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general : configuration
general : configuration
Tasks related to setting up and maintaining system configurations.
general : continuous delivery
general : continuous delivery
Tasks related to configuring continuous delivery pipelines to automate the release of updates.
general : continuous integration
general : continuous integration
Tasks focused on configuring and maintaining continuous integration pipelines to automate testing.
general : cross-team collaboration
general : cross-team collaboration
Tasks that involve collaboration or dependencies between different teams.
general : dependency update
general : dependency update
Tasks involving updating software dependencies to newer versions or fixing compatibility issues.
general : deployment
general : deployment
Tasks associated with deploying applications or updates to production environments.
general : deprecated
general : deprecated
Tasks focused on removing or refactoring deprecated features, functions, or libraries,
general ; documentation
general ; documentation
Tasks focused on creating, updating, or reviewing project documentation.
general : enhancement
general : enhancement
Tanks for improving the existing features or functionalities.
general : environment setup
general : environment setup
Tasks focused on setting up or configuring development, staging, or production environments.
general : feature
general : feature
New features or enhancements being added to the project.
general : feedback
general : feedback
Tasks related to collecting and responding to user or stakeholder feedback.
general : hotfix
general : hotfix
Tasks involving the immediate fixing of critical bugs or issues in production.
general : integration testing
general : integration testing
Tasks focused on testing interactions between different components or systems.
general : maintenance
general : maintenance
Routine tasks that ensure the system remains operational and efficient.
general : merge conflict
general : merge conflict
Tasks involving resolving merge conflicts when integrating branches or pull requests.
general : migration
general : migration
Tasks involving the transfer of data, applications, or systems from one environment to another.
general : milestone
general : milestone
Tasks related to reaching specific milestones or goals in the development process.
general : optimization
general : optimization
Tasks aimed at improving the performance, efficiency, or scalability of the existing code,
general : performance testing
general : performance testing
Tasks aimed at testing the performance and scalability of the application under load or stress.
general : planning
general : planning
Tasks involved in strategizing and organizing upcoming projects or sprints.
general : project setup
general : project setup
Tasks related to setting up new development environments, repositories, or project structures.
general : quality assurance
general : quality assurance
Tasks related to ensuring products meet quality standards through testing and review.
general : refactor
general : refactor
Tasks aimed at restructuring existing code or systems without changing their external behavior.
general : release
general : release
Tasks involving the preparation and management of releases to production.
general : research
general : research
Tasks focused on investigating new technologies, methodologies, or practices.
general : resources
general : resources
Tasks related to managing and allocating resources, including budget and personnel.
general : support
general : support
Tasks focused on providing assistance and troubleshooting for users or other team members.
general : system upgrade
general : system upgrade
Tasks involving upgrading systems or platforms used in the development process to improve.
general : task prioritization
general : task prioritization
Tasks related to reviewing, updating, or reorganizing the priority of tasks in the project backlog.