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DCAT-US - mdTranslator proposed mappings

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DCAT-US - mdTranslator

Always (always required)

Field Name DCAT Name Condition mdJson Source
Title title exists citation.title
Description description exists resourceInfo.abstract
Tags keyword exists [resourceInfo.keyword.keyword[0, n] flatten]
Last Update modified if[any].dateType = "lastUpdated" or "lastRevised" or "revision"[most recent]
Publisher publisher{name} if citation.responsibleParty.[any].role = "publisher" contactId -> where isOrganization IS TRUE
if exists [first contact] contactId -> where isOrganization IS TRUE
Publisher Parent Organization publisher{subOrganizationOf} if citation.responsibleParty[any].role = "publisher" and exists contactId -> memberOfOrganization[0] and isOrganization is true contactId ->
if exists and exists contactId -> memberOfOrganization[0] and isOrganization IS TRUE contactId ->
Contact Name contactPoint{fn} exists resourceInfo.pointOfContact.parties[0].contactId ->
Contact Email contactPoint{email} exists resourceInfo.pointOfContact.parties[0].contactId -> contact.eMailList[0]
Unique Identifier identifier if resourceInfo.citation.identifier.namespace = "DOI" resourceInfo.citation.onlineResource.uri
if "DOI" within resourceInfo.citation.onlineResource.uri resourceInfo.citation.onlineResource.uri
Public Access Level accessLevel [extend codelist MD_RestrictionCode to include "public", "restricted public", "non-public"]
if[any] one of {"public", "restricted public", "non-public"}[first]. Also [MD_ClassificationCode]
Bureau Code bureauCode [extend role codelist to include "bureau", extend namespace codelist to include "bureauCode"]
for each resourceInfo.citation.responsibleParty[any] role = "bureau"
contactId -> contact.identifier [identifier must conform to]
Program Code programCode [add new element of program resourceInfo.programCode, add new codelist of programCode]

If-Applicable (required if it exists)

Field Name DCAT Name Condition mdJson Source
Distribution distribution if exists resourceDistribution[any] and if exists resourceDistribution.distributor[any].transferOption[any].onlineOption[any].uri
for each resourceDistribution[0, n] where exists resourceDistribution.distributor.transferOption.onlineOption.uri then
{description, accessURL, downloadURL, mediaType, title}
- Description distribution.description exists resourceDistribution.description
- AccessURL distribution.accessURL if citation.onlineResources[first occurence].uri [path ends in ".html"] [required if applicable] resourceDistribution.distributor.transferOption.onlineOption.uri
- DownloadURL dcat.distribution.downloadURL if citation.onlineResources[first occurence].uri [path does not end in ".html"] [required if applicable] resourceDistribution.distributor.transferOption.onlineOption.uri
- MediaType distribution.mediaType [add codelist of "dataFormat"]
transferOption.distributionFormat.formatSpecification.title [dataFormat] [dataFormat should conform to:]
- Title distribution.title exists
License license [add resourceInfo.constraint.reference to mdEditor]
if exists resourceInfo.constraint.reference[0]
[allows author to identify a license to use, or default to CC0 if none provided, CC0 would cover international usage as opposed to publicdomain]
Rights rights if constraint.accessLevel in {"restricted public", "non-public"} resourceInfo.constraint.releasibility.statement + " " + each constraint.releasibility.dessiminationConstraint[0, n]
Endpoint removed ignored ignored
Spatial spatial if exists resourceInfo.extents[0].geographicExtents[0].boundingBox boundingBox.eastLongitude + "," + boundingBox.southLatitude + "," + boundingBox.westLongitude + "," + boundingBox.northLatitude [decimal degrees]
else if exists resourceInfo.extents[0].geographicExtents[0].geographicElement[0].type = "point" then
geographicElement[0].coordinate[1] + "," + geographicElement[0].coordinate[0] [lat, long decimal degrees]
Temporal temporal if exists resourceInfo.extent[0].temporalExtent[0] then
if exists tempororalExtent[0].timePeriod.startDate and exists temporaralExtent[0].timePeriod.endDate
timePeriod[0].startDate + "/" + timePeriod.endDate
if exists tempororalExtent[0].timePeriod.startDate and not exists temporaralExtent[0].timePeriod.endDate tempororalExtent[0].timePeriod.startDate
if not exists temporalExtent[0].timePeriod.startDate and exists temporaralExtent[0].timePeriod.endDate tempororalExtent[0].timePeriod.endDate
[may need revisiting relative to decision on date only formatting]

No (not required)

Field Name DCAT Name Condition mdJson Source
Release Date issued if[any].dateType = "publication" or "distributed"[earliest]
Frequency accrualPeriodicity [ISO codelist MD_maintenanceFrequency can be used and several codes intersect with accrualPeriod codelist they are partially corresponding. A column of ISO8601 code equivalents could be added to MD_maintenanceFrequency to provide the coding expected, community valuation should be determined]
Language language [language codelist could be used but needs to be bound with country corresponding to the RFC 5646 format, such as "en-US", community valuation should be determined
Data Quality dataQuality [this is a boolean to indicate whether data "conforms" to agency standards, value seems negligble]
Category theme where resourceInfo.keyword[any].thesaurus.title = "ISO Topic Category" [resourceInfo.keyword.keyword[0, n] flatten]
Related Documents references associatedResource[all].resourceCitation.onlineResource[all].uri + additionalDocumentation[all].citation[all].onlineResource[all].uri [comma separated]
Homepage URL landingPage [Add code "landingPage" to CI_OnlineFunctionCode]
if resourceInfo.citation.onlineResource[any].function = "landingPage"
Collection isPartOf for each associatedResource[0, n].initiativeType = "collection" and associatedResource.associationType = "collectiveTitle" associatedResource.resourceCitation[0].uri
System of Records systemOfRecords [Add code "sorn" to DS_InitiativeTypeCode]
for each associatedResource[0, n].initiativeType = "sorn"
Primary IT Investment primaryITInvestmentUII [Links data to an IT investment identifier relative to Exhibit 53 docs, community valuation should be determined]
Data Dictionary describedBy if dataDictionary.dictionaryIncludedWithResource IS NOT TRUE and citation.onlineResource[0].uri exists dataDictionary.citation.onlineResource[0].uri
Data Dictionary Type describedByType [For simplicity, leave blank implying html page, community decision needed whether to support other format types using mime type and in the form of "application/pdf"]
Data Standard conformsTo [Currently not able to identify the schema standard the data conforms to, though this has been proposed. Should this be built and there is community decision to support it, then it can be mapped]