We have a new BRAND LOGO 🥳
💅 Now you can customize your notifications!!
To do this you can configure a set of tag styles using notification.style
configuration property like this
font-size: 3rem
margin-top: 2rem
font-size: 2rem
margin-top: 3rem
Close #67
New option to process las N
releases is available!! 🥳
useLast: 2
Will use the creation date of the 2nd latest release to process pull requests
Release sections have not the required relevance as they are decorated with ##
as any other issue.
To solve this we move section decorators #
to configuration object, this allow users to configure as many #
as they want.
- Added
option to modify start date filter in pull requests query
- Improve teams activity cards styles
- Check for
existence instead of publish flag to execute webhooks
With this option you can add any filter you like in pull request query
filter: 'is:closed'
We need graphql-import-node to be installed in production
So we moved it from devDependencies
to dependencies
This release will add some powerfull options like an asset pusher #27 and TEAMS notificator #15
We are supporting teams notification!! 🥳 🥳
First configure webhooks in your TEAMS channel
Then edit your releasenotesrc
url: # <your webhook url>
Now publishment method can publish any file you specify under assets
- package.json
This is usefull por CI workflows that require to update multiple files like increasing package version or updating changelog.
- Added ignored labels option
- in-release-note
We are glad to announce our first release version 1.0.0.
With this version you will be able to generate your own RELEASE-NOTES.md
and share it with your users to give them a deep insight of what's in your latest release 🚀 !!
We support .yml
and .json
formats with these options
Options | Default | Description |
token | GITHUB_TOKEN |
Authorization token. This will allow rng to access your repo! |
Repository name with user/repo format |
out | '.' |
Base path where RELEASE-NOTES will be generated |
Output file name |
labels | [ 'release-note' ] |
Only PRs with these labels will be used in generation process |
split | false |
If true one file will be generated per iteration, and will be stored under a release_notes folder in out directory |
publish | false |
If true the output file will be commited to repo |
message | chore: update RELEASE-NOTES |
Commit message |
branch | main |
Branch where output will be uploaded |
Title used in output markdown |
decoration | Decoration object | Icon decoration for each issue type |
💻 You can use RNG in command-line with rng
// rng --help
bin.js generate Generates Release Note markdown [alias: gen]
bin.js publish Pubish Release Note in your repo [alias: pub]
--version Muestra número de versión [booleano]
--help Muestra ayuda [booleano]
There are two available commands generate
and publish
// rng generate --help
Generates Release Note markdown
--version Muestra número de versión [booleano]
--help Muestra ayuda [booleano]
-c, --configuration Configuration file path [cadena de caracteres]
-o, --output, --out Output path [cadena de caracteres]
-n, --name Output file name [cadena de caracteres]
-a, --auth Manual creadentials input [booleano]
-r, --repo Repo in format user/repo [cadena de caracteres]
-m, --message Commit message [cadena de caracteres]
-p, --publish Publish output to your repo [booleano]
-v, --verbose Makes the script verbose [booleano]
-i, --interactive Executes interactive version of the script [booleano]
// rng publish --help
Pubish Release Note in your repo
--version Muestra número de versión [booleano]
--help Muestra ayuda [booleano]
-c, --configuration Configuration file path [cadena de caracteres]
-a, --auth Manual creadentials input [booleano]
-r, --repo Repo in format user/repo [cadena de caracteres]
-m, --message Commit message [cadena de caracteres]
-p, --publish Publish output to your repo [booleano]
-v, --verbose Makes the script verbose [booleano]
-i, --interactive Executes interactive version of the script [booleano]
For more info take a look at our DOCS