Here’s a summary of the AG2 Project governance process:
- Purpose: The document outlines how the AG2 Project will be governed, shifting control from AG2AI, Inc. to the AG2 community over time.
- Mission Statement: The goal is to establish the AG2 Project as the preferred open-source operating system for AI agents.
- Technical Steering Committee: A committee will oversee the technical aspects, initially having three members, with two from AG2AI, Inc. and one community member.
- Transition to Community Governance: The committee will set milestones to guide the transition to community governance, reassessing annually, with AG2AI, Inc. retaining at least one Technical Steering Committee seat.
- Voting and Decision Making: Decisions will aim for consensus; if not possible, a majority vote will be used. Major decisions require AG2AI's approval.
- Trademark Use: Guidelines govern how the AG2 trademarks can be used to maintain quality reputation and prevent confusion about sources.
- Open Contribution Process: Contributors must submit original work and secure permission from employers if necessary. Contributions are not confidential.
- Ethics: We adheres to a robust set of ethical principles developed and maintained by our community.
Read more details in the Charter of AG2.