If some of the syntax in lesson 5 were new to you, we hope the resource links here will help you:
- Overview of ECMAScript 6 features
- '.this' keyword explained in ES6
- MDN: Arrow functions
- MDN: Classes
- MDN: Template String (concatinating strings)
- MDN: destructuring (assigning made easy)
- MDN: spread (iterate simple array)
- MDN: rest (grouping values into 1 array)
- 'let' vs 'const' and why you shouldn't use 'var'
- MDN: for..of (the new way of iterating arrays)
- Google Developers: Promises
- MDN: Symbols
- DevDocs - JavaScript documentation
- JavaScript Garden - Documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript
ECMAScript (or ES) is a scripting-language specification standardized by Ecma International. It was created to standardize JavaScript, so as to foster multiple independent implementations. JavaScript has remained the best-known implementation of ECMAScript since the standard was first published, with other well-known implementations including JScript and ActionScript. Read more