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//Strange snippet that lets you name the new Adjustment Layer before it's created//CC-BY Nik Ska, 2014var newAdj = this;newAdj.makeNewAdj = function(_name){ var activeComp = app.project.activeItem; var newName = _name || "New Adjustment Layer"; if(activeComp && activeComp instanceof CompItem){ var newAdj = activeComp.layers.addSolid([1,1,1], newName, activeComp.width, activeComp.height, activeComp.pixelAspect, activeComp.duration); newAdj.label = 5; newAdj.adjustmentLayer = true; newAdj.moveToBeginning(); }}newAdj.run = function(){ this.buildGUI(this);}newAdj.buildGUI = function(thisObj){ thisObj.w = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window("palette", "New Adjustment Layer", undefined, {resizeable:true}); thisObj.w.alignChildren = ['left', 'top'] var g = thisObj.w.add("group{orientation:'column', alignChildren: ['left', 'top']}"); g.add("staticText", undefined, "Set the name and hit Enter"); var nameEdit = g.add("editText", undefined, ""); nameEdit.size = [140, 25]; nameEdit.onEnterKey = function(){ thisObj.makeNewAdj(nameEdit.text); } if (thisObj.w instanceof Window){ thisObj.w.center(); thisObj.w.show(); } else thisObj.w.layout.layout(true);}newAdj.run();