In addition to the course text book the I recommend the book, A Byte of Python
for those relatively new to programming. For an overview of the packages we will
be using in this course see example-0
and for help getting started look at
Some good places to find datasets are given below:
- World Bank
- Our World in Data
- UCI machine learning repository
- Office of National Statistics
- Harvard Dataverse
- Oxford internet survey
Here are some resources that might be helpful to you while writing up your assignments for this subject.
Some of these may be helpful for inspiration
- Advice on writing research articles from Andrew Gelman is something you should definitely read.
- The case for structuring the discussion of scientific papers suggests a decent structure to write your discussion around.
- Politics and the English Language by George Orwell is great, in particular the six rules given within.
- Write Simply by Paul Graham
- If you want to use LaTeX, the Overleaf documentation can be a very good resource.
Some of these may be helpful for mechanical corrections
- Tables Generator is an amazing free tool to generate tables for a range of documents: HTML, LaTeX and Markdown.
- Grammarly
- ludwig