The goal of the project was to develop a robot that could dance to music from the soul genre with a dance style and a characterisation with clear references to the soul genre and era. We started from a deep analysis of the soul context and the music characteristics of this genre. From that, we developed a basic concept that we then developed over the weeks, reaching a final prototype able to recognize the music, dance and interact with the user. Following the definition of a robot, we try to keep ourselves open-minded and try to define a design coherent with the research and what we want to communicate, and not bound by the common image of a robot.
- Andrea Bonarini, DEIB department, Politecnico di Milano
- Maximiliano Romero, DCP department, IUAV, Venice University
- Rohan Vangal
- Diego Avila (@adiego73), School of Engineering
- Shiyao Bergamaschini (@shiyaobergamaschini), School of Engineering
- Mirko Salaris (@mirkosalaris), School of Engineering
- Giulia Mangolini, School of Design
- Dario Pisanello, School of Design