
ifneq (,$(findstring ARM,$(system_information)))
python_image := $(shell cat $(meta_conf_file) | grep arm_python_image | cut -f 2 -d " ")
cpu_architecture := arm64
python_image := $(shell cat $(meta_conf_file) | grep amd_python_image | cut -f 2 -d " ")
cpu_architecture := amd64

version_deploy_path := $(deploy_bucket)/lakehouse-engine/lakehouse_engine-$(version)-py3-none-any.whl
latest_deploy_path := $(deploy_bucket)/lakehouse-engine/lakehouse_engine-$(latest_suffix)-py3-none-any.whl

requirements := cicd/requirements.txt
extra_requirements := cicd/extra_os_requirements.txt
cicd_requirements := cicd/requirements_cicd.txt cicd/requirements.lock $(extra_requirements)
os_deployment := False
container_user_dir := /home/appuser
trust_git_host := ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $(container_user_dir)/.ssh/id_rsa [email protected]
ifeq ($(os_deployment), True)
build_src_dir := tmp_os/lakehouse-engine
build_src_dir := .

$(container_cli) build \
--build-arg USER_ID=$(shell id -u ${USER}) \
--build-arg GROUP_ID=$(shell id -g ${USER}) \
--build-arg PYTHON_IMAGE=$(python_image) \
--build-arg CPU_ARCHITECTURE=$(cpu_architecture) \
-t $(image_name):$(version) . -f cicd/Dockerfile

$(container_cli) build \
--build-arg PYTHON_IMAGE=$(python_image) \
--build-arg CPU_ARCHITECTURE=$(cpu_architecture) \
-t $(image_name):$(version) . -f cicd/Dockerfile

$(container_cli) run --rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c 'export os_deployment=$(os_deployment); python -m build $(build_src_dir)'

deploy: build
$(container_cli) run --rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
-v $(aws_credentials_file):$(container_user_dir)/.aws/credentials:ro \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c 'aws s3 --profile $(deploy_env) cp dist/lakehouse_engine-$(project_version)-py3-none-any.whl $(version_deploy_path) && \
aws s3 --profile $(deploy_env) cp dist/lakehouse_engine-$(project_version)-py3-none-any.whl $(latest_deploy_path) && \
rm dist/lakehouse_engine-$(project_version)-py3-none-any.whl'

test-deps: build-lock-files
@GIT_STATUS="$$(git status --porcelain --ignore-submodules cicd/)"; \
if [ ! "x$$GIT_STATUS" = "x" ]; then \
echo "!!! Requirements lists has been updated but lock file was not rebuilt !!!"; \
echo "!!! Run `make build-lock-files` !!!"; \
echo -e "$${GIT_STATUS}"; \
git diff cicd/; \
exit 1; \

$(container_cli) run --rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c 'pip-compile --resolver=backtracking --output-file=cicd/requirements.lock $(requirements) && \
pip-compile --resolver=backtracking --output-file=cicd/requirements_os.lock $(requirements) $(extra_requirements) && \
pip-compile --resolver=backtracking --output-file=cicd/requirements_cicd.lock $(cicd_requirements)'

$(container_cli) run --rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c 'pip-compile --resolver=backtracking --upgrade --output-file=cicd/requirements.lock $(requirements) && \
pip-compile --resolver=backtracking --upgrade --output-file=cicd/requirements_os.lock $(requirements) $(extra_requirements) && \
pip-compile --resolver=backtracking --upgrade --output-file=cicd/requirements_cicd.lock $(cicd_requirements)'

$(container_cli) run --rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c 'cd $(build_src_dir) && python ./cicd/code_doc/'

$(container_cli) run --rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c 'flake8 --docstring-convention google --config=cicd/flake8.conf lakehouse_engine tests cicd/code_doc/ \
&& mypy --config-file cicd/mypy.ini lakehouse_engine tests'

# useful to print and use make variables. Usage: make print-variable var=variable_to_print.
@echo $($(var))

$(container_cli) run --rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c '''isort lakehouse_engine tests cicd/code_doc/ && \
black lakehouse_engine tests cicd/code_doc/'''

$(container_cli) run \
-it \
--rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
-v $(git_credentials_file):$(container_user_dir)/.ssh/id_rsa \
$(image_name):$(version) \

# Can use test only: ```make test test_only="tests/feature/"```.
# You can also hack it by doing ```make test test_only="-rx tests/feature/"```
# to show complete output even of passed tests.
# We also fix the coverage filepaths, using sed, so that report has the correct paths
$(container_cli) run \
--rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c "pytest \
--junitxml=artefacts/tests.xml \
--cov-report xml --cov-report xml:artefacts/coverage.xml \
--cov-report term-missing --cov=lakehouse_engine \
--log-cli-level=INFO --color=yes -x -v \
$(test_only)" && \
sed -i'' -e 's/filename=\"/filename=\"lakehouse_engine\//g' artefacts/coverage.xml

##### GitHub Deployment Targets #####

$(container_cli) run --rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
-v $(git_credentials_file):$(container_user_dir)/.ssh/id_rsa \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c """mkdir -p tmp_os/$(repository); \
cd tmp_os/$(repository); \
git init -b master; \
git config pull.rebase false; \
git config '[email protected]'; \
git config 'Lakehouse Engine'; \
$(trust_git_host); \
git remote add origin [email protected]:adidas/$(repository).git; \
git pull origin master --tags"""

sync-to-github: prepare-github-repo
$(container_cli) run --rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
-v $(git_credentials_file):$(container_user_dir)/.ssh/id_rsa \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c """cd tmp_os/lakehouse-engine; \
rsync -r --exclude=.git --exclude=.*cache* --exclude=venv --exclude=dist --exclude=tmp_os /app/ . ; \
rm $(remove_files_from_os); \
mv $(engine_os_conf_file) $(engine_conf_file); \
mv $(meta_os_conf_file) $(meta_conf_file); \
mv; \
$(trust_git_host); \
git add . ; \
git commit -m "'${last_commit_msg}'"; \
git tag -a $(git_tag) -m 'Release $(git_tag)' ; \
git push origin master --follow-tags;"""

deploy-docs-to-github: docs prepare-github-repo
$(container_cli) run --rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
-v $(git_credentials_file):$(container_user_dir)/.ssh/id_rsa \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c """cp -r tmp_os/lakehouse-engine/artefacts/docs/* tmp_os/lakehouse-engine-docs/ ; \
cd tmp_os/lakehouse-engine-docs; \
$(trust_git_host); \
git add . ; \
git commit -m 'Lakehouse Engine $(version) documentation'; \
git push origin master ; \
cd .. && rm -rf tmp_os/lakehouse-engine-docs"""

deploy-to-pypi: build
$(container_cli) run --rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
-v $(pypi_credentials_file):$(container_user_dir)/.pypirc \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c 'twine upload tmp_os/lakehouse-engine/dist/lakehouse_engine-$(project_version)-py3-none-any.whl --skip-existing'

deploy-to-pypi-and-clean: deploy-to-pypi
$(container_cli) run --rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c 'rm -rf tmp_os/lakehouse-engine'

$(container_cli) run \
--rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c 'bandit -c cicd/bandit.yaml -r lakehouse_engine tests'

##### Release Targets #####
echo "# Changelog - $(shell date +"%Y-%m-%d") v$(shell python3 --version)" > && \
echo "All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file automatically. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](" >> && \
echo "" >> && \
git log --no-decorate --pretty=format:"#### [%cs] [%(describe)]%n [%h]($(commits_url)%H) %s" -n 1000 >>

$(container_cli) run --rm \
-w /app \
-v "$$PWD":/app \
$(image_name):$(version) \
/bin/bash -c 'bump2version --config-file cicd/.bumpversion.cfg $(increment)'

prepare-release: bump-up-version create-changelog
echo "Prepared version and changelog to release!"

git commit -a -m 'Create release $(shell python3 --version)' && \
git tag -a 'v$(shell python3 --version)' -m 'Release $(shell python3 --version)'

git push --follow-tags

git push --delete origin $(tag)


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