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Adyen Giving (donations) Integration Demo

Java CI with Gradle E2E (Playwright)

Run this integration in seconds using Gitpod

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NOTE: To allow the Adyen Drop-In and Components to load, you have to add https://* as allowed origin for your chosen set of API Credentials


This is a sample designed to demonstrate the Adyen Giving donations workflow. First make a test payment using one of our test card numbers, so you can see the donation screen appear.

Giving demo

Note: You need to have donations enabled in your Customer Area in order to receive the DonationToken.

Supported Integrations

The amount of payment methods supported for donations is limited. In this demo, you will find a use case centered around the use of cards. The Demo leverages Adyen's API Library for Java (GitHub | Docs).


  • Java 17
  • Network access to maven central


  1. Clone this repo:
git clone


  1. Set environment variables for the required configuration

Remember to include http://localhost:8080 in the list of Allowed Origins

On Linux/Mac export env variables

export ADYEN_API_KEY=yourAdyenApiKey
export ADYEN_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT=yourAdyenMerchantAccount
export ADYEN_CLIENT_KEY=yourAdyenClientKey
export ADYEN_HMAC_KEY=yourHmacKey

On Windows CMD you can use below commands instead

set ADYEN_API_KEY=yourAdyenApiKey
set ADYEN_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT=yourAdyenMerchantAccount
set ADYEN_CLIENT_KEY=yourAdyenClientKey
set ADYEN_HMAC_KEY=yourHmacKey

Alternatively it is possible to define the settings in the

  1. Start the server:
./gradlew bootRun
  1. Visit http://localhost:8080/ pick the Card component integration, follow the instructions, and after the payment you will be offered to make a donation.

To try out this application with test card numbers, visit Test card numbers. We recommend saving some test cards in your browser so you can test your integration faster in the future.

Testing webhooks

Webhooks deliver asynchronous notifications and it is important to test them during the setup of your integration. You can find more information about webhooks in this detailed blog post.

This sample application provides two webhook integrations exposed at /api/webhooks/notifications and /api/webhooks/giving, respectively to receive payment notifications and donation notifications. For it to work, you need to:

  1. Provide a way for the Adyen platform to reach your running application
  2. Add a Standard webhook in your Customer Area

Making your server reachable

Your endpoint that will consume the incoming webhook must be publicly accessible.

There are typically 3 options:

  • deploy on your own cloud provider
  • deploy on Gitpod
  • expose your localhost with tunneling software (i.e. ngrok)

Option 1: cloud deployment

If you deploy on your cloud provider (or your own public server) the webhook URLs will be the URL of the server


Option 2: Gitpod

If you use Gitpod the webhook URL will be the host assigned by Gitpod

Note: when starting a new Gitpod workspace the host changes, make sure to update the Webhook URL in the Customer Area

Option 3: localhost via tunneling software

If you use a tunneling service like ngrok the webhook URL will be the generated URL (ie

  $ ngrok http 8080
  Session Status                online                                                                                           
  Account                       ############                                                                      
  Version                       #########                                                                                          
  Region                        United States (us)                                                                                 
  Forwarding           -> http://localhost:8080                                       
  Forwarding           -> http://localhost:8080           

Note: when restarting ngrok a new URL is generated, make sure to update the Webhook URL in the Customer Area

Set up a webhook

  • In the Customer Area go to Developers -> Webhooks and create a new 'Standard notification' webhook.
  • Enter the URL of your application/endpoint (see options above)
  • Define username and password for Basic Authentication
  • Generate the HMAC Key
  • Optionally, in Additional Settings, add the data you want to receive. A good example is 'Payment Account Reference'.
  • Make sure the webhook is Enabled (therefore it can receive the notifications)

That's it! Every time you perform a new payment, your application will receive a notification from the Adyen platform.


We commit all our new features directly into our GitHub repository. Feel free to request or suggest new features or code changes yourself as well!

Find out more in our Contributing guidelines.


MIT license. For more information, see the LICENSE file in the root directory.