diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 95ed4ad..eff965f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -71,194 +71,4 @@ This component has the same interface as it's [ember-one-way-controls counterpar
 * [{{one-way-phone-mask}}](docs/one-way-phone-mask.md)
 * [{{one-way-ssn-mask}}](docs/one-way-ssn-mask.md)
 * [{{one-way-zip-code-mask}}](docs/one-way-zip-code-mask.md)
-## Input Mask Component (deprecated)
-The standard `input-mask` component:
-{{input-mask mask='999-aaa-***' value=foo unmaskedValue=bar}}
-### Default Masking Definitions
-  - `9` : numeric
-  - `a` : alphabetical
-  - `*` : alphanumeric
-  - `A` : automatically uppercased alphabetical
-  - `#` : unicode
-Optional portions of masks are delimited with brackets `[]`:
-// Optionally lets the user add the last dash and characters
-{{input-mask mask='999-aaa[-***]' value=foo unmaskedValue=bar}}
-### Unmasked Value
-The mask is applied directly to the input itself, meaning it alters the `value`
-attribute. There are times when you might want the value with the mask, and
-times when you might want the value without the mask. For example:
-{{input-mask mask='99/99/9999' value=foo unmaskedValue=bar}}
-This is an ad hoc mask for a date (consider using the `date-input` component
-instead). If the user were to enter `12/12/2014`, the value of `foo` would be
-just that, whereas the value of `bar` would be `12122014`, which may not be as
-useful to you. Either way, both values are accessible and bound to each other,
-so choose whichever one you want.
-### Options
-  - `maskPlaceholder` (default: `null`)
-    Override Inputmask's default
-    [`placeholder`](https://github.com/RobinHerbots/Inputmask#placeholder-1)
-    option.
-  - `showMaskOnFocus` (default: `true`)
-    Shows the user a preview of the mask when the field is focussed.
-  - `showMaskOnHover` (default: `true`)
-    Shows the user a preview of the mask when the field is hovered.
-  - `rightAlign` (default: `false`)
-    This is an option on the original plugin, but I highly recommend using CSS
-    classes because all it does is apply a style directly to the input.
-  - `clearIncomplete` (default: `false`)
-    If the user does not completely fill in the mask before defocus, it will
-    clear the input.
-  - `greedyMask` (default: `false`)
-    If there are any optional portions of the mask this decides whether or not
-    to display them in the preview.
-## Other Components
-As mentioned above, this addon include other components that extend the base
-`input-mask` component. Some of simple aliases, but some add additional options.
-### Credit Card Inputs (deprecated)
-{{credit-card-input unmaskedValue=foo cardType=bar separator=' '}}
-The `credit-card-input` dynamically determines the type of the credit card and
-changes the mask as appropriate. It currently has support for:
-  - Visa
-  - MasterCard
-  - Amex
-  - Diners Club
-  - Discover
-  - JCB
-The card type is stored in `cardType`, which can be bound to. The separator for
-numbers can be specified with the `separator` option, and defaults to `-`.
-### Currency Inputs (deprecated)
-{{currency-input unmaskedValue=foo}}
-This is just a wrapper for the Inputmask alias and is equivalent to the
-{{input-mask mask='currency' unmaskedValue=foo}}
-### Date Inputs (deprecated)
-{{date-input unmaskedValue=foo}}
-This is just a wrapper for the Inputmask alias and is equivalent to the
-{{input-mask mask='date' unmaskedValue=foo}}
-### Email Inputs (deprecated)
-{{email-input unmaskedValue=foo}}
-This is just a wrapper for the Inputmask alias and is equivalent to the
-{{input-mask mask='email' unmaskedValue=foo}}
-### Number Inputs (deprecated)
-{{number-input unmaskedValue=foo group=false groupSize=3 separator=',''
-  decimal=false radix='.'}}
-Number inputs only accept numbers, and can be modified using the following
-  - `group`: Display the number grouped for readability (e.g. `1,234` vs.
-    `1234`).
-  - `groupSize`: Change the size of the groups.
-  - `separator`: Change the group separator. (Caveat: If radix and separator are
-  the same, then the radix will default to '.'.)
-  - `decimal`: If set to `true` then the input will be given 2 decimal places,
-  if set some number then the input will be given that many decimal places.
-  - `radix`: Sets the radix that separates the decimal places.
-  - `digitsOptional`: Specify whether digits are optional (e.g. `97.00` vs. `97`)
-  - `prefix`: Sets a prefix to be displayed before the number (e.g. `$97.00`)
-  - `suffix`: Sets a suffix to be displayed after the number (e.g. `100%`)
-  - `min`: Sets the minimum value for the field
-  - `max`: Sets the maximum value for the field
-  - `unmaskAsNumber`: Unmasks the input as a number rather than a string (e.g. `1234.56` vs. `'1234,56'`)
-### US/Canada Phone Number Inputs (deprecated)
-{{phone-number-input unmaskedValue=foo extensions=false}}
-Masks a US/Canada phone number with the format `(999) 999-9999`. The
-`extensions` option can be set to `true` to allow up to 4 digit extensions
-`(999) 999-9999 x 9999`. Note that if `greedyMask` is set to `false`, which is
-the default, then you have to press space or 'x' to activate the extension part
-of the mask when entering.
-NOTE: There is a "phone" alias included in Inputmask, but when
-I tried using it, I encountered slowness and freezeups. It is much more general
-than this tag, however.
-### US SSN Inputs
-{{ssn-input unmaskedValue=foo}}
-Masks a US SSN code (`999-99-9999`).
-### US ZIP Code Inputs (deprecated)
-{{zip-code-input unmaskedValue=foo fullCode=false}}
-Masks a US ZIP code. If `fullCode` is set to `true`, then it will enable the
-user to enter an extended ZIP+4 code.
+* [Deprecated Masks](docs/deprecated-masks.md)
diff --git a/addon/components/credit-card-input.js b/addon/components/credit-card-input.js
index f57b194..7c05e68 100644
--- a/addon/components/credit-card-input.js
+++ b/addon/components/credit-card-input.js
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ import InputMaskComponent from 'ember-inputmask/components/input-mask';
 export default InputMaskComponent.extend({
+  oldComponent: '{{credit-card-input}}',
+  newComponent: '{{one-way-credit-card-mask}}',
   updateMask: function() {
     var cardType  = this.get('cardType'),
         s         = this.get('separator') || '-', // s for separator for convenience
diff --git a/addon/components/currency-input.js b/addon/components/currency-input.js
index de4fb1b..b418cc1 100644
--- a/addon/components/currency-input.js
+++ b/addon/components/currency-input.js
@@ -7,5 +7,7 @@ import InputMaskComponent from 'ember-inputmask/components/input-mask';
 export default InputMaskComponent.extend({
+  oldComponent: '{{currency-input}}',
+  newComponent: '{{one-way-currency-mask}}',
   mask: 'currency'
diff --git a/addon/components/date-input.js b/addon/components/date-input.js
index c6ab9bd..6b5c56d 100644
--- a/addon/components/date-input.js
+++ b/addon/components/date-input.js
@@ -7,5 +7,7 @@ import InputMaskComponent from 'ember-inputmask/components/input-mask';
 export default InputMaskComponent.extend({
+  oldComponent: '{{date-input}}',
+  newComponent: '{{one-way-date-mask}}',
   mask: 'date'
diff --git a/addon/components/email-input.js b/addon/components/email-input.js
index 4876718..70bdc6e 100644
--- a/addon/components/email-input.js
+++ b/addon/components/email-input.js
@@ -7,5 +7,7 @@ import InputMaskComponent from 'ember-inputmask/components/input-mask';
 export default InputMaskComponent.extend({
+  oldComponent: '{{email-input}}',
+  newComponent: '{{one-way-email-mask}}',
   mask: 'email'
diff --git a/addon/components/input-mask.js b/addon/components/input-mask.js
index 57810f8..1650938 100644
--- a/addon/components/input-mask.js
+++ b/addon/components/input-mask.js
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 /* global Inputmask */
 import { once, debounce } from '@ember/runloop';
+import { deprecate } from '@ember/debug';
 import { isPresent } from '@ember/utils';
 import { on } from '@ember/object/evented';
-import { computed, observer } from '@ember/object';
+import { computed, observer, get } from '@ember/object';
 import TextField from '@ember/component/text-field';
@@ -46,6 +46,18 @@ export default TextField.extend({
   value: 'value',
+  oldComponent: '{{input-mask}}',
+  newComponent: '{{one-way-input-mask}}',
+  init() {
+    this._super(...arguments);
+    let message = `${get(this, 'oldComponent')} is deprecated in favor of ${get(this, 'newComponent')} and will be removed in 1.0.0`;
+    deprecate(message, false, {
+      id: 'non-one-way-mask',
+      until: '1.0.0',
+    });
+  },
   options: computed(function() {
     return {};
diff --git a/addon/components/number-input.js b/addon/components/number-input.js
index b5e955d..9733dc1 100644
--- a/addon/components/number-input.js
+++ b/addon/components/number-input.js
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ export default InputMaskComponent.extend({
   suffix:         '',
   unmaskAsNumber: false,
+  oldComponent: '{{number-input}}',
+  newComponent: '{{one-way-number-mask}}',
   updateMask: function() {
       'options.autoGroup':      this.get('group'),
diff --git a/addon/components/phone-number-input.js b/addon/components/phone-number-input.js
index 2edb274..24b0866 100644
--- a/addon/components/phone-number-input.js
+++ b/addon/components/phone-number-input.js
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ import InputMaskComponent from 'ember-inputmask/components/input-mask';
 export default InputMaskComponent.extend({
   mask:    '(299) 999-9999',
+  oldComponent: '{{phone-number-input}}',
+  newComponent: '{{one-way-phone-mask}}',
   updateMask: function() {
     if (this.get('extensions')) {
       this.set('mask', '(299) 999-9999[ x 9{1,4}]');
diff --git a/addon/components/ssn-input.js b/addon/components/ssn-input.js
index 530cab0..6040009 100644
--- a/addon/components/ssn-input.js
+++ b/addon/components/ssn-input.js
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ import InputMaskComponent from 'ember-inputmask/components/input-mask';
 export default InputMaskComponent.extend({
   mask: '999-99-9999',
+  oldComponent: '{{ssn-input}}',
+  newComponent: '{{one-way-ssn-mask}}',
   updateMask() {
     this.set('mask', '999-99-9999');
diff --git a/addon/components/zip-code-input.js b/addon/components/zip-code-input.js
index 8cdc624..62c0f6c 100644
--- a/addon/components/zip-code-input.js
+++ b/addon/components/zip-code-input.js
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ export default InputMaskComponent.extend({
   fullCode: false,
+  oldComponent: '{{zip-code-input}}',
+  newComponent: '{{one-way-zip-code-mask}}',
   updateMask: function() {
     if (this.get('fullCode')) {
       this.set('mask', '99999[-9999]');
diff --git a/docs/deprecated-masks.md b/docs/deprecated-masks.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8d5393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/deprecated-masks.md
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Deprecated Masks
+The following masks will be removed in `1.0.0`
+## Input Mask Component (deprecated)
+The standard `input-mask` component:
+{{input-mask mask='999-aaa-***' value=foo unmaskedValue=bar}}
+### Default Masking Definitions
+  - `9` : numeric
+  - `a` : alphabetical
+  - `*` : alphanumeric
+  - `A` : automatically uppercased alphabetical
+  - `#` : unicode
+Optional portions of masks are delimited with brackets `[]`:
+// Optionally lets the user add the last dash and characters
+{{input-mask mask='999-aaa[-***]' value=foo unmaskedValue=bar}}
+### Unmasked Value
+The mask is applied directly to the input itself, meaning it alters the `value`
+attribute. There are times when you might want the value with the mask, and
+times when you might want the value without the mask. For example:
+{{input-mask mask='99/99/9999' value=foo unmaskedValue=bar}}
+This is an ad hoc mask for a date (consider using the `date-input` component
+instead). If the user were to enter `12/12/2014`, the value of `foo` would be
+just that, whereas the value of `bar` would be `12122014`, which may not be as
+useful to you. Either way, both values are accessible and bound to each other,
+so choose whichever one you want.
+### Options
+  - `maskPlaceholder` (default: `null`)
+    Override Inputmask's default
+    [`placeholder`](https://github.com/RobinHerbots/Inputmask#placeholder-1)
+    option.
+  - `showMaskOnFocus` (default: `true`)
+    Shows the user a preview of the mask when the field is focussed.
+  - `showMaskOnHover` (default: `true`)
+    Shows the user a preview of the mask when the field is hovered.
+  - `rightAlign` (default: `false`)
+    This is an option on the original plugin, but I highly recommend using CSS
+    classes because all it does is apply a style directly to the input.
+  - `clearIncomplete` (default: `false`)
+    If the user does not completely fill in the mask before defocus, it will
+    clear the input.
+  - `greedyMask` (default: `false`)
+    If there are any optional portions of the mask this decides whether or not
+    to display them in the preview.
+## Other Components
+As mentioned above, this addon include other components that extend the base
+`input-mask` component. Some of simple aliases, but some add additional options.
+### Credit Card Inputs (deprecated)
+{{credit-card-input unmaskedValue=foo cardType=bar separator=' '}}
+The `credit-card-input` dynamically determines the type of the credit card and
+changes the mask as appropriate. It currently has support for:
+  - Visa
+  - MasterCard
+  - Amex
+  - Diners Club
+  - Discover
+  - JCB
+The card type is stored in `cardType`, which can be bound to. The separator for
+numbers can be specified with the `separator` option, and defaults to `-`.
+### Currency Inputs (deprecated)
+{{currency-input unmaskedValue=foo}}
+This is just a wrapper for the Inputmask alias and is equivalent to the
+{{input-mask mask='currency' unmaskedValue=foo}}
+### Date Inputs (deprecated)
+{{date-input unmaskedValue=foo}}
+This is just a wrapper for the Inputmask alias and is equivalent to the
+{{input-mask mask='date' unmaskedValue=foo}}
+### Email Inputs (deprecated)
+{{email-input unmaskedValue=foo}}
+This is just a wrapper for the Inputmask alias and is equivalent to the
+{{input-mask mask='email' unmaskedValue=foo}}
+### Number Inputs (deprecated)
+{{number-input unmaskedValue=foo group=false groupSize=3 separator=',''
+  decimal=false radix='.'}}
+Number inputs only accept numbers, and can be modified using the following
+  - `group`: Display the number grouped for readability (e.g. `1,234` vs.
+    `1234`).
+  - `groupSize`: Change the size of the groups.
+  - `separator`: Change the group separator. (Caveat: If radix and separator are
+  the same, then the radix will default to '.'.)
+  - `decimal`: If set to `true` then the input will be given 2 decimal places,
+  if set some number then the input will be given that many decimal places.
+  - `radix`: Sets the radix that separates the decimal places.
+  - `digitsOptional`: Specify whether digits are optional (e.g. `97.00` vs. `97`)
+  - `prefix`: Sets a prefix to be displayed before the number (e.g. `$97.00`)
+  - `suffix`: Sets a suffix to be displayed after the number (e.g. `100%`)
+  - `min`: Sets the minimum value for the field
+  - `max`: Sets the maximum value for the field
+  - `unmaskAsNumber`: Unmasks the input as a number rather than a string (e.g. `1234.56` vs. `'1234,56'`)
+### US/Canada Phone Number Inputs (deprecated)
+{{phone-number-input unmaskedValue=foo extensions=false}}
+Masks a US/Canada phone number with the format `(999) 999-9999`. The
+`extensions` option can be set to `true` to allow up to 4 digit extensions
+`(999) 999-9999 x 9999`. Note that if `greedyMask` is set to `false`, which is
+the default, then you have to press space or 'x' to activate the extension part
+of the mask when entering.
+NOTE: There is a "phone" alias included in Inputmask, but when
+I tried using it, I encountered slowness and freezeups. It is much more general
+than this tag, however.
+### US SSN Inputs
+{{ssn-input unmaskedValue=foo}}
+Masks a US SSN code (`999-99-9999`).
+### US ZIP Code Inputs (deprecated)
+{{zip-code-input unmaskedValue=foo fullCode=false}}
+Masks a US ZIP code. If `fullCode` is set to `true`, then it will enable the
+user to enter an extended ZIP+4 code.