The churn predictor model supports data with 3 formats
The churn prediction model performs a series of feature engineering steps. The
first of the many feature transformations involves a re-sample operation which
aggregates data into a fixed granularity/time-scale e.g. daily, weekly, or
monthly (defined by time_period
). If your data is already aggregated at a
granularity level that is of interest to you, then you can skip this step with
the option is_data_aggregated = True
| CustomerID | InvoiceDate | Quantity | UnitPrice |
| 17850 | 2010-12-01 00:00:00 | 8.62741312741 | 4.15194658945 |
| 17850 | 2010-12-02 00:00:00 | 9.96823138928 | 3.23171171171 |
| 17850 | 2010-12-03 00:00:00 | 6.73478655767 | 5.04727066303 |
| 17850 | 2010-12-04 00:00:00 | None | None |
| 17850 | 2010-12-05 00:00:00 | 6.01651376147 | 2.89657614679 |
| 17850 | 2010-12-06 00:00:00 | 5.52320783909 | 4.55873646209 |
| 17850 | 2010-12-07 00:00:00 | 8.43570705366 | 28.7384711441 |
| 17850 | 2010-12-08 00:00:00 | 8.59123536079 | 3.76957310162 |
| 17850 | 2010-12-09 00:00:00 | 6.37530266344 | 5.07181943964 |
| 13047 | 2010-12-10 00:00:00 | 7.35931834663 | 4.65013052937 |
The above data is already aggregated by day. This data can be used as is while training the model.
# Train a churn prediction model.
model = gl.churn_predictor.create(train, user_id='CustomerID',
features = ['Quantity'],
churn_period = churn_period,
is_data_aggregated = True)
In many cases, additional metadata about the users can improve the quality of the predictions. This includes geographic location, age, profession etc. We call this type of information user side data.
The user_data
parameter is an SFrame and must have a user column that
corresponds to the user_id
column in the observation_data
. The churn
prediction toolkit will automatically incorporate the user side data while
training the model.
side_data = gl.SFrame(
# Train a churn prediction model.
model = gl.churn_predictor.create(train, user_id='CustomerID',
features = ['Quantity'],
churn_period = churn_period,
user_data = side_data)
# Make predictions
predictions = model.predict(valid, user_data = side_data)
# Evaluate the model
evaluation_time = datetime.datetime(2011, 10, 1)
metrics = model.evaluate(valid, evaluation_time, user_data = side_data)
Note: Once a model is trained with user side information, the model does not store a copy of the user side data. That must be provided during every predict and evaluate call.