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Rare Word Trimmer

Removing words that occur below a certain number of times in a given column is a common method of cleaning text before it is used, and can increase the quality and explainability of the models learned on the transformed data. For instance, rare words are generally given higher weight in a TF-IDF transform. However, the rarest words are frequently misspellings of common words. Interpreting these words as informative is problematic in the modeling stage of analysis.

RareWordTrimmer can be applied to all the string-, dictionary-, and list-typed columns in a given SFrame. Its behavior for each supported input column type is as follows.

  • string : The string is first tokenized. By default, all letters are first converted to lower case, then tokenized by space characters. Each token is taken to be a word, and words occurring below a threshold number of times across the entire column are removed, then the remaining tokens are concatenated back into a string.

  • list : Each element of the list must be a string, where each element is assumed to be a token. The remaining tokens are then filtered by count occurrences and a threshold value.

  • dict : The method first obtains the list of keys in the dictionary. This list is then processed as a standard list, except the value of each key must be of integer type and is considered to be the count of that key.


If the SFrame to be transformed already contains a column with the designated output column name, then that column will be replaced with the new output. In particular, this means that output_column_prefix=None will overwrite the original feature columns.

The output of the Tokenizer object produces valid list input for this method, and the output of the WordCounter object produces valid dict input.


- [Penn treebank tokenization](

Introductory examples

import graphlab as gl

# Create data.
sf = gl.SFrame({
...    'string': ['sentences Sentences', 'another sentence another year'],
...    'dict': [{'bob': 1, 'Bob': 2}, {'a': 0, 'cat': 5}],
...    'list': [['one', 'two', 'three', 'Three'], ['a', 'cat', 'Cat']]})

# Create a RareWordTrimmer transformer.
from graphlab.toolkits.feature_engineering import RareWordTrimmer
trimmer = RareWordTrimmer(threshold=2)

# Fit and transform the data.
transformed_sf = trimmer.fit_transform(sf)
    dict    dict
    list    list
    string  str

Rows: 2

|    dict    |      list      |        string       |
| {'bob': 2} | [three, three] | sentences sentences |
| {'cat': 5} |   [cat, cat]   |   another another   |
[2 rows x 3 columns]
# Save the transformer.'save-path')

Fit and transform

import graphlab as gl

# For list columns (string elements converted to lower case by default):

l1 = ['a','good','example']
l2 = ['a','better','example']
sf = gl.SFrame({'a' : [l1,l2]})
wt = gl.feature_engineering.RareWordTrimmer('a', threshold=2)
fit_wt =
transformed_sf = fit_wt.transform(sf)
    a   list

Rows: 2

|      a       |
| [a, example] |
| [a, example] |
[2 rows x 1 columns]
# For string columns (converted to lower case by default):

sf = gl.SFrame({'a' : ['a good example', 'a better example']})
wc = gl.feature_engineering.RareWordTrimmer('a', threshold=2)
fit_wt =
transformed_sf = fit_wt.transform(sf)
    a	str

Rows: 2

|     a     |
| a example |
| a example |
[2 rows x 1 columns]
# For dictionary columns (keys converted to lower case by default):
sf = gl.SFrame(
...    {'docs': [{'this': 1, 'is': 1, 'a': 2, 'sample': 1},
...              {'this': 1, 'IS': 1, 'another': 2, 'example': 3}]})
wt = gl.feature_engineering.RareWordTrimmer('docs', threshold=2)
fit_wt =
transformed_sf = fit_wt.transform(sf)
    docs    dict

Rows: 2

|              docs             |
|  {'this': 1, 'a': 2, 'is': 1} |
| {'this': 1, 'is': 1, 'exam... |
  [2 rows x 1 columns]